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Loser Postulates [IO]

Haru Hyuuga
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:29 pm
The member 'Atlas' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 2
Haru Hyuuga
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:39 pm
(For Yen's benefiet, 2=Tails)
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:32 am
A challenge? In Normal cases the twins would've been ecstatic as they finally settled down. It was apparent that the kage had a few other ideas in the rattler as they observed the coin flipping. Wired how it seems as if when mortal safety was to take a change that time slows down a bit to take in everything that comes to the mind. Each action easily being a simple mistep but fatal alone in its own way. Yet the eternity of the coin falling in the kages hand and a symbolic ideal of "tails" was noted.

great so that is settled we get to fight for our lives against this other guy. Not haru as it seems. Unless of course that is the other objective within this. Clearly he's like that boy hysterio apparently a mess of thoughts and emotions. Or merely he was cracked on the head as a child. Either way he will be such a pain. Maybe it's better to end it here and give the poor soul a satisfactory win? Nah it's not worth that we make a show for our amusement and further just have a little fun here and there. Unless of course we must try?. Wait it's for our lives. Damn it. Such a pain to actually put oneself to fight for ones life as its necessary. How bland neku thought as he glanced at the one known as dio with a frown.

Segri didn't do much as glance at the coin but looked towards dio with a blank expression as he patted neku on the shoulder and nodded indicating it was time to actually take places in this tense moment. who is this guy anyway? If course if the kage knows of him then it's just that. Yet it doesn't please me to see he has some savage look like that idiot hysterio. Just where's the charm of that. Well dutifully so I assume we won't be playing any decent games here. So now what shall I do? Let him have fun with his perhaps dangerous hunger? Or do a boring fight? Both seem pretty uneven yet both are also dull. I'll simply protect neku as we might just have a little fun with that. Well I hope, if anything it'll turn out like haru and that was rather fun for but a moment. Maybe in this we can lighten up the atmosphere a bit. But clearly everyone is seeking a fight.

A simple stream of thoughts while segri placed himself shoulder to shoulder with neku and both now actually had a rather bored expression on their face as they looked the man up and down being as it was him that interrupted their amusing antics. Due to his choice of wording and such. Now it was him that was to be the focus. An amusing thought though came to mind. ooo what if lord xyxer actually made the crowd interact with this? Ah the creative fun and thoughts were what counts right? the twins thought as they now spoke up.

"Ready?" As simple as that was that left their mouth as they continued studying the individual.

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Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:09 pm
The crowd roaring meant little to the twins as well as the seemingly fun flare of the mans chakra which to segri he would place it close to neku alone. All on his mind as he continued forward towards their end of the arena on the edge of the wall like tight rope walking. They were calm and it looked as not much of a simple walk (speed:1) which was not much. was not much as even for cosmetic and acting fun they sped up to a brisk jog (speed:30) on the edge of the wall to appease his sensation of control of their emotions. Maybe they should fake a fight among themselves as they could finish that in the mans time of glorification. Yet that wasn't so. Instead the two.... remained silent as they simply thought on his words of them having "3 minutes" as their final 3 minutes of peace. final game huh... Well it's time I guess... time to make this a true game then.... Our final game and last moment to embrace the world as one... We will play real life then.... Sad isn't it. My final moments as the brother of segri. It's time... For a show stopper....[/color] neku thought as they hopped down from the wall. As the clock ticked down to the time of "2:55"

Neku would then glance at the clock as it ticked down to "2:53" as he decided one simple way to handle the fight at hand A final deal to make of course and a cruel game to play. A game easily mistaken But it was one that had to be played. As it was indeed his final game "2:51"neku came up to segri and hugged him drowning out the sound of the world as he was finally ready to play this last game. "2:45" whispering in his ear neku spoke as he spoke to him in but a whisper in his ear "Hug me segri. Recall thoes nights we slept. And know that I'll hand this hug to mother and father. This indeed is the final game. And understand that it's not for the village. It may please the village. Perhaps even the kage... But despite it all. This is your time to shine. It's your time to shoulder our legacy. As I was a brother but also the crutch that you leaned upon. A shinobi must discard that which blocks them. And the game calls one of Us to our duty. And it's you brother...." "2-35"

