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Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Ninja or delivery boy? Empty Ninja or delivery boy?

Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:15 am
Mission specs:

After pocketing the reward from cleaning up the sand, which only took about thirty minutes, Mitako read the next mission that he plucked from the board. It... it was just a note that had said "The Mizukage's hounds eat through barrels of meat, therefore, he needs more to feed his lovely pets. You scratch his back, he'll scratch yours." He then gave it some thought... The last time he had interaction with Xyxer, the Mizukage, he lost his arms due to orders. Mitako shrugged it off and went on with the assigned, err... well semi-assigned task he was given. He wondered, if the dogs ate through barrels of meat, how to get all of the food they needed, let alone what kind of meat they ate. Surely, since they were Xyxer's hounds, they weren't too picky. Or... were they? Would the Mizukage treat his dogs like pets or attack hounds? Mitako didn't really know, nor did he care to find out. 

He decided that the quickest way he was going to get barrels of meat was going to the fishermen. Surely, they wouldn't mind Mitako tagging along and giving them a hand. He would have to wager on the barrels of meat though. Maybe just the mention that the Mizukage wanted the meat would be enough to sway their minds in the direction that Mitako wanted. On top of the Mizukage's desire for the meat, he was already on semi-good terms with them due to his constant being around the docks. Let even let him borrow the shack they used until he could find his own place to live. With the plan set, he made his way down to the docks. 

Once he arrived, he saw that most of the fishermen were just coming in from the nightly haul, and judging by the large number of barrels, that they had an extremely good haul. Like, not in their dreams would they find such a large amount of fish. Apparently, due to some of Mitako's actions with some killer squid, the fish population had seen a huge boom. He approached the... Captain I guess? and asked him "Have good haul?" 

He was replied to with a prompt bout of laughter and wheezing from the scraggly old man, who told him "You bet! We have enough here that we won't need to work for a week." 

Mitako replied with a blank look, "Exciting, the Mizukage needs meat for his hounds. Mind if I have a few barrels?" 

Long story short, Mitako was given three barrels of meat, along with the hand of some of the younger fishermen. He returned to the mission board building, where the fishermen were instructed to take the meat to the Mizukage's building, and Mitako was given his reward. Even though he kinda just had other people work for him.

[472 words toward Sand Mastery
claiming mission rewards]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ninja or delivery boy? Empty Re: Ninja or delivery boy?

Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:10 am
Approved, you also get 1 AP. <3
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