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Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:15 pm

The desert of Suna the most deserty desert of all the deserts in the world. With sand. And no water. And sun. And winds. It was a desert you get the idea. Sand. It is a harsh environment filled with harsh and unforgiving animals. Like a certain tomato headed girl. But the most harsh and cruel of all the Animals that called the Great Suna Desert their home was the infamous Sand bear. That's right. Sand Bear. They caught sand salmon out of sand rivers. Eat Sand berries. And when Winter came to the desert they hibernated in their sand caves. They were the last thing you wanted to see you there on the sand ocean because there were no sand trees in this desert for you to climb up to escape them. So you basically just had to lay down and hope they didn't mutilate you.

But Today we found the sand bear in it's not natural environment. The Village of Sunagakure. Just roaming the streets. Like some sort of lost tourist. Apparently The Kazekage had released it onto the streets so some of his ninja could practice on it. Which was a... idea. It was certainly an Idea, Gwyn couldn't deny that. 

Today Gwynevere the Boundlessly Beautiful, and generous tipper was dressed up in a safari outfit, with khaki everything. Boots, one of those hats, shorty shorts, geeky looking socks. It was utterly unappealing but dang she made it look Feugo. She stood atop one of the Suna buildings watching the bear through her binoculars. Waiting.


Just Waiting.

For Kira The girl with weird eyes, the second most beautiful Kunochi in all of suna. But seeing that there were only two of them Gwyn liked to think of her as the least attractive Kunochi. It just seemed to fit the red head better.
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:28 am
“Arigato Koroki-San!”

Kira bid the smoothie maker a farewell as she was on her way to meet the troll of Sunagakure. Yes, none other than Gwynevere, The Decent. Their pairing was something like Beauty and The Beast. Kira, obviously the beauty, and Gwyn the beast, except in this fairytale, there is no transformation for the hairy creature, and they were DEFINITELY not together in that way. For some odd reason that she would never understand, the Kazekage decided to unleash some beast onto the streets of Suna in order to train his shinobi. He sure was lucky he was cute because boy did that lack any sense whatsoever. What they were up against was supposedly some kind sand bear. Well, bears were sorta cute if you didn’t end up getting mauled by one. Maybe she could train it and convince the Kazekage to keep it as a pet! Oooo! maybe she could train him to breed with Gwynevere! You know, since they were practically the same species. 

Kira made her way down the streets of Suna, keeping her eyes out for the bear, and the thing she called a teammate. It was unfortunate that no one else was available. You would think that in a city filled of ninja, there would be plenty of options for teammates but it would seem that the only ones around were the two beauties. Truly odd. Well, if she was going to be running around chasing a bear all day and having to deal with Gwyn’s presence, she was going to at least need to get herself a tasteful beverage. It was scorching in the oven that was Suna. She sometimes wondered how she found herself here in the first place. On to more important matters, Kira’s attire. For this mission, The Princess of Suna was rocking a serious Katniss Everdeen braid. With it she wore a short tank top that exposed most of her stomach that was a navy greenish color, some navy shorts with a black leather belt, cute safari boots, and a navy green long coat, rolled up slightly. Around her neck was a pair of small binoculars that rested right under her breasts. She was looking so fine, she was making the straight girls swoon. She continued on her way, sipping her delicious fruity beverage as she spotted Coco the bear on a rooftop searching for her soulmate, Sandy. 

The Uzumaki made her way up the building, and quietly stood behind the stalking girl, who was gazing into her binoculars. She figured that she would notice Kira eventually so she just took a seat in the conveniently placed lawn chair that was on the rooftop and waited, basking in the Suna sun. Remembering that Gwyn got pulled the short end of the stick at birth, she decided to finally make her presence known. “Cute outfit, but those socks are a no, no.” Kira said honestly, not trying to be mean about it. The girl was already the uglier one of the two, she didn’t have to self-sabotage herself. Once the red haired godess captured the girl’s gaze, she would toss her the extra drink that she got for her partner. Now, for Kira to spend money on someone, you best be on that friends list. The two girls may have had their differences, but after everything that they endured on THAT night, the least they could do was call each other friend. 

“So, you spot that bear yet?"

"Kira's outfit":

Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:22 am
(So I think you two misunderstood the mission a bit lol most likely due to lack in detail when making the mission. Pretty much this is going to be taking place in one of Suna's arenas. Koroshi is going to be standing by the whole time making sure that no one gets hurt, although since I don't want to take away the words you have already typed, or have you restart, just change going forward. I will be being the bear and myself by the way! :DD)

The crowd begins to cheer very loudly, it has been a long time since anyone has decided to do battle against one of the Kazekage's beasts, but it would seem that two young and new girls in Suna have decided to take on the mission together, normally Koroshi would want the fight to be a one on one, but seeing as both of them are Genin ranked ninja, and Koroshi likes it better when things are safer he allows the two girls to fight the beast as one. After everything was filled out, such as forms stating that if anything were to happen that the Kazekage would heal all wounds to the beast and to the fighters, but for them to agree not to go in for the kill to make things a bit easier for him, the sun would be shining brightly over the arena as the ring lies empty, the crowd settling down as the two girls begin to enter the fighting arena, taking their places however they see fit. On the other side of the arena however Koroshi sits upon a chair on the higher rows so that he can watch the battle and make sure that everything is done safely. Should they look around they would see that there is a rack of weapons, these placed within the ring for the fighters to use should they not have one of their own, there would be Spears, Kunai, Shuriken, Hammers, Swords of different sizes, Shields, and as an added bonus some Nun-chucks. These would be off to the side so that they would be out of the way once the fighting should start. Also they would view that the arena is mostly a flat area made of stone, but with about two inches of sand layered on top of it. Off to the sides of the arena there are large boulders for the fighters to climb on should they need to.

