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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:19 am
Risako was high above Mako's location, making the uphill battle he was now fighting a very difficult one.  He could sense her location easily though he wasn't quite certain what she might be planning.  Though he knew her planning was somewhat lackluster which could work to his keen minds advantage though he didn't have nearly the combat abilities Risako did.  He stayed behind the tree keeping his senses heightened.  He could hear her ruffle through her pouch and then he heard a unique hissing noise associated with the typical explosive seal tags found in the local Ninja shop similar to the sound of running water.  Mako could then make out the sound of whirring through the air, that was coming closer to him with the explosive tag attached to it.  His next course of action was simple.  He stepped down in a crouch and readied to jump to the edge of the massive tree trunk that was covering him.  He heard the whizzing coming closer and closer then as soon as it crested the edge of the tree prepping its descent to the ground he launched out grabbing the kunai through the hole on its back with his finger.  As a weaponry specialist he had more than an average amount of training with a kunai whether there was a tag on it or not.  

It took only a few seconds for him to perform his counter and the timing was perfect for him, as he had spun it around and launched it back toward RIsako. He activated his surface walking knowing that he would need it to make his attack. The tanto on his right leg flashed with chakra as he began his run toward her.  The tag was perfectly timed to explode the moment it reached Risako, and Mako stayed about 2 meters behind the kunai.  The kunai flew at a speed of 95 and Mako held out his hands doing the Ram sign so that he could follow close behind.  Mako was about 15 m from Risako and as such with their speed coming in she would have very little possibilities remaining as of now.  She could dodge but that would allow Mako the much needed opportunity to find solid footing in this knock down drag out.

The tag flew forward leading Mako's charge as it got close to Risako it exploded leaving a great cloud of red and orange explosion then a thick cloud of smoke as Mako came through the smoke and drove his weapon straight from the holster in a cross swipe across her chest.

-5 surface walking, -10 body flicker, 106/205 ap


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:19 pm
Mako was about to learn his first lesson in handling explosive tags. Unless you were the person that lit the fuse, don't go near it, and sure as hell don't wrap yer grubby little fingers around it! Risako could see her not so carefully aimed kunai being thrown back at her. Well, it wouldn't make it more than halfway, before suddenly and violently exploding. Her plan was to let the fuse just blow up itself, but that wasn't an option due to the kunai being thrown back at her. Well, new plans had to be made. It wouldn't be good if she just sat there with the fast approaching Mako and, well not so fast now that it has exploded, kunai. The explosion would likely cause her opponent to have to redirect himself in some way, lest he just you know, get caught in it. If he did indeed get caught in it, this would be no good for her, as well, it would likely severely injure him. So, here's hoping that Mako finds his way out of that one. 

Risako would then use her chakra and fuin skills to coat the roots around her in the same two seals that trapped his monkey earlier. While she had seen enough, she also felt that the fight had indeed gone on long enough. Standing, she took the explosive tag off of the seal, and tore it in half, cancelling the fuse. At this point, Mako should (if he dodged the explosion that he was behind, of course,) be getting ready to attack her again. Risako would instead hold up her hand, and say "Enough. This isn't going anywhere anytime soon," she'd pause for a moment, to see if Mako complied, "I'm gonna vouch to get you a chuunin exam." 

[Mkay, timelined the kunai to explode before it reached meh, thus Mako needs to avoid it somehow, (because the app states the user can explode it early if they so choose.)

Spawned the barrier seal and Chakra draining seal again, 30 AP (Just in the case that you continue yer attacks.) I'm gonna be a little busy, which is unfortunate, and it's the only reason I tried to stop the combat here. We'll have our rematch after the chuunin exams and whatnot. (Unless you choose to continue fightin' that is XD)]
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako)

Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:14 pm
Mako had forgotten about Risako's abilities with fuinjutsu, though that didn't mean he hadn't calculated for it. He had remained a decent distance away though he was watching and listening calculating the time on the tag he watched it burn down as he stared through it at Risako.  Similar to sights on a scope.  He used it as a lead watching her and the tag simultaneously. 

