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Loser Postulates [IO]

Haru Hyuuga
Segri & Neku Synui
Kozue Senju
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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:29 pm
Rolling his thumb under his fingers, Atlas was stationed upon his stone throne for this meeting. Seated opposite to him was Haru Hyuuga, a former toy turned into a useful accomplice. Upon the cluttered desk was a variety of paperwork that the two most likely were filling out in order to allow the male to exit the village and go upon his task. However, one of the ANBU guarding the door alerted the men inside that Kozata, a familiar murderer to Atlas, had arrived. With him were two alleged terrorists, and of course, with Kirigakure being a village with no tolerance for crime despite the indulgences of their leader, his punishment would be quite severe. Nodding his head, the ANBU messaged back to the other to send the boy up to the chambers.

Once he had arrived, he bashed the head of the twins together and he could not help but smile.. these were the familiar pincushions. They had been the ones who Hysterio had stomped over to get his power. Had they tried to imitate his lust for power, but gone in the worst way possible for someone inside of his village? This was irrelevant however, as the slight curve of his lips remained pointed upwards, his eyes dancing between both Kozata and Haru, "Well, what should we do with these little rascals?" Of course, he already knew what he was going to do, but knowing what your companions thought was the best course of action was a valuable asset to a leader in order to learn of those he shepherds.
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:26 am
(Shen with map awareness I call bs)

The hard clacking of their heads banging into one another was quiet painful as this shock of pain woke up the twins. Roughly if one were to guess the mizu was merely moe as segri took the role of curly as for neku alone was larry. That aside from the schematics of the incident the twins glanced down noting the carpet of the kage office. While lifting a hand up to rub their heads. Of course their fun training had to just be interrupted as a blackout only assumed that one was to be knocked out yet there was little surprise to the twins as they figured in that instant they must've crossed some invisible line in ruling? That or mitako ran off and cried wolf similar to the other boy with the weird wires in his body. so now we can actually meet Lord xyxer and clearly the individual who decided to intervene with our fun seems to dislike a sense of comedics. How adorable! Maybe we can have some fun with said individual. Oh the irony when we catch a pigeon a hawk gets within my sights. Tis a pity I don't get to act right now so for now for the respect and love of xyxer I'll sit by

Neku thought as he had now a throbbing headache and answered a random intervals of such. "Yeah who would think brain rattles are so effective. Feel like I got hit by a mountain." neku spoke hoarsly as he cleared his throat. And remained still on the ground only speaking.

Segri only rubbed his head and remained silent keeping his thoughts to himself for right now as neku remained chatty especially after some random person decides to jump in his way of his fun. It was pretty amusing naturally to the twins but this was a semi serious situation that required a bit more of a calm mind so with that he let neku do the talking for right now. Yet he had to admit the boredom was quickly lifted for awhile for the twins in his opinion, but their fun as they noted was greatly different from the fun of the other shinobi..
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:38 pm
Leaning on the table, looking bored as can be, Haru wanted for nothing more than a distraction from this paperwork. After a day like yesterday, he wanted for nothing LESS then bureaucratic annoyances such as these. Seriously, how much paperwork was needed to record a murder? He was almost thankful that this distraction appeared, in the form of the twins he had met before, who had apparently rampaged throughout the village. Clicking his tongue, he turned his chair to face them so he didn't look like some kind of dumbass, looking over his shoulder and whatnot, leaning back against the desk as he listened to Kozata. 

As the boys awoke, Haru would click his tongue in disappointment.
"Didn't I tell you two to stay out of trouble?" He would ask sarcastically, shrugging at Xyxer's comment. "I'd just execute them on the spot. A crime like that against the village shouldn't be taken lightly." He offered, scratching his head and frowning at the twins. It was annoying to see someone you considered as a possible student do something stupid like that. The closest any of his other students had come would have been Altar trying to kill him, but that had been under orders.