Segri now held his brother close and his hands trembled as he knew nonetheless it was pointless to argue. His body and heart ached as finally the blank face betrayed a single emotion. Fear and dispair... As he felt something almost break within him. It was like when their parents vanished only to be found dead. At least death was found. "2:30" The tears began to stream down his face as he knew what neku wanted him to do. Yet his body refused. play the game body. I have not a choice but to play the game....But why can't I move my arms? Why? segri thought. "2:25" what did it mean to protect that which one loved? That mystery was to be solved. But now segri waivered as he couldn't handle the task his own brother placed on him as his shoulders shook. "2:15"

Neku closed his eyes as he whispered once more. "Think of it as a game not that they understand. But a game only brothers know. A father dies for his children, a mother dies to feed their children. Even with their own body at extremes. But brother's die to protect brothers. Segri. We are an abomination to nature, and for once our actions spoke out to the world to label us that. You will be no hero. Now would you ever forgive yourself segri, but now is the actions of throes who make a impact or fade away. To them I'm but an ant, but we are more then that. Now it's time to embrace that. I see no better deaththen by your hug brother. Accept the last words I say" "1:45". Menu would say as he layed his head on segris shoulder.

"It is time to play segri!" Neku would shout his voice barely audible under the crowds noise. "1:30" Yet segri squeezed with all his strength his body crying and aching as he cried as the thin body of neku began to break under hus brothers grand strength. (Strength:94) A resounding crack could be heard across the arena. As the snapping of bones and muscles could be heard as neku was squashed under his brothers great strength his head even popping off the body that was as segri reached into his brothers chest and took out the heart of his brother as he with handling hands of a baby cradled the heart blood seeping out and his mess of blood and guts of his robes. "1:25"

Segri didn't know what made him do it. But for that instant he hand his brothers request in heart and mind. But now a bleeding heart remained as segri Sat down in the remains of his brother as he had long stooped feeling his tears flow down his face as he had not shouted. No in fact he didn't scream. As he reached down for his brothers head "1:02" segri stared down at his brothers head and was silent as he stated into the lifeless eyes of his brother. It mattered not that the crowd was blood thirsty or not whether they cheered or not. Even if dead silent segri cared not. It was only him and neku now. "Tell mother I said hello brother, tell father that we were not able to hold our own." Segri threw the remaining heart of neku towards the center of the arena (eh it lands whatever lol) yet his brothers bleeding head he held as glanced quietly at the figure across the arena. It wasn't that mans fault, it was his duty to fight for the village and further whatever sadistic hunger lies in the man as his orange eyes drilled a hole in the man. Segri spoke softly.

"0:35" "game over" the twin said lifting his dead brothers head to the mans head as he felt the remaining power from segri beginning to seep into his body. As he noted the gift of his brother beginning to grow within him the crutch has been lifted and now he was the brother that remained and brother that fought alone as he stood no longer shoulder to shoulder with his brother. "Play segri" the last two words ringing in his ears. "0:05"

It was time to act as segri hacked up a little blood as he felt his own body dying slowly from a held back grief and now a shattered heart. He needed to forge his own way now or fall. Yet it was a final game for neku but now the gravity of loss and life for segri. The grief stricken brother remained strong as he steeled his eyes now for combat. This man or feind before him was to be the first to feel the fraction of pain he embodied as now a lone brother. It was time


He remained seated in the mess of his brother. Only half of him his other half remained on the arena ground as there once were two brothers. As he violently hacked up more blood again. His body began to feel cold as he struggled to his feet gripping his brothers head with full strength shattering the skull and falling to his face. And kicking up. Some of the mess on the ground brother I need strength. I need to live. For us and now my body rejects me, my soul rebels against my will. Please give me strength. Neku segri would mentally plead. He was alone and defeated without a single blow. Yet if he were to fall should his will be weak. He would fall not by some unknown man but on the ground where his brother slept. He was not going to fall to this man.

