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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:47 am
"If you were a lowly merchant, Haru, would you keep quiet about two of the most dangerous men in the world being on your ship or would you risk your life by exposing them?" Looking towards the male once more, still holding the door open, "We believe you were targeted since you're a valuable asset to the village. If they demoralise the second in charge, then the village will break. They won't do that though, will they?" Nodding his head once more when asked the same fucking question, he kept his calm however since punching Haru would be very unwise at the moment. Shifting his palm into Haru's, they shook hands for a form of pact. Usually, Xyxer had split his palm with a knife and exchanged blood pacts with those he truly trusted. Would he eventually do that with this man? Then, would he feel regret for the actions he had done to him? Watching the girl jumping at her brother, Monarch simply stared at the two like a statue, barely breathing with how terrified he was of offending the Mizukage. "Haru, despite how adorable Aryll is, I do not plan on adopting her. Of course she'll go to you." He smirked a little, deciding to invest a little more into Haru to truly make it feel like he was capable of compassion, "But if she wants and you permit it, I'll allow her to stay over at some point and teach her. She seems to be very proficient at hand to hand combat, just like both of us."
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:50 am
At Xyxer's words, Haru just shook his head.
"I suppose merchant life isn't for me, then." He said solemnly, wondering if he should ask the names of the merchants and pay them a visit. He decided against it. He could never know the way those men felt or what they thought the consequences were. "They're not worth my time. I'll hate the monsters, not the men." He said after awhile. "Though I wish they'd face me themselves, rather than hide in the shadows like cowards." He'd say as he turned back towards Xyxer. "Do you have a plan for getting back at them? Any information on the two of them?" He would ask.

Xyxer informed him that Aryll would be released back into Haru's custody, and that she could come train with him if she wished.
"I won't speak for my sister, but she has my blessing if she wishes to." He told Xyxer. "Right now, I think the girl needs a break. This isn't the sort of trauma you'd want a girl as young as her to endure." He told Xyxer, patting the girl on the shoulder as she walked back over to spar with Monarch. "She's holding together surprisingly well." He added, looking back at her.
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:25 pm
Listening to what he had to say, he spoke in regard to his first paragraph initially, "Of course I do. An act of aggression requires one of equal or greater loss. I understand that the death of the men will not bring back your grandparents, or the hole they created, but it'll help you finally find peace knowing that their ill doers have met their fate. One of them, I forget who, was capable of using something that distorted the air with destructive intention, and the other had some form of chakra absorbing ninjutsu blade. We will prepare, Haru, and then we will simply go to a village I believe them to be lurking within. Funkagakure No Sato, a degenerate village." He frowned a little at the mention of it, even though it had escaped his own lips.

Looking towards the girl, he nodded his head a little, "She is, but she's only bottling her emotion up. When you leave this place, she'll either go completely silent and refuse to eat, or bawl her eyes out. I hope for her sanity it's the latter."
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:31 pm
Haru nodded his thanks.
"Thank you, Xyxer. I'll gladly stand by your side when we attack. I've heard nothing but horror stories about that wretched village. It would be an honor to help you raze it to the ground." He said thankfully, bowing slightly to Xyxer. "Of course, I would like to get the ANBU corps in order before we assault a village. A war is a risky move without good soldiers." He said casually, trying to ease into this part of the conversation. The ANBU were sort of desolate at the moment, a shadow of their former glory, and Haru had been meaning to restore it for some time now. 

Looking back at Aryll, he nodded slowly. "I know. I hope for both of our sakes that she pushes through..." He said solemnly, sighing heavily. "Losing the last of our family isn't easy. I'm a little tougher then she is, but I know how much this hurts her." He said.
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:45 pm
Nodding his head as Haru talked, his words rung true. The ANBU were rather scattered at the moment, and Kirigakure would stand no chance in the coming war if they had a weak backbone to protect the village;as to why he believed should join them, however, was unknown to even himself. Only Youta was firmly considered at this point, and the connection between Youta and Haru would wear incredibly thin with the lies he have wove. Looking up towards Haru, he wondered if allowing him to take Youta into ANBU would be the last he heard from him. Would he read a report about an ANBU in training gone rogue after slaughtering her mentor? "She's a strong girl, she's been beating Monarch fairly easily." He said, because the nods already gave permission for ANBU.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:45 pm
Haru turned his head back to Aryll as Xyxer nodded. He assumed that was all the permission he needed to start finding candidates for ANBU training. Watching Aryll fight with the other boy, Haru was happy to see her winning fairly easily. Xyxer commented on this, to Haru's satisfaction. He wondered idly who to nominate for ANBU training. His first thought was of Altar and Youta, but he felt a little biased in that regard, so he would scour the village's records and do a little recon for himself, if necessary.
"I'll do a little looking into candidates to put forward for your selection, if you don't mind. I'd like at least a full squad to be completed." He told Xyxer, leaning against the wall for a moment and sighing. He felt his strength coming back, slowly but surely.
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:23 pm
Nodding his head at Haru's words about desiring a full ANBU squad, he understood it. After all, he had wished for a full squad when he had held that position, and it was only right of him to allow another's wishes to be fulfilled even if his own were lack luster. A few thoughts ran through his mind about something who appeared to be ignoring him, and Haru was moderately trusted at this point so perhaps he'd vocalise this wish to him, "I may have an errand for you to carry outside of the village, if you're interested."
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:36 pm
Haru smiled at Xyxer's response, nodding once more in assent to his creation of an ANBU squad. It would be good to be back at full strength, like they had been in the old days. Xyxer's request caused Haru to perk up a bit, his stature more businesslike, as it seemed he was indeed on duty already. 
"Sure, what do you need, Lord Mizukage?" He asked, tone much more serious. "Work related business, or just a favor?" He would add.
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:27 am
The man had suddenly found himself in fighting condition again, or at least, understanding when to become serious. It was mildly amusing, but he carried on without exposing openly this humour he found in the situation. "I need you to go to a certain location, and meet a certain somebody. I'm sure you know who he is, Naoki Uchiha. He's been failing to meet me and inform me of situations, which just can not stand." Pausing, he said the next part for flavour but wished to see Haru's expressions when given the next task, which he'd retract later, "And possibly assassinate him if he's proving to be against Kirigakure." He most likely wasn't given that he had gave them a large sum, but it was always good to see how willing people were to follow orders, despite how much of a bad situation it would put themself in.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:55 pm
Haru's brow furrowed at the name he heard. Naoki, a person he knew in name only, was the previous ruler of the village, before Xyxer had taken over. He knew vaguely of the man, though he did not recall meeting him in person.
"Do you have any idea where he is, or am I to hunt him down?" Haru would ask simply, thinking for a moment. From what he gathered, Naoki didn't seem to have given them much trouble before, yet Xyxer seemed to think he might end up fighting the man. 

"Huh. Do you foresee him giving me any trouble?" He asked Xyxer, head cocked. "He seemed pretty compliant from the reports. Perhaps he's simply in over his head?" He offered. "Regardless, I'll find him and inform you of his status. Shall I go in costume, or should I keep it lowkey?" He asked sarcastically, alluding to his ANBU mask. "A Kirigakure ANBU in uniform might stir things up."

Last edited by Haru Hyuuga on Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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