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Segri & Neku Synui
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twin realization (training, private) Empty twin realization (training, private)

Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:00 pm
The hours crept by for the twins as dawn shifted in the far east. The renimencing of the twins as they reflected on their actions thus far as shinobi. The paths in which they had to cross. They were not valiant heros in their dreams as they were brother's watching the other's back in each its own dream. The shadows of their failures and defeats both in the heart and body as they silently in the torment although apart they felt the other shift in their sleep. Untill a faint glow met their eye lids. Some would ask well how does one know this dawn light catches the attention of the sleeping. Well that comes from the days these two had to wake up in early after each loss and further more could not subdue a secure victory. Each day they woke up and trained till sweat became steam and arms became weighted. Yet their aim and goal was the same. Strength to protect the other brother and further strength to serve the village. And now to this day the twins opened eyes. And gazed at the wooden ceiling.

From getting ready and further in acceptance of their duty to their rank the two went out to the village. Every day they passed the monument of their kage and smiled. As to this day they did the same as now the thought was beyond a "I'll be powerful as Lord xyxer." But this day they smiled as they silently started at the monument a single question forming in their head now. " Lord xyxer. Do you have someone that you are bound to and would die for any and all cases. Maybe that's what makes us diffrent... Perhaps your own power enables you to protect that which is your precious." Neku murmered The thought was breif as the wind but held deep. Perhaps it was before when they met him in his office their services were rejected for what they lacked was power. It was a guess as they returned to their training spot alone and in thought as the twins gazed back at the sea in thought.

"Neku.... Perhaps what we lack to xyxer is something we already possess yet cannot Give to others. The bond of twin kiri ninjas and yet it's easy for someone outside can look to and say that. It's unique. But we are night and day. Sharing one body. And being one whole. And yet awknowledgement has yet to fall. As one our techniques in our art are the same. But what if we can draw more power from that. . What if there's something that we are afraid of adressing and confessing yet we both know it. We are afraid. The fear that grips and eats us may it be dawn or dusk. Our nightmares we share. This all adds up to the fact. The fear of losing each other. The fear that draws us closer. When the boy slashed at us as one we took the blows for each other. And even you took more then me because you desired to keep me alive just as I disired to keep you alive. This alone showed something to ourselves and that is we depend on one another. It awoke in you when that boy held my life in his fingers. I believe that is what we must embrace as one in our art."

Segri spoke slowly As neku was silent for a moment. Reflecting on segris words before speaking up as he sighed. " it is true. I'm afraid. That's why I am your eyes. I am afraid that my strength just like you fear your own strength isn't enough. But we live for each other. That is true. We look to our own strength so much that we dive out to danger separately and yet together. And gaurd the other with our own body because we must. I wonder why we do that. And now thanks to you segri I understand. It's our bond of love for each other. That which sees a little or big brother. My mind goes blank at the thought if I lost you. Because we fight as one. Wether seperate or not. I honestly know I'll be able to continue on Because you would push me forward even with last of your strength you will push me forward segri just like I would. We lost our parents, we pushed one another forward and now that we felt our worlds almost shatter twice. I need your strength as you need mine in order to push forward right segri. We must do this its our duty we owe to Lord xyxer and each other. So help me brother. Help me gain strength to grow from our fear and embody it fully help me brother."

Neku spoke as he shed a tear merging into his brother and nodded as a second followed soon after in the other eye. Like a dying ember his orange eyes glowed determined as he saw segri smile. And they took a step backwards. "Only if you help me neku. And only as one brother can we overcome that which stands before us. Our art of fuinjutsu is not ours to control. But together we are unique. This here is why we cannot Give up and in to ourselves. With skill we pressed our knowledge to its borders and now together we shall do it further. Seals are our passion like our home and our kage. Now comes the time to finally grasp our talents as one. This is what we must embody. In A whole there are many more powerful fuinjutsu users we can always grow further in this. Don't stop here lets take this forward in our own way as it's time to take in account that together our power is at its maximum. Further with together our skill due to its both being us. Can always improve. As two heads are always better then one. Thanks to this it is time to take it to the great challenge now brother. Neku let's see how much power we can add to this now. Start small first and lets focus our chakra in tandom together neku."

Segri spoke as he began to focus their chakra throughout their body concentrating and surging it throughout their joined body as they attempted to synchronized their chakra as one. As it was noted it wasn't as easy as the twins thought as their chakra being rushed to the degree of that was nessary to match the technique being used. As with that the technique worked out just the same as normal technique as the barrier confinement technique felt neither much stronger nor weaker in that case. Segri noted this as he felt the power was great but not at the level it needed to be. Neku took a breath as he noted the same effect and decided to speak up about it.

