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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:49 pm
Den heard the Queenguard telling someone about the messenger and said he'd handle it.

Den would find the new chakra relatively quickly with his chakra senses, as the boy's chakra was more potent than most of Hoshigakures ninja.

Stopping about a meter and a half from Kozata Den would say, "What does Kirigakure want with this village?" Speaking bluntly and not really trying to be polite, Den was in fact worried about what Xyxer wanted. The last time they met hadn't gone well and he didn't know if Xyxer still wanted him dead or not, he had been unconscious after Kokou had taken over his body during their fight and didn't know how he had survived after some stranger had absorbed Kokou's chakra.
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:30 pm

Hado was a bit surprised to see who showed up. The stranger's demeanor was a little scary though, but that did not keep the youngster from recognizing the fellow from the mass Genin Exams. Cool.

He opened his mouth to say hi, but the other was clearly not in the mood for a chat. He had looked busy before and it did not look like that had changed recently.

Hado waited for the newcomer, whose name he had not received before, and was unlikely to now, to finish his query to the boy from the gates. When the other paused, Hado would quickly jump in - "Hi mister, I was asked to bring this visitor here, do you want me to bow out now, or to stick around to bring him back outside? I can wait just over there if you would like." He pointed at the entrance to the public area of the palace. He liked to learn now, he hoped he was not sent away but if he was asked, he would with no issue.

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:38 pm
(Sorry if i misread when you meant to jump back into the convo Hyst ^^;)

Set aside their differences? That was something Den hadn't expected to hear.

Den was visibly caught off guard by the question, but quickly recomposed himself. Before he answered the genin that had escorted Kozata in began asking questions.

"Tell Xyxer I hold no ill will against him, and if it wouldn't be any trouble could you escort the messenger to the gates so he can be on his way? Or to any place he may need to go to re-supply before going on his journey." Den would look at Kozata when speaking about Xyxer, but would look at Hado afterwards.

Turning back to Kozata one more time Den would say, "Thank you for the message," and gave both of the young ninjas a wave before turning around and walking back the way he came.
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:45 pm
"Ok, sure boss!" Hado bounced on his feet while he spoke, trying to burn off a little energy while he was at it. Now though he was even more curious who the heck this guy was, he looked so benign and quiet nromally but if a great Kage of a reputable, though definitely bloodthirsty place, wanted to make friends again with that fellow, this fellow was obviously extremely powerful. Kewl, maybe Hado could do something later with him but he had better get stronger first.

Turning to face this other boy, Hado said "Heya, need anything else here?"

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:38 am
Sensing the boy disappear Den's first assumption was that the boy used a space time technique, though it was possible the boy had activated some technique to move faster than Den could perceive. Den would have perhaps felt some after affects of the movement though if the boy had moved that quickly though, so teleportation did seem more likely.

Had Xyxer sent the messenger for some other reason? Den, Maku, and others possessed the ability to teleport to places they had been to before... by showing off the power had the boy perhaps accidentally hinted at some scheme? Even if there was no scheme, this did present the problem that those with space time powers could teleport within Hoshigakure with the right abilities before Den.

Thinking he should probably ask Maku and some of his fuin users if they believed they could collaborate some sort of technique to shield the village from a space time user attempting to teleport into the village, Den would simply say to Hado after Kozata disappeared, "Go back to your post then I suppose... and thank you for bringing him here."

After that Den would turn and leave as he had intended.

[Exit unless stopped]
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:21 pm
Approved both
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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Loser Inches - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Inches

Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:38 pm

Hado ran off again to rejoin his post.

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