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kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:12 am
kirito was right at the organ when he decided to mess with them he decided to round house kick the girl playing the organ in the face and then flip back away from them both now having them both at full attention he could really have this fight he still had the technic he had remember in his mind thinking it might come in handy so when the puppet came near he would use it and break that stupid puppet  temporarily anywayhe would be ahead if all goes according to plan but that rarely happens he grins as he imagines the girl flying across the training ground flying away from the organ getting that white dress dirty.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:34 am
Unfortunately his attempt to thwart their music would be countered. THe boy missed the attack she'd thrown to counter him, it's timeline set up to cut his foward momentum. The three rocks would crash into his body before he was able to raise from his slide, knocking him over and away from the organ.

"Those who have seen you face, draw back in fear. I am the mask you wear..." Rei continued, her labored breath from the exertion causing a slight vibrato as her voice waivered. She was struggling with her pitch, a fact that bothered her more then the situation itself. Why was she concentrating so hard on the performance. Was this classical conditioning? She hated her sister.

Finally rei would have full control over her body once more, Ash's concentration on the organ and her own verse and the now apparent threat to her very expensive musical instrument causing her to finally put some concentation on the world around her. Her brow furrowed behind the half mask. Was this boy trying to ruin her plans to become the next queen of cosplay? This would not stand.

"It's me they hear." Ash continued, answering her sisters part of the voice.

"my(your) spirit and your(my) voice, in one combined. The fantom of the opera is there, inside your mind."The verse would finish with two actions. First the two singing in unison to finish the verse, and second with the chakra strings attached to the three rocks connecting to the boy's body, though without sensory there would be no sign of this.

kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:47 pm
laughing the boy raised from the ground dusting him self off. he smile and said "you are very skilled." he decided to change his tactics and remembered his training from the academy and remembered that even tho he was a tiajutsu user he could still use his barriers so he would wait for and attack from the puppet and set up a fire barrier . hopefully he would beable to burn the puppet.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:48 am
His compliment would be met with a half smile and shrug of her shoulders. She was appreciative for the comment however she found it important to be humble in all things. If only her sister had learned this lesson, she thought as she shifted her stance to pull the meowth puppet back to herself. With a quick glance back towards her sister rei confirmed that the performance was nearly over. The music continued, Ash taking a far too long musical interlude that clearly no one actually wanted to hear, though that wouldn't ever stop her, and rei finally had a chance to speak agian.

"Sorry about that. My sister is um..... persistent when she's in the middle of a performance."
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:45 pm
'I completely understand that you and your sister are quite a pair."  Kirito as thinking  about how he could manage to use these sisters to his advantage. Kirito had a plan to follow but in order to fulfill that plan he needed some people to follow him. He could really use  their skills ."I have a question for the two of yall." Kirito had to word his question as to not raise any suspicion towards him self or give away his plan. "i was curious if yall would want to team up with me and help me I need a team I can trust and people that are loyal are hard to come byso what do you say ?"
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:35 pm
"Well. I need to take inventory of the current team situation to ensure that we find a good combination for our skills. As it stands We need a strong support ninja and someone with powerful range to back up our puppetry so those are high on the team mate list for me however once we see what you've got I'm sure I'll be able to more accurately decide if forming a team with you is the idea." Rei's response was calculated and precise. She'd been studying the genin she had came across, testing their strengths and their weaknesses through training and sparring to find a good match for her.... and she supposed her sister. Unfortunately that test had come up with nothing but taijutsu users so far and that just wouldn't do. She had a goal for the creation of her ninja team to help them gain power and create terrifying combination attacks. Ash however.... Was much more simple.

"Do you like cosplay? If you like cosplay we're in. "

"Ashareial. I just said I need to assess his skills to see if its a good fit for our group. That's a little more important then if he'll wear the rediculous outfits you've created when you should be studying jutsu." Rei was livid and it showed on her face. Ash was always too impulsive and it was a problem, but with this decision the rpoblem could end in death.

"Dont care. "
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:05 am
Kirito laughed a bit "yes I like cosplay but I also agree and understand were your sister s coming from as well so I will wait until she makes her mind up" Kirito was thinking that these girls were amazingly skilled and that they could help him accomplish his goals that he had set for him se and Kirito was very well aware that this plan would not be an easy task to accomplish.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:05 pm
"I apreciate that." Rei was impressed. It wasn't often that a potential team mate would take being told essencially no so well. usually it ended with them back tracking, either saying that the twins werent worth it and using her sister as the reasoning or by claiming they're too good for the pair. That alone brought his chances of joining forces were her up significantly.

"No chance. if you're willing to take my sisters opinions over mine which you clearly just did then I want no part of a team like this. " As quickly as she'd seemed to gain a potential team mate her sister's incompetence had nearly garanteed it was over. Of course what ash thought would not matter too teribly much. In the end she had last say simply because worst case she could divert Ash's attention long enough to make the team official and then she'd be stuck however this preemptive strike was problematic.

She decided it would be good to go ahead and disconnect from the situation before her sister made things any worse. "But um. We have some work to do so like.... Another time? It was fun training with you." As quickly as the words left her lips she was gone, scooping her sister up and tossing her over her shoulder kicking and screaming. They'd be gone in mere moments.

"What the actual hell are you doing" Rei would start just after having gotten out of range. "Sure he didn't seem too powerful but he was probably young. You could have cost us an increidble ally. I just really need you to think through what you say before you go and destroy everything i've built up. " The only response was a strike across her back from her upset sister. This would be a long day.

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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:25 pm

Approved unless interrupted <3
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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training with kirito uzumaki - Page 2 Empty Re: training with kirito uzumaki

Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:25 pm
Kirito  smiled at the girls response he hoped that the other one was more open minded to this situation. kirito was hoping to build a team of the best of the best but according to the rules of the chunin exams  of hoshi the teams have to have a three way battle of the fittest to make the rank of chunin.
Kirito was interested in making a team but if he needs to come to terms with maybe these girls wouldn't be on it but he would wait or a response from them the next time they meet. Kirito would be a lot stronger by then and the next time he would out maneuver her and make her submit he battle. kirito walked home thinking how he could have done better in his battle and realized that I he fought alone he would lose if he didn't get stronger so Kirito made it home and opened some scrolls and started studying maybe if he could find a partner like  pet to fight with him he would succeed better. but Kirito took his mind into studying taijutsu technics to try and study how to do them properly and become stronger then before.
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