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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Akihana Akari
Shika Yabusame
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:53 pm
Hado zipped through the streets of Hoshigakure, at a whopping pace that barely edged out your typical school kid. Slowly, the crowd thickened. He was not sure why, but he hoped there was not a public whipping or something, as that would be painful to watch.

As he ran, his magnetic senses picked up all kinds of metal objects, and he began to try to reach out to them with his chakra. For some reason, his lightning chakra was not substantial enough to really be able to touch the objects, so to speak. His earth chakra was clearly substantial but not able to reach out. So only by combining his chakras and reaching out to people’s items could he even try to get stuff done. Magnetism was a cool thing but it was even harder for him to grasp than the electricity element had been. Hopefully this was not too much of an issue.

The crowds began to thicken at the center of a large courtyard, it seemed, and he began darting between people, too short to see what is going on. He could see some kind of structure, the top anyway, above other people’s heads, with bright lights shining and hurting his eyes just slightly. Curious, he clambered on top of a cart, disregarding the owner’s outraged cries, to get a glimpse of a stage with two girls on it. What the…

He was dumbfounded, as was the owner who saw what had caught Hado’s attention.

Two girls on a stage. Singing. While singing, the two girls began to fight. It looked kind of nasty too. Their outfits did not help either, but that was not Hado’s focus at the moment. Why were they fighting???

He had horrible memories of fighting, truth be told.

He began clambering on the tops of the crowds, singe it was too crowded for him to get anywhere on foot, scurrying towards the stage, reaching out with his magnetic chakra to try and interrupt the machines that helped spread the light and general cacophony.

Unless something else happened, Hado would scramble onto the stage, still not comprehending their outfits fully. He would run between the two girls, and thrust his arms out to either side, trying to block each from the other. “Why are you fighting??? Stop it!!!” The normally cheerful genin looked a bit more than a little sad, though he had to yell, to be heard on stage, due to all the chaos. Seems like his magnetic chakra had not done anything to the speakers and lights.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:51 pm
Tears welled in Ash's eyes, the actual tears not the kind that generally she uses small jewels glued to her skin for in order to give the perception of tears, but like... actual real tears, made of like water with that.... like salt st....ANYWAY tears welled in Ash's eyes as the boy came onto the stage. he was going to ruin their performance. Thankfully her sister however, who'd resolved that this could only end when the perfomance was over partially because of knowing her sister and partially because the more she fought against it the tighter the strings holding her in formation held, up to the point where they wrapped so tightly that it was painful, kept a clear head at all times. She released a set of strings towards the boy, each invisible thanks to her chakra suppression, that would fly directly towards him, not stopping until they caught the positions needed to gain control over him like a puppet.

With this done she'd shoot the other girl a knowing glance, their natural sibling esp making it clear what the plan was, and he would be added to the dance. If this all happened as described it would seem as if a second opponent was pulled into the fight against Reial, The girl in purple sending pinpoint perfect attacks at both in tandem to follow the patern as described but something would be clear to him fairly quickly. At their first interception, when Rei would send a dual combination kick at both Ash and this newcomer that sent them both falling back, he would notice the attacks didn't actually land, though thanks to her strings she would send him flying back in a method that looked like he was in grave pain. Even the fall would be lessened to the point that it caused no harm, a gentle pull on the strings allowing him to land safely and some strange substance on the floor strategically placed where they would land allowing him to slide.

If he looked down he would notice between the wooden slats a small figure beneath the stage rushing about with a squirt bottle, spraying clear fluid just before his landing to allow him to slide as described, and as he rose once more the single slat containing the liquid would flip inward, far out of view of the crowd, and be cleaned off with a rag by waht could only be a puppet made in the immage of the character meowth from pokemon.

Their dance would finally end as the last scenes finished and the strigns would release on the boy as the two girls gave a deep low bow to their fans who met the gesture with a roar of applause. Only after this would the two head behind the long black curtain to speak to the newcomer.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:22 am

Hado was suddenly grabbed on stage, before he could even try to keep the two girls from fighting. What was this world coming too? Was there a user of the force controlling him nearby? As his movements were suddenly controlled, however, it felt like there were parts of his body where force was being applied, as opposed to just everywhere at once, so it was entirely possible to conjecture that someone was controlling him directly, using artificial means, as opposed to a jutsu or something. In vain, he tried to grab onto whatever it was with his magnetic chakra but no such luck. It seemed that the magnetic chakra was unable to grasp at all, onto the whatever it was controlling him, nor was he able to deflect it. Sadly, this meant he was forced to join the fight. Unfortunately, as soon as the invisible chakra threads grabbed him, he was so stunned he forgot to speak, and was quite bewildered instead.

He was naturally, quite horrified at the thought, since he kind of abhorred true violence, it did not look like these two were trying to spar, to him. Only to defend his home, or maybe as a spar, would he try to hit someone, and yet here these two girls were slugging it out at each other as they went. He struggled more but was largely helpless, settling for building up a reservoir of magnetic chakra that he could unleash in an attempt to try and break the machines that could be controlling them. After all, they hardly seemed normal, to say the least. It was reasonable for him to assume at this point that they did not wish to fight, and in this kind of case he might have been right.

