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Stat Page : The Child
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Ryo : 24470

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Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:12 am
Truly it had been an eventful few weeks for Takeo. Pirates were fought, beasts slain, women were bedded. Of course the adventures were so great and many that detailing them all would take far too long. So just take his word for it, it was truly a trip of epic proportions. As the battered and worn ship drifted through the non-storm ridden tunnel created via a hand seal, Takeo leaned against the railing of the ship. Looking into the calm waters lapping up against the side of the ship he gazed at his own reflection. Though what stared back at him was not his own current look, no, it was one of what he should be looking like currently. You see, known to very little, there had been an incident before Takeo joined the academy. He recalled it with a slight smile, taking some bootleg aging pills had made him able to do pass off as old enough to get a job in Tengakure. However, it had some side effects mentally it seemed. Now that he thought back on it, perhaps his erratic behaviour was due to said pills. Or maybe he was just mentally unstable? He wasn't too sure, but it was still strange to the boy to see the appearance of someone who is three years older than what Takeo actually was.

Those thoughts were fleeting however, as the boat finally docked on one of the islands of Kirigakure. Hopping off of the boat, Takeo made his way through the area and towards the gates. Of course since he was technically a Kirigakure shinobi they made way for him without much trouble, and so Takeo just made his way off to the village chambers. Because talking to Xyxer was always such an amusing experience for him.

[Instantly Entering Kiri, blah blah]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Wed Nov 11, 2015 12:08 pm

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