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Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:37 am
Levi had requested permission to see his kage why because he needed to talk about things. One being him not feeling at home or welcomed it was just his paranoia and not trusting of anyone but still....he didn't fit in. He was like a flame surrounded by firefighters just waiting to be doused out. Well quite literally he was probably the only Goka clan member in Kiri being a person who isn't fond of being near a lot of water and constantly feeling ill in a village right in the middle of the sea. He also needed to report some things in about Ame he felt like he needed that much and he had all the info about the people in Ame thanks to Li having him go gather everyone's information.  Maybe this could help his kage later who knows.

He wore his best suit as he walked into the kage's building and escorted in by two ninja who worked there. Once arriving at his Lord's chambers he fixed his tie up as he gulped and knocked on the door. "Lord Mizukage, may I come in?"
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:06 am
Hearing the knock on his door, and obviously, having been prepared ahead of time due to the nature of meeting a superior, he would nod to one of the guards inside of the room. Jester would open the door from the inside of the room for the boy to enter, and once Levi had entered, the guard on the outside, Wraith, would enter from the outside and close the door on his way out, both standing sentinel on either side of the door. Putting his hands on the desk, his blue eyes scanning Levi briefly, "You're the one found near Amegakure, right? What can I do for you?"
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:23 am
Once let in, Levi would bow to his Lord and then present him with the files he had got from Ame. He would reach out his hand for a handshake still not learning from his handshake accident. "My lord, I've come to give you files of the Ame ninja I was able to gather and accept my punishment for not coming immediately to Kiri or informing you of my whereabouts after the evacuation. " He didn't have an excuse for his actions despite accidentally getting caught up in the ame rebuild project and falling in love he didn't speak of those unless asked then again he wouldn't speak of it at all since that would be an excuse. "Since my time in Ame I learned one of our ninja destroyed their village and after witnessing the rebuild I wanted to report that in to you as I thought that it may be of important news. These files I was able to gather was also me thinking it would be of important of use to you."

He wasn't scared, he was calm and content as he looked his Lord into his lords blue eyes with his orange eyes. Levi was a businessman and this was business that he needed to be dealt with. "He is kinda handsome don't you think? " Great his summon decided to continue to mess with him telepathically no matter where he was at or who he was with.
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:40 am
Atlas saw the hand reaching out for a simple shake, it was a common gesture.. His heart quickened a little at the mere prospect of it. He could grab the boy's hand.. Apply tension.. constrict.. Crush the small bones first, and then gradually the larger ones.. Mangle.. Snap his hand and cram the broken bones that were ushered from the skin back into the vulnerable eyes of the child..Closing his eyes, he gazed up from the hand to the male, simply ignoring the hand in an attempt to control Xyxer. He put his hands on the files, contemplating them for a moment before asking a simple question, "Tell me about the Shinobi you found in Amegakure. I had traveled there not too long ago, met some interesting characters, and I find word of the mouth is more interesting than the ink on the documents." Although, none the less, he would read them later on.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:05 pm
So no handshake seriously first that Takeo guy, then Altar and now his Lord let's not forget Mr.Drain your chakra and ko you by handshake, all would extremely disappoint Falcone if he was here. Levi put his hands back to his side as he watched his Lord and listened to what he said. Why did he have to ask him that question? Of all the things he was prepared for he was not prepared for this as he was trying to forget everyone and everything in that village as a whole. He seriously can't believe he asked what they were like and on a more serious note he got his answer to a question he didn't ask, who was the tenga nin that destroyed well helped destroyed Ame. "They are a interesting bunch....Li Dian their leader, he stood up to the ones that destroyed his home. He after losing everything didn't give up easily on his home and worked his ass off rebuilding Ame. He was able to start alone and then gained and encouraged many others to help rebuild.....I was able to befriend him and some others. Aios, the refugee from Funka.....she's well...really obsessed with cosplay. She was also my business partner when Li allowed me to set up a shop and put me in charge of all business relations for Ame. " The next person on the list he didn't want to speak about her but he gritted his teeth and did it anyway. "CoRin Kura, she is the head of the police force in Ame.....and the only reason why I stayed there for so long. She is a proud woman and has a thing about giving out justice to 'evil doers." The rest was just info of all the villagers and the remaining shinobi of Amegakure. "The village as a whole is surprisingly a well working community despite everyone coming from different backgrounds. Li he is the type that would want to keep peaceful for his people and would do everything in his power to keep it that way even when peace isn't an option. That is all that I have gotten from my time there..."
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:50 pm
Xyxer noticed a slight pause when the boy began speaking of CoRin.. did he even see.. the slightest of blushes? Perhaps it was a trick of the light? Allowing the slightest of smirks to fall upon his lips, he leaned back into his seat and gazed at the boy's features more intently, trying to determine what would be a lie and which of his emotions would be teh truth, as when you get into politics, this is a very important tool. "Tell me more about the girl who made you stay."
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:05 pm
Crap, he noticed it...that slight hesitation when he spoke of CoRin. He glanced away for a bit before returning his gaze back to his Lord. Should he tell him? No he couldn't possibly wait why was he interested in her? So many questions he was cracking this is why Falcone warned him to not fall in love gaah. "CoRin....I...fell in love with her so I stayed as long as I could until you would send someone after me and bring me back. It was a mistake on my side. Like my butler said, Love is bad for business...." He knew he had a duty in Kiri and yet he got close to her. Despite how things ended with him being dragged away this was just opening up old wounds dealing with the events of his little torture family reunion. "But that is behind me now..." he said It was behind him now but yet he still couldn't just up and abandon those feelings ....was that enough to satisfy his Lord's curiosity?
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:22 pm
Xyxer wanted to ask whether he would be willing to assassinate CoRin, a test of loyalty, which would indeniably end up with the extinction of one entire party since he would fail. However, Atlas temporarily forbade that command, instead offering a solution to the future Romeo, "Perhaps I can suggest a way to meet with her once more." He smirked a little more, the news of a recent attack on Amegakure having came to him, so the likelihood of the girl being dead was rather high, but who was Xyxer to prevent the boy from discovering tragic news? "Perhaps you would rather be a wanderer and hunt Missing Shinobi along these.. people?"
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:37 pm
To meet with her once more?" Was he toying with him? He was still waiting to receive some type of harsh punishment but instead he was offered to become a Wanderer. "Hunt missing shinobi?" There was some catch to this, there had to be one...there is always one. He was unaware of what went down in Ame since he left well....was taken back to kiri so there was much surprise in store. "If you allow me to then yes...I will become a wanderer. Give me a target and I'll bring their head to you my lord or die trying to." What was there to lose? He seriously had nothing to lose.
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I'm the outcast after all [Atlas] Empty Re: I'm the outcast after all [Atlas]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:02 pm
"I hear your friends want a Missing Shinobi killed, I'm sure they'll fill you in on the details and you can bring me back half of the ryo as a parting gift. You'll have to check in with me every two weeks, otherwise I'll declare you a missing shinobi and hunt you and your party." He paused after saying those words, smiling faintly, "I'm sure it won't come to that though." Writing a brief letter explaining the boy's new role as a Wanderer, he gave it the official Kirigakure stamp and his signature before handing it to the boy in case he needed authentication. "Have a fun trip."

[Exit unless stopped]
Levi is a wanderer because it broke my heart to see him alone without friends
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