Eventually, he released the magnetic chakra again, in a large pulse, but as he did not know how to control it yet, the magnetic chakra fizzled out almost right away, and did nothing useful, unfortunately.

However, even though he was caught, there was nothing keeping him from unleashing a loud scream of terror, as the attacks appeared to converge, which potentially might ruin their performance, sadly. This continued even after the attacks “hit” and he was controlled to fly away as if hit by a real attack, sliding on the floor. In a daze, he hung a little limply, in shock from the initial attack still. Then it slowly dawned on him, that the attack had not landed, but he had thought he was hit. Oh my. What was going on here? Close observation revealed that the girls were not really hitting each other either, it seemed to be orchestrated, but he could not figure out why. Not wanting to draw attention to this fact just in case, Hado kept quiet and strained his magnetic senses in an attempt to detect other beings or such that could be doing this, but no such luck. He could end this farce… maybe.

While letting himself be manipulated by the invisible chakra threads he did nto really know existed, Hado took the time to be fully taken aback by the two girl’s outfits. On closer examination the two girls were pretty similar looking, so there was a pretty good chance that they were related. What if they were puppets? Any who, no self respecting puppet would let itself wear such ridiculous looking clothing. One of the two weird looking sisters was wearing a pink wig, of the curly kind, hopefully a wig, because it would be really weird if that was her normal hair. The only selling point of the presumed wig was that it covered up what her clothing was supposed too. He honestly was a bit uncomfortable at the thought. A weird set of arm warmers and… a trail of stuff, were accompanied by stockings, and what the heck was that outfit supposed to be???

Slightly outraged, Hado tried examining the other girl from a distance and got marginally better results. Marginally. A ballerina outfit, in an obnoxious color, with a mesh instead of a proper covering! Shoulder crystal pad thingies. Slightly lighter shades of pink comprising the hair. Neither of them looked in any way normal.

He tried to keep his eyes shut so he would not be bothered by the sights before him, hoping that they would not be able to force him to gaze upon their visages as well. He tried to calm himself by gathering up his earth and lightning chakra and condensing it into a single set, the magnetism chakra, again, but it was slow going, with being jerked around, and made to pretend to hit people.

It also brought back some bad memories from before, too. As the two headed off behind the curtain, Hado found himself no longer manipulated. Scurrying after them, he grumped. “What the heck was going on? Why do you have to put on that kind of show? What were you using to control me? And why are you two dressed like that?”

Gosh, he sounded like a grand mother, but he was not in a good mood at the moment, first unhappy about the violence portrayed, then being forced into joining the act, then, well, you get the point.

Un-noticed, his magnetic chakra built up more, almost achieving a usable amount.

(2637+886= 3523)
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:48 pm
Finally the performance would be over, and as described the trio would bow low. From beneath the stage the small meowth puppet that had been workin out the details behind the scenes appeared, his entrance quite interesting to be sure. A bit of the floor opened up, specifically a bit directly beside hado, and beneath the now large hole rose a platform with the puppet. With these things done, the quartet went together behind the curtain where the sisters addressed the newcomer.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" Ash began, her sister simply suggesting calmly that she take a breath and speak more quietly. It didn't seem as if that would be the case as the pale skinned girl's face grew beet red from anger. "YOU LITTERALLY ALMOST RUINED EVERYTHING"

"Sister. Come now. We made it work."

"Yes, becuase you thought quickly. Still..... If this had been Aios....... Or even worse if she'd been here...." Ash considered what would have happened if her idol had been in the crowd watching this small boy attempt to sabotage her big performance. She would have been embaraced beyond belief." I would have been embaraced beyond belief!"

"I.... Appologize for my sister. We were putting on a dramatic performance from one of the random stories that my crazy sister always seems to have in her head. While I appreciate the sentiment.... When she g3ts like this there's nothing that we can do but allow her to do what is important to her.  Still.... I suppose things ended well and I was able to work you in strategically to make sure nothing was off pace and that you didn't take too much attention away from my sister.... So no harm done I suppose. I'm Reial Sun, And you?" Rei was speaking calmly to this... this... MONSTER....Oh dear goddess im actually sounding like Ash. I seriously need a break. Send help.

As Rei spoke to the boy her sister, realizing the way this would go decided to do the mature thing..... And go sit in a corner and pout.

Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:34 pm
To say Hado was astonished was more than a little bit of an understatement, so much that he forgot and released all his magnetic chakra, frying a nearby lightbulb, sadly.

"Uhhh...." was the extent of his full reply to their onslaught of verbage, at first.

His second thought was - how is his magnetism chakra gonna be trained lol

After one of them chilled out a little bit, he tried to collect his thoughts and relax a little, given that the puppet was staring at him a little bit this was more than a little uncomfortable too for him.


