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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:39 am
Hikashi went off into her own little train of thought and completely ignored Sabrina. Kurame could be dead right now... he could be taken away and lying dead. She would look noticeably unsettled while the thoughts of Kurame's organs being spread out somewhere haunted her. Just picturing the blood spilled from her own brother, because she wasn't there to help him.... it just felt wrong. She had tried to...
"Hikashi, Why did you try to drown me earlier?"
Damn it pissed her off when the Toru talked. It was all either nitpicking or just mean comments. She had tried shouting, but that never worked. She took another bite of the food and tried to ignore the Toru.
"This tastes amazing!"
Hikashi was enjoying the food as the Toru became more angered by Hikashi blatantly ignoring it.
"Lady Hikashi, you should take responsibility for the house fire and maybe explain to me why you trapped yourself in a bubble. What on earth were you thin..."
Hikashi's forehead got a noticable nerve showing as Sabrina began to talk about leaving.
"I would absolutely love to leave."
The Toru was annoyed by Hikashi interrupting her and treating her like garbage. Hikashi was watching as Sabrina was spinning her umbrella in the air without a single care in the world. Sabrina spoke before the Toru could and Hikashi quickly talked over the Toru.
"I'd love to leave. I am ready to go right now!"
She grabbed the Toru's mouth and held it shut. The Toru struggled as Hikashi walked and was able to escape the grasp.
Hikashi tried not to kill the damn thing. She began to argue with the ghost looking doll on her chest.
"I was trying to kill myself and take you with me so you wouldn't have to deal with it. I figured since you are some kind of jellyfish mutation, you wouldn't care. What kind of responsibility do I have? Stand there and fucking watch my parent's corpses rot and realize my life has gone to hell overnight? Fuck you damn Toru."
The Toru looked immensely pissed as they made a scene. Hikashi was tearing up all over again and really felt like harming the damn thing to stop it. It was her friend after all, could she really lay a finger on it?
"I am appalled you would respond so... immaturely."
Hikashi grew a death stare and her hand's shook slightly. Damn this thing had to go away and fast.
"I will have you know I could leave anytime I want to and leave you to die out in the real world. You have a responsibility to act in a orderly manner and get help as you wait for your brother to return home safely. And oh please, your life is barely hard at all, seeing as you get to just read books all day and hang out with ninja. Grow up."
Everything told her to just end the Toru's life, but she couldn't bring herself to doing it. Hikashi gritted her teeth and wondered if this thing would die off soon.
"The discussion is over."
Hikashi had a sturdy and acidic tone to her voice as she silenced the Toru. Everything inside of her wanted the death of the Toru, but she couldn't bring herself to doing it.
"Sorry for you to hear that Sabrina."

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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:56 am
Sabrina was cheerful, as Hikashi decided to continue their little trek together, but soon, she started arguing with her boob ghost, and it made Sabrina a little unhappy. Listening to the edgy teen's words bite the polite puppet, she wanted to step in, but decided against it, as she didn't know anything about the two of them, or their relationship, really. Looking around back and forth, she let out a nervous smile when Hikashi apologized. "O-Oh, it's fine." She scratched her head, and glanced around, and soon began walking with Hikashi again, glancing over at her every now and again to see if she was okay.

As they were walking, a voice boomed out from behind them, annoying Sabrina immensely. "You probably shouldn't be holding her umbrella; that was gift!" The voice said, as it quickly got closer. Looking back, Sabrina felt her heart surge in her chest. For some reason, this man was as hot as, if not hotter, than Hikashi, as if they shared some features. Regardless, she felt herself melt just looking at him, sighing happily. It's not every day you're blessed with two attractive people, both of which are either approaching or following. "Hello~!" She cooed to him, waving him over. From the looks of him, he had jet black hair, as well as wearing a pretty tidy looking navy blue outfit. When shaking hands with him, she felt a little jolt of electricity leave him, as if he had been running around on a carpet in a onesie. Shaking her hand a little, she looked around sheepishly.

