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Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:21 pm
Yusuke saws Xyxer duck the shuriken so he did the same thing as the shuriken from the other side would most like came flying at him while doing that Xyxer would have already be near Yusuke taking this chance Yusuke would grab Xyxer's leg and not let go if he was near.
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:27 pm
Seeing as how the clone was not defended, Samehada cut cleanly through him and absorbed it's essence (going to assume it's 51 AP since that's his health, thus the power of the jutsu) before moving towards Yusuke, who had copied his manouver. Once he had drawn close however, the boy simply grabbed his leg.. he did not attack, simply grabbed his leg. Not bringing the sword down as strong as he intended originally, he instead lowered the sword, putting it down onto his shoulder as he crouched to passively absorb his AP. "What're you doing? That'd a terrible move." While Samehada absorbed 30 AP as per the attack rules.

81/150 AP
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:33 pm
Yusuke was stupid enough to do that for samehada to suck his chakra but in doing so he was able to place a exploding tag onto Xyxer's leg while holding on to his leg, before Yusuke get out of the way he make sure he had a wire attached to Xyxers leg together wit the  explosive tag.
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:36 pm
When Yusuke attempted to place an exploding tag on the leg of Xyxer, he simply allowed a smirk to form upon his lips. It was a brave move, if he had distracted him somehow it could have perhaps paid off.. but, since Xyxer had been looking down and naturally saw his hand reach out, he lifted his foot up as soon as he reached out, avoiding the exploding tag whilst sending his foot down like a thunderbolt to the back of the boy's wrist, pressing it down to the ground to trap it if unintervened. Would he blow up his own arm? He certainly hoped not. However, he'd move to keep Samehada in contact with the boy, absorbing an even greater portion of AP this time. 60 AP absorbed from him this post.

[141/150 AP]
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:39 pm
Yusuke was still too slow and for Xyxer it was easy but he had nothing much to offer for this fight all that remain was the boy himself as he rolls away lying on the ground telling Xyxer that he is out of chakra...
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:42 pm
Smirking at the boy trying to roll away, Xyxer kept his foot on the boy's wrist to force him to stay. "You can not make such silly mistakes in battle, Yusuke. If this was a war, I could take you as a prisoner of war, and conditions would not be.. impressive to say the least." He kept Samehada on the boy, teaching him a rather draining lesson.

[201/150 AP]
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:46 pm
Yusuke looks at Xyxer weaken by the fact that samehada was draining his chakra "alright i know you should get this sword away from me i am losing much of my chakra" Yusuke could not do anything while being taught a lesson
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:48 pm
Smirking at Yusuke's reply to him, he removed Samehada and placed it on his back, looking the boy over for a few seconds. He was able to tell from the boy's bodily movements that he really was drained. "You'll have to work on your combat, Yusuke. Perhaps I'll teach you myself at some point when you better understand what you wish to learn."
Legacy <3
Legacy <3
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:49 pm
Yusuke looks and listens to what Xyxer had to say before he was too tired and knocked out on the spot leaving Xyxer to bring him to the hospital

total wc: 631 
3 stat
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What am i doing here? (NK and no everything) - Page 3 Empty Re: What am i doing here? (NK and no everything)

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:58 pm
Looking at the boy as he collapsed during Xyxer's sentence, he chuckled a little to himself, although, he did hope the boy would not be permanently damaged, he was one of the few people he actually liked in this cruel world. Sending one hand to the boy, he'd lift him up simply and put him on his shoulder in a fireman's carry, taking him to the hospital before he put him in the A&E, nodding to the doctors on the way. When he left, he decided to pop another pill, what's the worst that could happen, eh?

1095 WC
+5 Strength
putting it towards sharkfusion
261/150 AP in Samehada - absorbed 200 - increasing it's max cap by 10 AP - increases my max cap by 5 AP (not sure on whether it carries through, but if it does i assume it goes by 150/150
no more D.E.R.P pills
-15 stamina
-150 AP

[Topic Closed since Legacy's lazy]
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