"I'm Hado Kirino, a newish genin in these parts.

He thought over fairly recent events and asked a question or such.

"Wait, that was a... performance?"

Hado sounded fairly skeptical.

"Umm, does the crazy story explain those getups as well? What happened that I suddenly lost control of my movements?"

Realizing the silly looking outfits again, in his general proximity, Hado began to turn a little red, and resisted the urge to back away.

"Couldn't you wear... a little more clothing?"

"And, what's your name?" This being directed at the one who had so far not seemed to introduce herself yet.

"And, is this for fun or charity or something? Seems like an awful amount of work to go to, especially for you guys."

Hado plopped down, trying to relax, and crossed his legs, assuming a sort of meditating pose with his palms turned up and his backs of his hands on his knees, his fingers curled in what was also known as a money sign.

In the back of his mind he was condensing his magnetic chakra again, while his eyes flicked back and forth between the two girls.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:42 pm
"Yes. It was just a performance. My sister has a habit of going through over the top endeavors for no reason other then the mood strikes her. She's like.. An idiot sevant." Rei explained the situation, pausing under the expectation that this would be where ash would interupt, first with an insult, most likely simply calling her an idiot, and then go on about her masterpiece for far longer then any truely wanted to listen. I'll be damned if she isn't correct.

"Yea well you're just an idiot." The small girl stuck her tongue out at her sister, using one finger to pull down the lid of her eye and making an "mrrrrr" sound for several seconds. it was like Reial had psychic powers. "Yes. It was all a big performance. You see I am Ashareial Deomenoria Alloquittius Sun, Cosplay princess of the village hidden in the stars and unofficial student of the great cosplay queen Aios. Part of my training involves mimicry to get into the mind set of my idol. THis was a piece she performed for her crowd so it was my responsibility as an up and coming member of cosplay royalty to follow suit. Duh."

"I'm Rei. I appologize that my sister is an idiot."

Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:14 pm
“Cosplay………? Well, I’m just glad you guys weren’t actually fighting.“
Hado was apparently getting a crash course here.
Well, it’s good to have hobbies. I sometimes pluck away at my old guitar but I’m afraid my caterwauling comes across poorly.” This being said with a wan smile.
“How did you control your movements so finely? Presumably it is the same as whatever was controlling me? You guys don’t act like normal civilians.” Hado chuckled a little.
Pulling out a scrap of metal from his pocket, he began concentrating his lightning and earth chakra into it, attempting to magnetize it and form the poles.
Not wanting to be rude, he decided to try and keep the conversation going. “What was Aios like? Are there more such pieces she performed?”
To be honest, he was not that interested in those performances, much less being a part of them, but he figured it would be easier to talk to them like this.
Turning to Rei briefly he asked “Are you also a Cosplay Princess?”

(sorry short post ;-;)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:00 pm
Ash was elated. Clearly this boy was not only intrigued by her hobby but wanted to learn the finer aspects of the craft and join in on every single performance she'd put on from this day on. Yes yes. I can read the non speech too. Yes it's painful, but what can I do honestly.... I have to explain Ash's inner dialogue yanno? Just dont shoot the messenger.

"WE um. We aren't civilians. Actually we're ninja. My sister used the same jutsu on me that I'd used on you in order to choreograph our movements together, and no I have little interest in cosplay personally... I'm simply forced day in and out to follow these rediculous plans of my sister." Rei's words would be painful to hear, her tone making it clear she wanted less to do with this then even he had but she was damned. Unfortunately this would be the point when Ash intervened.

"Well. Of course we used our chakra strings to keep perfectly in sync. and oh. my. goddess. Aios is like... brilliant. She's the leader of the village hidden in the rain so she can't really leave exactly... But like her performances are Epic. She once set the entire village up as a twenty three floor hedge maze!"
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:59 am
I'll reply tomorrow I didn't finish it
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Juice Box Heroes meet again~!! (p, Shika)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:41 pm
Jutsu? That was interesting, as there were no hand seals he saw. Oh wait. Chakra strings? He had thought he had heard of that before but... "How come I don't see the chakra strings?"

"At least you are supporting your sister in something she is interested in, to say the least." Hado tried to pat Rei on the back.

"A twenty three floor hedge maze??? Man, that sounds intense!"

"So, what kinds of ninja arts do you guys specialise in? I have heard of the chakra strings before in passing but I'm afraid my original village did not know much about all that stuff. Does this relate to taijutsu? You two had pretty fluent movements."

He relaxed so much at this point, kinda overcome by curiosity, that he began training full out in the back ground. On the stage behind the curtains. "Don't mind me, I'm just practicing training for an element." Right, as if that was normal too. Maybe he should sign up for a reality show at this point. Might as well make it public.

He clasped his hands over the nail, palms facing inwards. He began concentrating more magnetic chakra into it. "Would there happen to be a pitcher of water anywhere around here by any chance?"

He could feel his magnetic element becoming easier to use despite all the talking, but he wanted to see if he could make basic applications for it yet.
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