Once the fighters are with the ring Koroshi would stand up from his chair looking down at them "It would seem that we have some brave ninja who wish to test themselves and to grow in battle strength, we have two new attentions to our Suna family, Kira!" Koroshi says as he gestures to Kira pausing for a moment as the crowd goes wild with cheers and applause And Gwynevere!" Koroshi says as he gestures toward Gwynevere, the crowd continuing to cheer. Giving the girls their time in the spot light Koroshi waits for a few moment before raising his hands up for the crowd to settle down, once they do Koroshi would look toward the girls "Signal me when you are ready, and the match will begin!"
Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:09 pm
Gwyn happily took the fruity drink from Kira, and took a swig. She decided to ignore Kira's fashion advice sense it seemed that she got her clothes exclusively off dead hooker bodies. It tasted familiar. Like... like something quenchy. She looked up from her drink and noticed that the whole world looked like a melting painting. A dripping Rainbow. A serious acid trip. "Catus juice?" She slurred looking up at kira. "You..." Then in her hallucinatory trip her voiced sounded like it dropped about three octaves. "Biiiiiiiiitc...." Fwump. And down on the floor she went. 

When she awoke from her coma she found herself standing in the middle of an arena surrounded by a crowd. At first the only logical conclusion she could come to is that Kira sold her into slavery, and now she was going to have to become some sort of warrior queen. The goddess of slaves. Queen of outcasts, mother of exiles. Yeah that could be cool. Those cool titles were quickly cast aside when she saw that Kira was right next to her. Goodness. Goodness being sold as a slave she could handle, but being stuck with Kira? She'd rather sit on a cactus.

Luckily that kira Filled nightmare as not to be. As She looked up and saw Koroshi giving some sort of speech. Then asking if they were ready. Sure why not? Gwyn went a head and with a gloriously beautiful hand gave a thumbs up.
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:40 pm
Kira had already been knocked out in the lawn chair to miss Gwynevere’s trip to lala land. The last thing she remembered thinking was that her pineapple smoothie tasted a lot like medicine. Before her light went out, she cursed the day that she would Koroki and promised to make him pay for drugging her! Though, whatever was in the drink would definitely be on Kira’s shopping list because the dreams she had were absolutely epic. There she was, staring down at her people from the balcony of her window as they all cheered and chanted her name. Next to her stood Gwynevere in a maids costume, serving a tray filled with tiny appetizers. The Uzumaki laughed cheerfully, enjoying every little moment before the cheers began to turn from dream to reality.

Kira came to very slowly as she tried to drift off into her wonderful dream once more, but the actual roaring crowd prevented her from dosing off. The red haired goddess knew she was popular, but jeez, couldn’t a woman catch some shut eye? The Uzumaki stretched and realized that Gwyn was with her in this large stadium. Something was missing though… Oh darn, she didn’t have the maid outfit. Well, at least she had her fans. Kira waved at everyone in the stands until her eyes found Koroshi. “Koroshiiiii-Kuuuuuun!” Kira called out to him, trying to get the attention that she already had. She waved like a stereotypical Japanese school girl before striking a pose for the rest of her fans when he called out her name. She took noticed of the weapons rack that was off to the side before gibing the Kazekage a huge thumbs up, signalling that she was ready to go.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:30 am
Seeing as the girls seem to not know what's going on, he doesn't know if this is the heat, or if the girls have simply gone mad he gives them a moment even though one of them is already giving a thumbs up saying that she is ready. Not wanting them to get hurt or to knock trust him for summoning a bear to fight them Koroshi takes a moment to recap them on what is going on, although not to embarrass the girls Koroshi is going to speak to the crowd first "Before the match fully starts allow me to give some advise to the brave young girls" Koroshi says to the crowd which them answer in cheers saying how kind he is for giving them tips and advise on how to fight against the beast they are about to fight. After making sure that the crowd is more focused on his kind act in stead of them focusing on how clueless the girls look for being here.