"We must focus together as we can understand it as a whole. We must break down the techniques to their base fundamentals. The intention and focus our strength as one to increase our techniques potency. And as one we can do this without fear of losing one another. As long as we stay as one our power is even greater then seperaty. It's due to our unique nature we must keep our chakra focused and consistently at the ready. Remember segri we must also impart our knowledge to increase the power. By using our chakra in a pure focused and concentrated bursts of power. In that case with utilizing our fuinjutsu it must be in that similar nature. Mold and focus the power behind every technique. This is no exception as we work together and further have not only a imperative advantage but also great knowledge. We must use it at our advantage and not give in to our arrogance. Once more segri together!" Neku shouted as neku focused their chakra And now segri began to raise his hand and pointed it at a large rock nearby about 20 meters away. As neku continued to move and fluke their chakra. Now the question began bring up the question what was needed by the twins as this was one of their offensive techniques. This time the dark river release seal. Yet this time he needed a way to focus more power. Yet as he drew more power from his chakra the use of neku trying to buff it caused a misfire of the technique as the bolt missed the boulder as he scratched his head. "I think the fact that we are building up chakra one must not try to take over all of our chakra but use it in slight bits and bursts neku. Let's keep it under more controlled ammounts of power that way we won't have to focus and tug chakra among the both of us. So small bits of chakra and work it up with our own bits of chakra supporting the other person while they are performing the technique at hand. Small bursts brother. With control we can empower our techniques to the level we disire. Although it might not be as large as we wish or disire the power buff will assist dramatically in the performance of all of our techniques. Take that to note neku ok? So once more. This time be the support by feeding quality and molded chakra as base for empowering other fuin techniques as alone like with most things we can Give techniques another kick As an extra boost of power. Well theoretically our techniques together should be strengthened even further with this ideology included. Naturally this will enable new routes in fuinjutsu. However that is based on our progress here neku. Remember support with small applications of powerful chakra being flowed carefully through our body. The fresh chakra would be able to be a strong empowerment to the techniques at hand. Now at the top neku I'm going to use barrier confinement once more."

Segri spoke as neku once more began to focus their chakra as an empowering supplement due to their connection neku took a hand in the assistance of segri utilizing his technique. This due to the ability to surge and flux their chakra. It became a true challenge yet the noted effect became further apparent that steps were being made. The day came to a stop at this point as they were drained.

A greeting of cool sea air met Segri's nose as he stired awake from the other day's training session. Needless it sprouted results as he recalled as neku despite the seal gave them the full rundown necessary to document and further examine the effects of the seal. That evening despite their soreness the twins got to work on studying the seals they knew and further looked upon seals they knew on. Taking a keen look into the effects on the body the seals had and segri meanwhile quietly took a grand note on the further improvement on taijutsu and further took more note on its accessibility to fuinjutsu as well. While neku had taken a quiet look into a few further seals beyond their grasp but in a wired sense. Also had an eye on the amusing but ever helpful effects that body flicker and flicker movement had on ones body and speed.

This all being the past evening lamented on segri as neku too stirred sensing his brother awake. Speaking as he washed up and decided upon a system to work with Segri as he and neku fused together took a grim note of something. "The question is neku our next step is further training yes. But now our notes are taking quiet a different direction. I wonder what is it you are cooking in your mapping of the fuinjutsu thoughts there? Something dreadfully fun I hope as I got some fun ideas running in my head too. But we may share same body and chakra pool. But you and I are two different individuals. And as two individuals we may take two diffremt branches in our own professions as shinobi. The question is this. Would you like to take the step down your own path first as I learn and observe?" Segri noted to neku as neku shifted his head through their body to the shoulder and looked at him taken aback slightly."what do you mean Segri? Are you telling me you would put aside your own goals for myself? Or you would instead allow myself to invest further into my own studies and creations? Regardless if you insist I can begin to study further on hand and beyond the effects and can take down the path we seek. But at a later point dear brother. We are unique and like the ones before us the only ones in history they utilized the ability we posess to its fullest in taijutsu combat making it very tricky to handle them. But that's where we shall focus I say brother. My stuff is noted anyways. Take no worry. Besides we need data and information before I touch on that stuff. It's theory I'm beginning one day the peices will come together but now like a child's imagination let it rest ok and focus. Well we both will, on the task ahead of us eh?"

Neku said with a smile as he let the topic drop temporarily as Segri glanced at neku unsure about the decision but smiled as neku had his reasons to enable Segri to persue his own thoughts at first. Stopping outside the village the twins noted the dim mist glowing as the sun rose. It was dawn and dawn called to the twins to begin their continual training regiment. The thought to improve further drove the twins further down to a point their hunger to test their combat more was becoming more apparent and yet they needed to improve beyond their own selves to get to the point of reacting to the world outside. Two defeats stood behind them like ghosts as it was apparent that to go further they needed to dominate without restraint and further dominate so that none would question them . The Two defeats and further the kages decree to make them work further among the others was more then enough drive to further improve but something was missing as the twins figured. A sudden stop in their preparation As neku looked down at segri as even that bout with tatsuo was riddled with failures. " all thoes instances we failed Segri. Each time we must succeed. These all mean simply one thing. We must gain more power. And together. Our strength will increase I swear!"

Neku finished talking as he took a breath each failure flashing through his head as Segri came over and pat his brother on the back . "We will neku we will improve to Lord xyxers standards and for each other. Relax brother. We will do just fine neku. We have made strides to improve and improve we have. Relax and focus. We can only go forward now as our bond is eternal and nothing shall break it. Understood?"

Segri stated as he pat his brother on his back. And smiled. Their training was about to take a giant step forward.




+22 stats for both twins

+2,000 words to twin fuinjutsu empowerment: blood bound bond

+500 words to self cursing seal.

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twin realization (training, private) Empty Re: twin realization (training, private)

Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:39 pm
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