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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Continued Peace[Letter] Empty Continued Peace[Letter]

Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:33 am
Jason had been mulling over his last letter fro the Mizukage since he had sent his response. He had long since thought of writing the Mizukage again and now was sitting at his desk scribbling out a letter. He finished the letter and tied it to the leg of an owl that was white as snow. The owl would fly from the window straight to the chamber of the Mizukage. After being let in, the owl would wait on the window sill. The letter would read as follows.

"Dear Mizukage,
 I have had some to think over your previous proposal. I have decided to allow three of your ninja into the walls of Konoha under circumstances. I will allow one ninja of Jounin rank and two ninja under him to hunt the missing ninja roaming in and around my village. In return I would ask that any information your ninja find on a group called "Koukan" be relayed to me. I hope to see you at the summit.

Yours Truly,
Jason Senju- Hokage"
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Continued Peace[Letter] Empty Re: Continued Peace[Letter]

Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:24 am
Seeing the letter attached to the leg of the owl, he wondered briefly how it had flew through the oceanic storm circle, but he was not one to question the roleplay gods. Taking the mildly damp letter from it's leg, he opened it to read the contents, a small smile forming upon his lips. He understood that becoming a leader of the people was a difficult time for the new Hokage, so he allowed the brief insult to him in the previous letter to fade from his memory. He got to writing a new letter, attaching it back to the owl and sending it back on it's jolly way.

" Dear Hokage,

I will be one of the first to enter your village from Kirigakure; partially to sight-see, I hear Konohagakure is a great time of place this year, and also to ensure there aren't any high ranking missing shinobi hiding out. We prefer to keep casualties to a minimum. Afterwards, my shinobi will not bother you with impetuous acts, I can promise that. I look forward to meeting you in your village, and the summit.

Xyxer Gyojin."
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Continued Peace[Letter] Empty Re: Continued Peace[Letter]

Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:54 am
Jason read over the response from Xyxer with a solemn look on his face. So the Mizukage himself was coming to pay Jason a visit. Jason wondered if this visit would be entirely peaceful. He had heard rumors of the Mizukage's pension for violence, the old nickname "The Blood Mist Village" coming back to aptly describe the village of Kirigakure. Jason put down the letter and prepared himself for the inevitable visit. Perhaps they could form some kind of an alliance. Jason had been contemplating the idea of holding another joint Chuunin exams lately. He would have to discuss it with Xyxer when he arrived.
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Continued Peace[Letter] Empty Re: Continued Peace[Letter]

Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:59 am
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