"W-Well, I'm just borrowing it... The sun is too h-harsh for me..." She says, blushing a dark red.

Grinning, the other man looked down at Hikashi, winking. "Hey, sis. Haven't seen you in a while."

Kurame nodded to himself, and looked down at her. "You seem to be different. You've been training a lot?"

As a matter of fact, Kurame seemed to be a bit different himself. He had a cruel look in his eye, though his demeanor was the same as before. He gently ruffled his sister's hair. "Why don't you have your umbrella?" He asks, ignoring the vampire woman's answer completely.

[2562 WC]

Last edited by Bubels on Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:17 am
Sabrina seemed a bit upset by everything, Hikashi could only hope nothing worse could happen today. Hikashi has had one two many emotional moments.... wait a second! She heard Kurame's voice boom about her umbrella. Every single bone in her body went stiff as she saw Kurame. Sabrina seemed to have been just as surprised by Kurame or was she just attracted to him? Seeing Sabrina blush so harshly made Hikashi loosen up a bit and almost smirk. Kurame winked at Hikashi as she wanted to flip a coin to see whether she should be happy or angry to see Kurame here. After a comment about training, Hikashi shook a little. She was going to respond until it seems Kurame had a more... menacing expression. Her brother seemed to have also flat out ignore Sabrina, something felt wrong.
"Kurame where the hell have you been? Last I saw the house was burning and our parents were dead... why the fuck do you just approach me and just completely disregard to mention such an event?"
She was upset by Kurame, but she was immensely glad to see him alive. Maybe now she can figure out who burned her house down or the better question of where Kurame was the entire time.

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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:04 am
Kurame smiled down at his sister, her barrage of questions brushing over him like the wind as he ignored Sabrina. "Well, I don't know what you're talking about." He responds, looking over at Sabrina and scoffing quietly-- but not quietly enough. Sabrina frowned, backing up a little, as she looked at Hikashi. 'Was her brother always this horrible...?' She thought to herself, feeling the urge to run away. "H-Hikashi, what happened?" She asks, trying to engage her in conversation. Kurame sneered. "Hey, Kashi, we should go and do something together. Like, get ice cream or something." He glances at Sabrina again. "Sorry, kid, but I can't take you. Go home." He glared at Sabrina, and she couldn't help but nod, looking away. She felt tears in her eyes, and she quickly closed them.
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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:32 am
Hikashi felt her body feel numb as Kurame brushed off these questions and acted like he had no idea and had no care at all. To see him go as low as to scoff at her new friend might be another straw. Hikashi tried to respond in time to Sabrina to maybe let her in on what happened, but it seems Kurame couldn't get over himself. Hikashi felt her legs tense up as Kurame sneered. The words spoken from Kurame's mouth made Hikashi cringe a little, but nothing was close to how he gave Sabrina a death stare. Seeing Sabrina look away, she could only assume at this point she would be crying as a confused vampire. The rain lady looked directly into Kurame's eyes, or was it through them? Something deep inside of her wanted him dead right now. Right inside of her soul, she would imagine a world where Kurame was laying on the ground bleeding to death as she could only feel bad for making a mess. Hikashi felt sick for Kurame being this much of a prick and for having the thoughts she has.
"Look Kurame, you can't go on your merry way talking down my friend and acting so... fucking disgusting. I remember awhile back you seemed to actually care... maybe it will bring you comfort that I almost killed myself at the thought that you were dead.... You make one more rude statement to put down my friend and you might realize what hard work really amounts to asshole."
She bit her lip as more and more images of his rotting corpse flashed through her mind. Hikashi shook a little as she kept thinking "make this stop." At least she knew that she couldn't harm a single bone in his body.... god knows what happens then. Damn all she could think about was about how much in common she had with the vampire. No, she wasn't going to put down her humanity over something as simple as this. A death like this would be so... satisfying. Her mind raced too quick for her to take in. She felt like she was on a chair by a cliff slowly tilting back and fourth. Who knows what happens when she falls and would she ever want to see the day that happens? No she wasn't going to let this happen, she shut out the thoughts and stood strong.

