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Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Back to it already! (Genjutsu Release) Empty Back to it already! (Genjutsu Release)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:28 pm
Kayla couldn't hold her joy much more. She just learned two E technique in a quite fast pace. Well good thing taking the fact she's eighteen year old. The girl lightly walk back to her place only to grab some food as she though to herself what other useful base technique she would need. Her eyes widen as she slam her hand on the table and quickly run back toward the academy. This time to her chance it was over and she didn't have to feel shy about all the student around. Her little hand knock at Kori door and smile at him. "Guess what! I once more need your help...I mean..If you do want to help me of course!" She said with a soft smile at him. He couldn't resist but no to her as he ask her what she needed. 

"Well...I need you to help me learn the Genjutsu Release...And well for that I need you to put me in one." She smile at him as he chuckle and nod to her. He motion her to come in the class and sit on a desk while he walk in front of his. 

"You only need the tiger sign and to flow Chakra through your entire body to break out of one. Make it flow rapidly and done..You should be out of it. That's unless it's a really strong gen. In that case...You might be stuck there but I will train you with a weak one and see where that goes alright?"

She nod lightly to him as he gave her a little tap on the shoulder and stand in front of her and look into her eyes. She look back at him waiting for something to happen. She stared into his eyes for a few minute before Kori chuckle lightly and smile at her. 

"You're suppose to release yourself." He said lightly making her blink in shock. Was she really trap in a gen and she didn't even realise it? What kind of jutsu was that. She though to herself as she tries to make a step forward but could now finally feel the heavy weight resting on her as Kori improved his focus to give her some issue. She frown heavily as she tries hard to raise her hands again his Gen. It was a lots harder than she though as she could barely get it in front of her and that was with her full focus. Her delicate finger raise into the Tiger position as she make all the Chakra flow through her body. Her Senju aura flashing around her as she feel the weight release from her shoulder and her body getting a lots less heavy to carry.

"Ughh..I didn't even realise I was in one before you told me I was..." She chuckle lightly and made him smile.
"That's because you weren't, I did my gen when I made you unsure about which reality was right and used that to lure you." He grin at her and tap on her side. "Good work though! See it wasn't that hard after all mhmm?" He give her a wide smile that she nod. 

"Aye! Thank you very much Kori! I'll be back REALLY soon for my Genin exam! Just need to rest a little and grab some food! Well mostly some food because that heavy thing was really energy consuming. "She chuckle as he nod at her. 
"Alright! Go eat! Hope you have fine result with your test!" He gave her another tap on the side as she leave to grab a cookie to reward her of her hard work.

(Word Count 611  +3 Stats and Genjutsu Release =D)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Back to it already! (Genjutsu Release) Empty Re: Back to it already! (Genjutsu Release)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:31 pm
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