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Alister Yama
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:58 pm
So segri continued to cough up blood. The simplicity of a such that while the opposition had hardly a clue what it was about nor cared was simply just. As who notices the symbolic resemblance of what makes one truely live on and breath on. Pretty hard to guage from an outside perspective. Yet the heat of a god awful slow fire ball didn't make the individual segri jerk up in fright nor fear. In fact he did quiet the opposite in fact. He merely smiled. What did it mean to actually fight for one's life? In either kill or be killed? Without another who could actually share his full soul and pain with it was meaningless to the remain in twin. All he could do was accept the defeat at hand. He had already died in fact. Taking the life of his own brother despite the strength nor skill one posesses does not enable one to just up and walk away. In fact with no one else to live for even his own body stopped moving as his breathing became labored and grief filled his heart. Drowning the boy.

I cannot play this game, not even this fool is able to make me budge. What does he know of loss of what's most dearest to him. Sometimes not even one's will can persist.  With nothing to gain my body fails me as this is the end. I fear no harm done as I have done more damage to myself then what he nor anyone can ever do. So this is merely nothing in comparison to what I truely seek. I'll be reunited with my brother and family. And leave the hell known as life behind. Besides the fight was over ever since the beginning. When we lost our own parents. We kept each other alive by playing games, by working as one, inseparable, and with one alive and one dead, it's a curse to live, and not follow  the other. To his own glorified earthly victory I'll give it to him. For there's no value in life once that which is most precious is taken.

Segri thought as the fireball came upon him. Even as he felt something come over him. The full force of nekus chakra entering and revitalizing him and something much more, it was not the same as feeling the fluxating chakra of the two dancing within one body. And suddenly like that the boy kneeled over as his body had finally given up fully. The most valued part of himself well before the fire ball made impact had killed the boy.

There was no flash back or such. His only thoughts was what was ahead of him. He was free of the mortal bound curse as it was known as life. And in the reaches of his own world. A world where they were all back together and at peace, "I turn my back on the way of the chaotic ninja for its not a path we chose but were born in. But here we can choose our paths, and places, not without a prejudice thought. But with  a helping hand."

Within the real world of course the fire ball would incenerate a corpse long since dead and all that remained was a pile of burned and incenerated meat, or perhaps shoes even of comedic value segri wouldn't even feel the pain as he was already dead. To a satisfactory of the individuals in question it would look clean. Unless those who payed close enough attention would see that the battle was not a battle for the man to win. But sadly didn't even participate even his actions meant little to nothing in whole as he could've sat there and watched as a boy die from greif before his very eyes. Yes it's like watching a person age 50 years from pure fright except disheartening. No one should watch as their very body fails and falls apart with sorrow. Unable to continue. There was no accepting the world around them,  but them dying from the world within them. Now that is a true death.

(Chars ded)
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:14 am
Haru watched as the scene unfolded, a rather unexpected exchange taking place. In his encounter with them, Haru had found the twins to be rather arrogant, and yet here they were, facing the end, and faltering. One killed the other, Haru really couldn’t tell which, nor did he really care about it all that much. However, he did see the value in their bodies. They had chakra to take, and Haru realized now that he may have the opportunity. Thankfully, the last clone standing wasn’t burned badly enough to destroy his chakra circulatory system, lying there, a pile of singed flesh.
”Lord Mizukage.” He uttered, only audible to Xyxer. ”Shall I dispose of the bodies? I know a technique to absorb the chakra from other people, and I’d like to try it out on them.” He explained, still only audible to Xyxer.
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Loser Postulates [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:50 pm
Watching the events unfold, Xyxer rubbed his thumb against his forefinger idly, waiting for the entertainment. It appeared that there would in fact be none, as one of the twins had Judas'd the other before almost instantly being cremated. This was a bad turn of events, and a rather dull event when all was said and done. He almost started to wonder whether doing the paperwork would have been more entertaining this when Haru snapped him out of such cold thoughts. He wanted to absorb the chakra of one of them, which could indeed prove useful later on, unless of course Youta alerted him to his lies, but what's life without a little spice? Nodding his head, he spoke briefly to him, "Bury them afterwards." With that, he simply stood up and left the area, refusing to dignify such a short event with any closing speech.


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