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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:37 pm
Listening to what was to be said by all parties, a faint smile remained upon Xyxer's lips. It appeared that the twins did not truly understand the gravity of the situation, but that would be revealed almost imminently to them. Haru had suggested a simple, quaint execution, whereas Kozata had suggested a more thoughtful approach. Interesting characters. Pushing away from the stone throne, he smiled at the group and started to leave the building, assuming the others would follow him. "There's only one way to deal with this lawfully, and fairly. At least, in the eyes of the shinobi of Old Kirigakure." Considering he was pretty much the sole survivor of Kirigakure who practiced their ruthlessness, it was a pretty safe gamble that nobody could overrule him. As he walked, a crowd started to follow the group until they reached the old arena that was used for the Chuunin exams. The crowd fluttered into seats as Xyxer himself took his other throne in the arena. It was nice to see this area put to good use. "They will fight for their lives. If they win, they gain their freedom, if not, well.. that's unfortunate." Shrugging his shoulders, he removed a single coin from his pocket, peering over at Haru, "Heads or tails?"
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:22 pm
(Ah well time for some actual fun)

all these suggestions of suitable punishment... How lame. Problem is that perhaps there's another way but.... We can go through this one of course. Seems so much lighter then what went through my own mind heh...[/i ] the twins looked for once uncomfortable actually shifted in their seat as a drop of sweat droped down the side of their faces yet not at the others suggestions or anything. Completely voided as they would say as harus words made sense but still can't stifle their boredom. The fact that their own thoughts were more terrifying then that of the kages idea was perhaps the frightening part. Fighting for one's life of course an executable style of the past and very useful to deem one's innocence well once of course. However the gravity was indeed much greater then that. So it's better to do what was within the lines. Or was it? Fleeing was out of the question and now came the even greater question of was it right to add a twist?

That awnser was different as segri as he merely walked beside him now not as one but two seperate individuals. [i]guess I gotta actually get serious and for once fight. How many splinters snap beneath the force of a single hand? Or should the heads roll about aimlessly sad that I'll actually have to use my full strength I was hoping I could actually cruise through the village at half power. Oh well. Let the massacre begin....
a sigh escaped segri as he rolled his shoulders debating whether or not he had a chance to still wing it a bit and still go by.

Meanwhile neku remained silent The kage games were rather schematics of entertainment as he noted and further the random fool as he called the one named dio was rather insistent. Maybe a kind handshake outta do it to shut the individual up. But then again he thought better of it for in the presence of the mage he would behave. Besides a fight to the death? What's the harm in that? Not much by the twins standard. There's much worst then death as haru would know from their explanation so this would be merely a gift to the twins naturally. much too kind of course Lord xyxer after this we shall speak further on this simple matter. Unless of course you have me fight segri for my life then that's a true punishment. No brother would be be standing as a true result it'll be too hard to handle such a loss in my shoes. But of course where's the mind reader?

The twins by now simply stood in the middle of that messy arena used by the chuninn exams and glanced up at the kage simply relaxed as they awnsered him. "Heads in water"
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:47 pm
Haru resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
Let me guess, another test He thought sarcastically as he followed Xyxer, to be, unsurprisingly, proven correct. Xyxer sure did love his public displays of strength. He took his place next to Xyxer, not bothering with a mask, as he had already been spotted, and donning one would blow his cover. Instead, he simply stood there at attention at Xyxer's side. Xyxer turned to Haru and asked him "Heads or tails?" Somewhat humorously, the twins answered for him, in creepy unison, making some kind of reference to drowning.

"-I'll keep that in mind, kiddos, but I think he was talking to me." He cut in darkly, turning to the Mizukage. "Well, I think they've picked for me. Heads." He said simply, eying the two kids. Traitors to the village didn't deserve mercy, and he was all too willing for the chance to drain some chakra.

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Loser Postulates [IO] Empty Re: Loser Postulates [IO]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:29 pm
Nodding his head at all of the people involved, somewhat surprised that the twins were willing to sit through this judgement. If it had been him, he most likely would have tried to kill as many people as possibly before he was forced to engage in such an activity. Not all men are cut from the same cloth, he reminded himself as the small coin flipped through the air, landing upon the back of Xyxer's hand.

Naturally, he assumed the loser of the coin toss would leave the arena, and that the combatants remaining did not instantly try to kill each other, but rather, waited for a few seconds. Honour and all.
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