With that being taken care of Koroshi would stand up and would leap from his sitting area down toward the girls, sanding on the ground in front of them, Koroshi wanting to make sure that the sand and dust doesn't get in their eyes begins to channel chakra into his feet, using it to soften his landing, and to have the sand gather to his feet in stead of being pushed to the sides, or toward the girls. After being within talking distance and making sure that the crowd would not hear them he begins to inform the girls about the mission they took "It seems that you two are a bit confused on what is happening here, you two accepted a mission together to fight against one of the summons of Suna. Hei Bai, he is a bear who uses his size and strength to test the people of Suna to help train them. Should you put up a good fight then you will be reward with 2500 ryo each." Koroshi says reminding the girls of what is going on, he would give them a moment to think on this before continuing "You don't have to worry about your safety as long as I am here nothing bad will happen to you two girls, this is just a mission to help grow the strength of Suna. Although I would ask that you fight with all of your might and skill so that way the people of Suna will see the reason of why I let you two join the village" Korosh says with a smile. He would stay here for a moment if the girls had any questions, or if they still wanted to continue with the mission. Should the girls want to go on with the mission or if they did not have any more questions Koroshi would give them one last words to aid them in battle "Good luck" before body flicking up to his area once more, before taking a sit.
Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:16 pm
Yes. That was all True. Gwynevere totally knew all of that information. For sure. Like there was no doubt. No doubt that she knew the groove that was being put down, but she didn't say anything. It was obvious that the instructions were for Clueless Kira so she didn't call any attention to her idiot savant of a partner. However it was a little embarrassing that the Kage had called them out on being confused. She wanted to show him that she'd come quite a ways from being a talent less Missing Nin. Now she was a talent less Genin!

Still it was good he filled them in. That Narcotic of an afternoon drink had jumbled up her brain a bit. But now she was back on track. Fight a bear, win the girl, Profit. Sounded easy enough. What were bears when compared to fire balls?
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:16 am
Kira stared at the hunk of a man that was Koroshi, letting him explain to the dim-witted imbecile she called a teammate. Obviously she got her facts all screwed up when they were given the mission which caused the obvious delay in their arrival. Though, there was something that he said that caught her attention. It was near the end of his monologue, where he mentioned about the two girls proving themselves to the village people. The comment hit straight to home and a sudden seriousness struck the Uzumaki’s face almost prompting the joker to pop up from a different dimension and ask ‘Why so Serious?’.

The heterochromatic eyed girl headed off to the weapon stand after the Kazekage headed back off to his seat to enjoy the show. She eyes the different weapons that decorated the rack before storing two extra kunai and grabbing onto one of the spears. She twirled it endlessly through her fingers before losing control of the weapon, causing it to shoot up into the air and landing close to where Gwyn stood. “heeheee” Kira let out a nervous laugh before grabbing another spear and heading towards gwyn. She held the long weapon with one hand and rested it on her shoulder, pretty much acting like she hadn’t almost made a shish kabob out Gwyn. Though, darn did she wish her accidental aim was on point! She would have felt bad at first… maybe. “ALRIGHTY KOROSHI-KUUUUN, WE’RE ALLL READY!” Kira yelled out, hoping to get this show on the road. She had a sweet tooth for another fruity beverage since she didn’t get to finish the last one.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:00 am
Hearing that they are ready and seeing that Kira had already grabbed herself a weapon and tossed one over to Gwyn Koroshi nods, and bits his left thumb followed by preforming a few quick hand seals, after that a puff of smoke would appear on the opposite side of the area. The crowd grows silent once more as they wait for the beast to appear, after a few moments the smoke would clear and a large black bear standing on two legs looks at the young girls, his massive size towering over the girls standing easily 12 feet tall, on his back is a metal spiked mace, and he is wearing what would be taken as samurai plate armor, his body being almost fully covered expect for his head. "So you are the challenges that wish to test your might?" The bears says, his voice having a deep growl to it as he begins to reach back with his right arm, grasping a hold of his tested weapon as he eyes the girls down wanting to see their actions and to see if they will try to use teamwork to try and over power him, or if they are going to go in one at a time. The crowd waits patiently, sitting on the edge of their seat as they wait for the fight to break out.

(Short post o.o )
Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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They can hardly Bear each other (snow) Empty Re: They can hardly Bear each other (snow)

Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:14 pm
That had to be the coolest bear in the history of bears. And that was all Gwyn had to say about that.

As she made a mental check of all of her moves she realized something. Her tactics were generally limited to shooting fire balls. And that was...


She was going to burn this awesome bear down to the ground. And Kira might accidently do something useful while she was at it. Die. Get eaten. Slow the bear down from within. Yeah sounded good.

Gwyn had never actually been in a battle before so this was going to be intresting. She stood on one leg as the other went behind her and the foot made contact with the spear that Kira had almost killed her with. She put her foot onto it and channeled Chakra into it so the spear would stick to it. While she was doing this she would form the Tiger sign and a fire ball at The Awesome Bear.

The fire ball would take the form of a Dragon and it roared as it flew towards Awesome bear. It had a speed of 50 and a Speed which was the same. That was the first time she'd ever used that one! Her hair blew back,  and a great wind swept around the arena as the burst of fire roared across the sand which was glazing over and melt at the great heat. It was beautiful.

Not bad for an opening salvo, she stood her ground with her odd stance waiting to see what her team mate and the bear had to say about that. though she suspected that the only thing useful Kira would have to contribute was hooking Gwyn up with one of those fruity drinks.

(270 ap left.)
-30 ap for Great Dragon Fire.
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