Then the tags remaining parts disaooeared in a puff of smoke and he knew it was gonna explode prematurely just a few meters shy of Risako.  Mako stopped suddenly to keep from entering the large explosion.  The blast raised up and raged out causing Mako and Risako to immediately lose sight of one another though there senses were unharmed.  Mako refused to quit until he had proved a point.  Then he could hear risako talking on the other side of the clouded explosion.  He didn't think Risako understood that this fight had nothing to do with the chuunin exam.  Though being entered was what he wanted he didnt need to fight her for it.  He reached into the pouch while the smoke blocked the line of sight, and produced a rubber ball similar to the style that Risako had bounced off his head at their first meeting.  The only difference is this one had a hollowed out hole in it about the same diameter as a cigarette the one he had in his mouth was out and only had an ash covered butt on it.  He slipped it in the hole and took the ball in his right hand and launched it through the smoke at full speed.  Aiming directly for her face, putting the right amount of curve to leave a black smear on her face when it connected.  She could dodge it but he doubted she was even expecting it due to the fact that he had stopped moving and with her senses would know the fight had ended.  Mako just had one last gambit for pride.  One that he'd wanted to do for the longest time, even well before the beginning of this fight. 

After the smoke had cleared he found her and looked to see if the black smear had hit her, it would mean a lot to him if it did.  He stepped out and said, "I hate paperwork so that's on you,"  Very gruffly a stern look on his face.  His clothes and muscled arms were covered in soot and had a black smear of soot across his nose.  He was covered in sweat and had released the swallow from his sword.  He then said "I would've had you with my last attack as he bent over and pulled a string causing a wall of wood hidden in leaves to rise from the ground behind her, one he had spent hours with uncle making.  The wall would've blocked Risako's escape and given him the time he needed to connect with her.  Though it wasn't necessary to continue because she likely would've dodged that too and just continued the fight and drug it out longer.

"You better get back and sign me up for my exams, and if Zennal and Ryuugia want in on it they better actually be there," he said very sternly the wind blowing his soot covered hair around then he smiled and started to walk away.

2854 TWC Exit
claiming 14 stats and 2854 2000/2000 battojutsu: Quick draw / 105 toward Sword mastery completing it/ 749/3000 toward Iai Beheading
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:24 am
Much more dust was kicked up by the explosive seal than Risako had anticipated. After she said what she had to say, she waited a second. Silence? Surely he couldn't be thinking to continue this, he was good with weapons, and that meant he knew how dangerous explosive seal were. When it came, she wasn't exactly ready for it. Her pupils pushed back against the steely-grey cages until they were dilated to the point that they took up most of the iris. Then, it hit her, right in the forehead, and fell to the ground as her eyes traced it and the few black ashes that were left in its wake. Was... was that all? She wasn't dead due to offering a draw? Just a little rubber ball? Just a little smack with a ball to the forehea-

Wait a fuckin' second. This was payback, for the little rubber ball she tossed at Mako when they first met. After the dust settled, her eyes would meet Mako's, and she'd hear what he had to say. Risako almost laughed at Mako's forced sternness, really, there wasn't a need to look like tough stuff. Before he turned to walk off, she'd reply to what he said with a prompt, "Fuck you tough guy." Her smile would indicate that she didn't really have any negative feelings towards Mako. She'd wait, until after Mako walked away, before lifting her hand to her forehead. Fingering the spot where the ball hit, she looked at her darkened finger, and realized that she now had a temporary mark.

With this little debacle out of the way, she shrugged her shoulders, thought to her self "Meh. It'll wash away," and finally she walked off back to the relative safety of Konoha's streets. 

[3081 total WC
claiming 15 stats, 360 words towards Majestic Fire Destruction, 2721 towards Demon Lantern, exit
Akihana Akari
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Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rubber Ball payback (p,NK, Risako)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:53 am

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