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Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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working them chakra controllzzz Empty working them chakra controllzzz

Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:58 pm
Ryusei Shinkou, former spy, was training in the dark depths of a barely lit class room, practicing his chakra control. It bugged him just a little that he was twice as old as some of his fellow students, but at least he was learning pretty quickly. Ok, he was the first to admit that he was not a good student, and others were clearly far more talented than he was. However, he was hardly going to complain when he had had to make a big career change recently, what with being a former spy and all. The ninja arts were well and dandy but they often took a ton of concentration, comparable to dodging fast moving projectiles grouped up enmasse. Especially if they followed you. Having seen the power of one ninja mercenary, he could not help but wonder how his home land was not invaded by ninjas already. Probably the ninjas fought each other too much to be a threat to outsiders, he had heard of a land of Samurai after all, whom had remained largely neutral despite all the Ninja Wars. So the ninjas kept each other in check most likely, that was good for his former home land, even if he likely would never see it again. He paused, and began reversing the flow of his chakra, aiming to attain a greater level of control.

Beginning to work on his first jutsu, he began condensing his chakra. He remembered the skeptical looks people had given him when he first walked into the class room, especially those of the teacher who he was older than. The lightning bolt shaped scar likely was not helping matters either to be frank. Still, it could have been worse. The assassins he had fled did not seem interested in encountering ninjas just as much as he had, so he had time to get stronger. He might have been ok if he could do the transformation jutsu he was working on at the moment though. Speaking of which… he gathered his chakra, and began forming it into a replica of him self but with different clothing, aiming to cover the front of his body. Not too bad, but it was not going to hold up against a mirror comparison, not by any shot. He dispelled the partial transformation and continued working away at condensing his chakra.

Chakra control had been a bit of a sticking point, how ever, even now while he worked away at it. This being largely because he had to catch up on years of practice, with certain habits in mind already, without any body to ask. It looked weird to outsiders for sure, but some of the kids were actually pretty friendly and happy to help an adult learn the basics of the academy ninjutsu, and chakra control. It was a pretty fun exercise, truth be told, much more fun that sneaking into compounds without any special abilities. At least his opponents had none too, meaning a hit over the head with a lead pipe would usually down them for a good while. If rumours were right though, that was not the case with the ninjas, many of whom were said to be able to withstand solid impacts with heavy boulders, shatter the ground, and recover entirely from most certainly fatal damage. Truly amazing. Maybe if he ever got kicked from Kirigakure, he might go and teach the home land about all this, though if the history he had heard of the ninjas was any indication, that could be a very bad idea. Sounds like many wars, many power struggles broke out, sadly.

He decided to try and take his mind off of such matters, brooding was not like him. Yup yup yup. He began condensing his chakra again, and looked at the glass pane on the door, from a few feet away. Slowly, he covered his body in a dense coating of chakra, making his appearance change until it looked like the equivalent a monkey. Cool! Now he could make fun of the proctor, if he were an immature brat. Nah, he never really did stuff like that. Despite his scatter brained demeanor, Ryusei was actually one of the good kids in class. Even if he had the outlook on life, of a class clown sometimes.

Anywho, as he seemed to have a reasonable grasp of the transformation jutsu, one of the more reasonably well named jtusu he had come across, he decided it was time to work on the other one, which was honestly quite a natural progression.

First he had to start with condensing the chakra in his body. Slowly, thistook shape, until he was able to almost, almost see it. Not quite though but he could sense it. He needed to give it a form though, so he began sliding off the chakra from his body like he was taking a shower. Yes, this meant that he was in a dark class room by himself, rubbing his arms in funny ways all over. Anybody eavesdropping or spying on him would surely think he was a lunatic by now, but he legitimately thought this was gonna help. Of course, it was more mental than anything but it would be a long time before Ryusei Shinkou realized this. Experience OP.

Slowly the chakra was removed from his body and he was able to start giving it a form, just like him self. First he began forming the trademark yellow hair that covered his entire body, in some spaces way too small to be normally visible, like any person, but in other areas, quite clearly visible. Then he began making the scar. Off of these, he formed the rest of the face, trying to make a mirror image. Woot! Not as hard as it looked at first glance. Then the clothing. Then the shoes. Then, well, making the clone look more solid. After that, it was just a minor act of making the clone mimic his every move….. Not difficult, not at all.


(ttl wc: 1005, claiming 5 stats, Art of Transformation, and the basic E rank Clone technique)
Yasahiro Yagami
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working them chakra controllzzz Empty Re: working them chakra controllzzz

Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:54 am
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