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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Arrival at Haven (gates)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:17 pm
Kira took steady steps as she was approaching the Hoshigakure's village gates. The sun high above her signalling that the current time was just about noon. Two steady beads of sweat raced down her face and down her neck before being swiped away with the back of her hand. The climate was much hotter than Kira had been used to, but it was just something she would have to get accustomed to as she traveled.

The young Uzumaki had been traveling for a few days now, making her way through many small villages and the Rock Country. Throughout her travels, she spotted a few wanted posters with her name on it offering a small amount of yen for her capture. Slightly flattered, Kira didn’t know the petty crimes she had committed up to this point would cause her to have her very own wanted poster. She always considered herself a trouble maker, but never a criminal. Either way, the crimes that she had committed so far were only done for her survival. She had very little to her name since the incident occurred at her home town.

Since washing up on the shore, Kira had yet to come across one of the major villages, only stopping by small towns and villages throughout her travels. She unfortunately hadn’t had the chance to meet anyone, causing it to be a very lonely journey. She had begun to give up hopes on finding her parents, or even her sister, and was starting to come to grips that she might be alone for a long time. For some odd reason, Kira was starting to be okay with that. At least her family was no longer feeling pain.

Unsure of whether or not they would allow her access into the Village of Hoshigakure, Kira thought she would at least try. Maybe pick up an odd job or two to actually make some money for herself so she wouldn’t have to steal her way into her next meal. She wouldn’t stay long though, she didn’t feel comfortable staying in one place. Maybe it was the fear that she would get close to people, close to having a new home, before it would be ripped away from her once again. So many thoughts crossed Kira’s mind… All she had were her thoughts.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:26 pm
Like last time Kyofu stood on top of a pillar that held the gates of Hoshigakure together. Kyo stared as a figure walked up in the distance." Damn another missing nin " said Kyo as he could see s girl with red hair with his keen eyes. He could see that the girl had a really high speed and low health with his Haki, probably even faster then himself if he was to battle. As the girl was but a meter away from the gates Kyo screamed " Halt " before she could get any closure." State your name and where you come from as well as why you came to Hoshigakure " said Kyo his face hidden behind his mask.

He was hoping he wouldn't have to fight anyone today SD he stranded up straight on the pillar waiting for the unknown.

( wasn't able to Chang accounts ATM)
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:56 pm
Kira approached the gates at a steady speed, searching her surroundings for any signs of life. For some odd reason, the entrance to Hoshigakure seemed rather empty besides a lonely ninja who seemed to sit at a small booth, bored out of his mind. She figured that he would be the one she’d have to talk to. With experience in theatrics, The young Uzumaki could probably come up with some sad story of her ’nearby village’ being raided by bandits and her being the only survivor. They’d surely have to let the young poor girl in. She was as cute as a button after all; she didn’t look like she could hurt a fly.
“ Halt. State your name and where you come from as well as why you came to Hoshigakure.”
Kira came to a slow stop, looking around for the voice that was too formal for its own good. She looked left, right, even at the ninja in the boot who seemed to have fallen asleep at this point; it wasn’t him either. Finally, Kira looked up and noticed a masked figure standing on one of the gate’s pillars. Again, she looked around to see if he could have been talking to anyone else but her. Realizing she was the only one around, she pointed to herself and tilted her head in confusion like a confused puppy.
Kira asked innocently. The long gap of silence only led her to believe that it was her he was talking to. Sticking to the plan, the young Uzumaki began sniffling up a bit and let the tears run down her face as she dropped to her knees. Let the show begin.
“M-my name is Kira Akudachi! I come from a small town between Iwagakure and Hoshigakure! Bandits have attacked my people and I was the only one who survived. Iwagakure was destroyed so… I… I didn’t know where else to go.”
Kira voice was shaky, raspy even. She could have probably even tricked those who knew her usual theatrics. She rubbed her puffy eyes and looked up at the masked man to see her as vulnerable as she could possibly fake. She was unable to see his face, so she was unaware as to how he took her story. Though, if the the masked figure saw through her like glass, the young Uzumaki would be quite impressed since her performance would have made an oscar winner look bad. Kira placed her hands together, locking her fingers. 

“ P-please have mercy.”
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:11 am
Kyofu continued to stare at the red haired girl, he found the girl's hair abnormal since he had not seen many with red hair. So this was kind of a sight to see. After Kyofu stated his words the girl looked back and forth. Kyo saw that was stupid because she could clearly see she was the only one besides him in the fields. He hoped this was not just a dim witted teenager who wanted attention. The girl point to herself and said " Me ". Kyo nodded his head already annoyed with the girl's antics. He saw the girl began to sniffle and tears slowly trickled down her face.

Behind his mask Kyo had a straight face he could care less if she was sad or not. He wanted to know why she was at the village." M-my name is Kira Akudachi! I come from a small town between Iwagakure and Hoshigakure! Bandits have attacked my people and I was the only one who survived. Iwagakure was destroyed so… I… I didn’t know where else to go.” 

