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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Sneaky Sneaky! [entrance] Empty Re: Sneaky Sneaky! [entrance]

Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:52 am
The gates weren't always busy, but today seemed to be an exception. It wasn't the first of these large pilgrimages. Many groups would come to worship in one of the churches that littered the grandest city of all of Haven country. Maku had recently been taken with the religion of the city and had spent hours within their halls. Reading the scriptures and listening to the sermons. It fascinated him, especially the multiple denominations that inevitably spawned. It had become sort of a hobby really.

However this group was not one of these. At least not all of them. Maku was expecting a certain.....shipment. After taking the underground from the rogue shinobi he had put himself hard at work. Taking this and that as his own to continue the criminal market. His experience in running an entire shinobi village became valuable for the first time in his life. Except where you have to behave as a leader, there was no such restrictions when running the underground. In fact you could just dispatch failures and no one said anything, as long as you had the power to back it up. Without the rogues, and no real shinobi force in the village to speak of, Maku had yet to have his authority challenged. Indeed, he began to wonder who had more power, the Queen or himself.

Within this group there lurked several individuals with an assortment of contraband. Drugs, weapons, jutsu scrolls anything that could be found in the black market. Not only that, but some had come to work in the pleasure houses that himself and Akihana had fixed up. Though she didn't know it. His bribes, and the level of satisfaction granted by them kept their existence low in conversation. He doubted the city could do anything to stop him, but he wasn't ready to flaunt in front of the light just yet. Soon he would have the power to be more open, but he didn't want to make waves this early.

Timing was after all everything. Besides if it came out the Akihana knew Maku personally, and the queen learned he was behind most of the now efficiently run organized crime it might put her in a awkward position. The poor girl had to much stress in her life, why add more.

So, Maku found himself along with around a dozen others at the main city gates. 6 lines would be opened up, 2 of his group per pilgrim. There they would ask all notable information, name, occupation, reason for visit, items they had brought, any produce, and of course why they were visiting. Maku himself meandered from line to line keeping an eye out for anything suscoicious. They had just begun, and he quickly counted 25 souls to enter. Of course not all would gain entry, as in the second line one man was already turned away. His reason for entrance not good enough, fucking tourists with no true intent. The city didn't need that now, especially with the event coming up.

As he watched the first 6 people were let through, and the second would step up. 3 groups would appear however. A group of those to gain entry, 2 that carried the shipment, and the final group had one confused looking individual in it. How they were being sorted would of course be impossible to be discerned from the group at large.

Maku would be unaware of Kozai's precense, but he never stopped watching each individual for even the slightest sign of discomfort. Denkitiki had already removed much of the shinobi threat from the boarders, though rats always slipped through cracks, and recently Maku had taken on the roll of rat catcher. His current occupation made it fairly simple after all. He had killed several shinobi that had been found hiding in the village. Where they guilty? Well to be honest he wasn't sure, he hadn't asked questions he simply wished there to be no shinobi in the village outside the trio and those being trained by Denkitki.

Kozai being in the middle would be behind the ones being interviewed for entry.

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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Sneaky Sneaky! [entrance] Empty Re: Sneaky Sneaky! [entrance]

Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:22 am
The remainder of the pilgrims would be sorted.  It was a fairly quick process, and soon three distinct groups would be formed.  "Now, you may go."  Maku would say to the largest of the group.  They would quickly disperse into the village.  The final two groups were distinctly smaller.  

The group that Kozai was in would quickly have the majority of ther supplies taken.  These were what he had been waiting for.  "You may go as well."  He would wave them off.  The last group with dejected looks would disappear with Maku's own company.  They were destined for work in a less than glorious place.  

Before the groups were fully out of earshot though Maku would let out one final warning.  "Remember friends, any unregistered shinobi is set to be killed on sight, rewards for information.  Have a nice day."  He would sing cheerfully before enveloping himself in a gold bubble and vanishing from the gates.   As the pilgrims continued through the village, they would see more fliers reveling something similar.  Asking for information on any illegal shinobi.  

Maku had half hoped he could have picked up a chakra signature but alas to no avail.  He quite enjoyed the cat and mouse game of hunting and killing rogue shinobi in the village, but sadly there wasn't many left. Never knew though, with each new person brought a new chance to have fun.

(Exit, Kozai can come in)

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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Sneaky Sneaky! [entrance] Empty Re: Sneaky Sneaky! [entrance]

Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:39 am

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