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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:56 pm
Kurame poked Hikashi's head, smirking. "Little emo. Good thing you didn't kill yourself, then I'd be stuck with this weirdo." He points a thumb to Sabrina, sneering yet again. Sabrina began shaking softly, feeling panic rise within her, before she tried to walk away, still carrying the umbrella. "Give that damn umbrella back, you bitch." Kurame called to her. Sabrina walked back over and handed him the umbrella, and he gave a victorious smirk, before quickly letting out a yelp. Attempting to punch Sabrina in the face, a look of anger crossed his face. She moves back just fast enough, but she still looks a little surprised. "Fuck you." Hisses from her lips, as she pulls another kunai out of her bag and attacks this asshole.

Although she tried to keep to herself, this man kept pushing her, until she couldn't bear to see him stand there, much less continue breathing. 'He needs to die.' played in her head over and over again, seemingly with the beat of her heart. Kurame quickly pulls the first kunai Sabrina threw into his arm and, as he bled, Sabrina felt herself quiver. 'He needs to die.' Another small shake wracked her body momentarily, as she felt her breathing turn into hisses of air entering and exiting her body. 'He needs to die.' The thirst for blood grew apparent on her face, and her pupils dilated slightly, and she hissed at Kurame. A strange visage crossed Kurame's face before he attempted to end this creepy girl's spree of attacks. Sabrina quickly blocked a few attacks, but she ended up getting slashed herself quite a few times, only doing about half the amount of damage to Kurame. As she felt her anger get the best of her, she could no longer see anything but red. 'He needs to die.'

'He needs to die.'
'He needs to die.'
'This monster needs to fucking die.'

This is when their fight would begin to change, if Hikashi did not interrupt. With the lust to kill within the two, Kurame and Sabrina began attacking each other with the kunai. Although they were more or less evenly matched, it was obvious that Sabrina wouldn't be able to block Kurame's assault for very long.

Last edited by Bubels on Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:18 pm
The dark abyss in Hikashi pulled like a black hole when Sabrina got hurt. She grabbed her head and fell to her knees feeling the rush hit her head. Hands trembling she tries to beg Kurame to stop now the best she can. Water began to run out of the pores in her skin as she felt like hell was swallowing her up. The triggers all over were going off on this drive by on her existence. The kunai held in their hands made Hikashi choke as she grabbed her chest tightly.
"Please stop...!"
A rush of thoughts through her mind weakened enough for her friend to step in. It was too late, even her vision was distorted.
"Kill Kurame. He will kill your friend then overpower you."
Her suffering stopped as she felt the demon's embrace. It seemed so... logical. The suffering was lifted when she planned the kill. She had no hesitation in her weakened state.... she had no morals...
Speaking in a different, more deep and raspy tone of voice, she looked at Kurame with a face of a killer.
"You aren't Kurame. He cares for people, but you....."
She cleared her throat.
"...deserve to..."
Hikashi brought out a kunai trying to decide which spot lets Kurame bleed the most while looked a little thrilled.
"...never speak again."
The rain lady threw the kunai right for Kurame's intestines as she sprang to choke him to death. The feeling of not a lust, but a need was filling her veins. The end to a suffering laid behind the light falling from Kurame's smug eyes. In the end, this was all much too thrilling to stop now.

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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:57 pm
The kunai did indeed hit Kurame, though it didn't pierce him as deep as the two would have liked. "Urgh..." He muttered, moving back, pulling out the kunai and covering his wound. As he took steps back, holding the two kunai, he looked back and forth from the two ninja. "I'm going to kill you... Both of you..." He hissed at them, blood moving rather quickly from his stomach-wound. Although he was eyeing up the other two ninja, Sabrina was staring at something else.