Kyofu almost felt sorry for the girl's sob story he had not heard of a village between Iwagakure and Hoshigakure even if it was small it would attract attention. He thought about it he could believe this girl but a lot of people have come to villages seeking entrance and lied on why they came." Please have mercy " said Kira, Kyo only smirked behind his mask then said " I am going to have mercy but please give me more information I am sure if even a small village WS destroyed between the two great countries the people of Hoshigakure may have known as the village is within their region. If you could can you tell me more about this village " said Kyo as he took one knee on the pile and focused his red eyes down to the girl awaiting her answer.
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:42 am
While covering her face with her hands, Kira squinted her eyes and made a face of disgust. Really? During previous use of her theatrics, no one had gone on to ask her more about her tragic experience. It would be considered rude after all. The Young Uzumaki repositioned her face to that of a crying child, letting the tears continue to make their path on her face before dripping off her chin, and splashing onto the ground below. She looked up to the man who know took a knee on the pillar. She took a quick glance towards the ninja in the booth who still seemed to be stuck in a trance to be of much use. Tsk, looks like I’m stuck convincing this jerk.

“ It was’t your usual village you see. there was only about twenty of us consisting of five families. I am unsure of it’s exact location since I had never left the comforts of it. I only know what I told you, that it was between the two great villages. Please, I traveled for quite some time to get away. I am quite tired.”

Kira said in-between sobs. Her voice seemed weak from all her fake crying that she did. Between all the lies, she at least told one truth. She really was tired, and nothing would be more appreciated than a nice comfy bed. The only thing she’s slept on recently were tree branches. If she could find her way into a private room with her own bed, she’d be temped to never leave. Kira wiped her face one last time, letting the waterworks die down. She figured the time for grieving was just about done and if this jerk still wasn’t convinced, she’d pull out the big guns; Betty and Susie. They were quite effective on men, and supposedly some women. 

Kira got up from off the ground, dusting off her legs and combat skirt before facing back up to the mysterious man in the mask. Her eyes were still puffy but her tears had stopped. For some reason, it just felt like it was getting hotter and hotter, sitting here, waiting for the cold hearted man to allow her entrance to this forsaken village. Maybe she would have had better luck just traveling to Konoha.

“ Please sir, I am really tired and just want to rest."
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:48 am
Kyofu continued to stare at the girl who then had said was’t your usual village you see. " It wasn't your usual village their was only about twenty of us consisting of five families. I am unsure of it’s exact location since I had never left the comforts of it. I only know what I told you, that it was between the two great villages. Please, I traveled for quite some time to get away. I am quite tired.” Kyofu continued to stare at the girl as she said those words during sobs. Their was one more question he needed to ask and if this girl answered truthfully he or may not let her into the village." You say that your small village consisted of small families were these families like clans if so tell me the names of these families " said Kyo as he now stood straight up cracking his neck as it had got a bit stiff from staring.

He hoped that a battle wouldn't progress in the future because he was pretty bummed out from being on watch duty all the time. His eyes traveled back to the red head awaiting the last answer.
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:18 am
Kira looked at the man with a blank look on her face. She was flabbergasted that he still had the audacity to ask her another question. Had she just destroyed a village herself? Because she felt like she was being questioned like a suspected terrorist, and if her story didn’t match she’d get tossed in prison where she’d best not ‘drop the soap’.

“Well,” Kira started off. “There was our family, the Akudachi’s, and there is… was six of us. Then there was the Ohime’s which had four family members. The Kurama’s and Wazashi’s had four in each, and then there was the Kimiho couple. Now sir, if you have any other questions, I’ll be glad to answer them INSIDE.” 

Kira was beginning to get quite annoyed with this masked figure. She was about to take the first flight off the pain and guilt stage and go straight to anger. She really didn’t have time to site around answering questions about her fake story and name the non existing families. The Young Uzumaki crossed her arms right below her chest, letting Betty and Susie pop out a bit more, giving them a bit more depth. She tilted her head slightly waiting an answer from the man who seemed to have nothing better to do than ask pain-stricken girls a thousand questions like if it was some quiz show. Besides, Kira was a master liar and definitely one hell of an actress. He wasn’t going to catch her off guard any time soon which meant they’d probably be there all day.
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:21 pm
After hearingthe girl speak Kyo would thinkabout it then stare at the girl. On top of the polw Kyo wouod say " Sorry for the questions. You may go in " hewaved hishands towards the gates and jumped off of the pole and walked througg the gates not caring if the girl followed or not.


(dorry if my post is wack im not,on my phone and Idont have time to pos)
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Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:20 pm
After the seventy-fifth question, Kira was finally allowed access from the masked man who stood on top of the Pillar. Kira watched as he jumped down and walked through the gates himself, heading off into his home village of Hoshigakure. Kira took a minute to himself to let the distance gain between her and the unknown man. Once there was about twenty meters between the two, she started her walk. Her pace was steady, removing her hands from her chest and onto the back of her head.

She approached the guard who had been inside the booth and took a second to observe the snoozing man. She used her index finger to poke his nose before the man started to wake up from his slumber. Startled from his sudden consciousness, Kira sprinted off into the village. It was time to do some exploring.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Arrival at Haven (gates) Empty Re: Arrival at Haven (gates)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:27 pm

Approved <3

Be sure to drop by the academy and do paperwork (to show if you're visiting or want to be a Hoshi nin) or we'll have to send someone after poor Kira.
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