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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:34 am
Xyxer sat in the nestle of his spinning chair. He did love the novelty of the whole thing, although it did not feel right to him. He wanted everything more primal.. more basic. A stone throne.. that would do nicely some time. His hands drummed over the aquatic desk before him as he pondered the thoughts that spiraled through his mind, his thumbs tapping periodically against the glass at an irregular beat with a few splayed documents before him. He did not personally know these people, but he knew what connected all three of them. Was this the right thing to do? Did anybody else truly want to be like Xyxer?.. Atlas frowned a little and a shiver ran down his spine at the mere thought of another one of him. A blind, heedful dog until a better option came along.. Although, he had not been a true traitor. No, he'd always reject that idea when it found it's way into his mind. Regardless, as Xyxer pondered these ideas with his dogs scuffling about at the side of the room, a messenger had delivered a message to Hysterio, a simple one. 'Your presence is required at the Mizukage Chambers.'
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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:43 am
Hysterio had been off to the library for unknown purposes, though it most likely involved research on the requirements for owning a lab here. Then somehow even though he had been not telling anyone where he was going, he was informed that the Mizukage required his presence. Woah, already? Maybe Xyxer wanted to tell him that Hysterio had roughed up the kiddos too much. Hopefully not.

Whatever the case, Hysterio had bette rhurry, so he dropped his plans for acquiring a lab at the moment and began running off towards the Mizukage's chambers. Coming to a stop outside the building so that it would not look like he was attacking or anything cause Hysterio was obviously not interested in backstabbing yet, not for Kage rank, nope not at all haha. Entering and speaking with the secretary and explaining that the boss had required his presence, he was admitted, and walked up carefully to the closed door, while carefully watching for any booby traps, cause you never know, the Mizukage might have decided to have gotten rid of Hysterio for roughing up the kids too much.

When he got within arms reach of the door, he would knock, and say "Hysterio Shinkou, Chuunin, reporting in." If admitted, he would walk in and kneel on one knee before the boss.
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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:48 am
Xyxer saw the youth enter and announce himself, or well, announce himself and knock. The dogs were still as rabid as ever but Xyxer simply forgot to train them all the time. Allowing for the ANBU to open the door to admit the boy, he knew this job would be ill suited for a new Chuunin but he saw hsomething of himself in Hysterio; mayhaps a fist if the boy was to try usurp him! Looking down at the images once more, one of an elderly man, one of an elderly lady and a girl young in years, in fact around twelve years old. He turned the pictures on the desk so that Hysterio could see them properly, "Do you recognise these people, Hysterio? Do they mean anything to you?"
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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:56 am
Hysterio was presumably recovered from his battle shock caused by torturing Mitako, Segri, and Neku, ostensibly, so he was able to react and talk normally, fortunately. He stood up, looking at the pictures carefully. "No, I'm afraid I have not seen those particular people before. Are they villagers here?"

It was hard to not notice the dogs who were obviously not used to his presence. That was a good thing though, since they would be on the alert for any intruders. Maybe if they were starved a bit then they would help the Mizukage survive longer. Hunger tended to sharpen the senses if kept to the right amounts. He would suggest it later to the boss when he was not busy.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:13 pm
Pointing one finger at the elderly gentleman, he spoke in the same distant voice he used when issuing the collapse of Tengakure, "This man is master of the gentle fist, if the eyes of my ANBU are to be believed. He may be old, but don't underestimate the strength that the style of the Hyuuga encompasses. He will be your main problem for the night. Then, there is this lady here." His finger drifted from one senior to the other, "She is senile with very little mobility, she should be an easy task for you." He looked down at the picture of the smiling young girl and felt something.. the feeling was obscure to him and he could not put a name to it, but Atlas spoke in concern of her, "You will allow her to live with no injuries. Although, she must witness the murders. Oh, that reminds me.. you're killing the two old people." He paused for a moment to see the boy's reaction, of course, he expected nothing but a hunger from this sort of fellow, "You're going to disguise yourself and make it look as if a thug had done it himself. A brute of the village if you will. If the child is injured or sees your face, your rise through power will be stunted just as quick as the man will stunt your ability to breathe with one of his techniques." He paused a little more, "Any questions?"
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 13500

The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:22 pm
"Do you care if they die quickly or slowly? I would not mind taking my time, and practicing a few techniques I am working on at the moment, unless the ulterior motive requires that this be done swiftly."

Hysterio had but the one question, when it was answered he would bow and take his leave, he needed to go buy some disguises now, in disguise of course.
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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:36 pm
"Do as you will as long as you remember the orders." He'd nod once and put the photos away, amused by the fact that the boy had not asked for an address.

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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:45 pm
Hysterio had totally not just forgotten to ask the address. Oh well, he had intended that anyway, or had he? Meh. He had memorized the faces and appearances of the three, he would track them down at night. Then he would strike. But first... he needed to go get some stuff. Vaguing the heck out of stuff, he had noticed that the pictures showed Kirigakure monuments in the background, so obviously they were somewhere in the village.


(17th post of cd with the boss I believe, if I count conservatively)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P] Empty Re: The thread between Sanity and Insanity [P]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:48 pm
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