The craving for blood began to rise to more than Sabrina could really control, and she felt... Scared. Her eyes trained on Kurame, she moved into a more feral position, her body tensing. The coils of her muscle bulged underneath her clothes, before she ran at Kurame, jumping up, and attempting to bite into his neck. Of course, he blocked, causing Sabrina to lose hope, but then her fighting spirit returned again. With her sharp teeth caught into his skin, she ripped out a chunk of his arm, causing him to scream in pain as blood gushed from the wound. Quickly grabbing some cloth and covering his wound, he quickly made a dash for it. Hungrily licking the blood off of the ground, she hissed as dirt got onto her tongue. Looking over at Hikashi, she hissed again.

She had a new target.
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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:19 pm
Hikashi felt it... she felt all of it... the blood trickling, the pounding in her chest for Kurame's death. She pulled out another Kunai and was ready to strike as she was up on her feet. Hikashi ran from the side at the same time as Sabrina and went in with a stab right into the neck as well as grabbing his wrist at the same time as Kurame began to lift his arm to defend against the vampire chick. His vision should have been blocked well by Sabrina's body as well as his arm leaving a perfect right handed stab into his neck. The blow would be timed milliseconds after Sabrina's nice bite, leaving Kurame immobile from the force of a body being thrown at him, unable to strike or block immediately with the grab of his wrist, and very much unable to even able to react with his legs to withstand the vampire chick rushing into him. The cut would be clean right through the spinal cord paralyzing him in the best scenario while leaving him most likely helpless to his death Hikashi could only hope the fight would finally be over as she wanted to enjoy every single stab to find peace against her demon. It filled with her with great joy and pleasure to imagine telling the last of her family that they shouldnt mess dare touch a bone in her body.

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The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina] - Page 2 Empty Re: The toothpick meets the edgy chick [p/Sabrina]

Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:38 pm
(552 houring, gonna exit from inactivity.)

Blood, dripping, pouring, gushing everywhere to everything. The nectar of life covered Hikashi as she stabbed right through Kurame's neck. The demon inside of her, did the worst form of torture it could by releasing her after the kill. Hikashi's eyes widened as the crimson droplets over her dress left her soaked from head to toe. Her face showed nothing, absolutely nothing. She was shocked to the core by the slicing of her brother's neck. First mom, dad, now her brother... she was a monster. Regaining her humanity, she looked at Sabrina unable to even speak another word. Hikashi raced through her mind trying so desperately to figure out how to live with the information presented to her. Every bone and muscle in her body wanted to lay stiff next to her brother, but she couldn't let an entire family be reduced to nothing. She regained her things like a guilty little girl and the rain that began to pour over her washed the blood from her body. The rain that would never end, the guilt that could be never broken. She puts up her umbrella as the skies darken and take a last good look at Sabrina before trying so helplessly to find anywhere safe for her to go. The Toru lay silent, unable to understand what happened as Hikashi swore she could see the scene being replayed over and over again on the side of a house. With a cold, bitter scowl, she weaved the rat and bird hand sign as her chakra network ebbed to her grief. She whispered what she had heard the jutsu called in a book as she made the hand movement to throw out 5 needles out at the wall made from the rain around her. She looked back with a blank stare at Sabrina.
"Where were you?"
She whispered under her breath, blaming the vampire for everything. Maybe someday, they would meet again, but secretly Hikashi wished this all died off with Sabrina. Hikashi felt the burning stings of her humanity as she turned away and walked from the murder. Her hands were once stained with blood, now the rain was washing them off. The rain was some kind of following cover, wasn't it? Wherever she killed, the rain seemed to follow, it's no wonder her chakra network followed with it. She could almost still see the blade going into her Brother as she sobbed silently under her umbrella.

14 Stats for Hikashi and her Familiar (Toru)
Water Release: Water Needles (2,000/2,000)
Hiding in the Water (2,000/2,000)
Remaining 1,280 words for Water Release: Water Prison done.
Remaining 330 words towards Wave One.
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