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Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK) Empty Re: Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK)

Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:30 am
The secretary would nod a few times, the absence of Haru, the former secretary, had really brought down the spirit of the place. Now they had to hire a female secretary to promote equality in the work place, it was terrible, truly, but feminists were more of a danger at the current point in time than any other opposing nation. Regardless, after a few minutes she would usher the boy in front of her along towards the stair cases; Xyxer had forbade the construction, or at least the repair, of an elevator here. He had had bad events because of them previously, and of course, he wanted his members in peak fitness, not some wobbling slob that only visited because of the access of an elevator. With an ANBU member being at the staircase already, pressed to the doorl, his mask a seemingly mocking piece with an elongated grin and his eyes tilting upwards to give the impression of a forever amused guard. If Kozata was to head to him, the guard would turn around, open the door, and simply walk up all of the flights of stairs until they reached the top. Now, Jester was not much of a counter, but if he had to think of a number of stairs in the entire building, he'd have to hazard a guess at lots. Once at the top, he'd move through the door, not holding it for Kozata was Kirigarians are kinda' cunts, then walking down the corridor towards where Xyxer's office was, holding the door open for him only when they reached the door of Xyxer.

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Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK) Empty Re: Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK)

Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:42 am
Xyxer looked towards the body bag that Kozata was carrying, much like a parcel you'd receive in the olden days, only with a body instead of something nice. Deciding to be a bit taunting initially, his lips curled up into a smirk and he spoke softly, "Necrophilia is a forbidden art, Kozata. I do not think you should be trying to bribe me with your own delirious activities." He'd pause for a few seconds after that before nodding his head, ushering the boy to continue with the gesture.

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Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK) Empty Re: Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK)

Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:50 pm
Xyxer gazed down at the body and nodded a few times, his eyes scanning it lightly as he continued to listen to what the boy was saying. This seemed somewhat fitting, for all of the young they had slaughtered in Old Kirigakure, they in turn paid with their own, albeit at a very miniscule ratio currently, but he would see to that. However, loose ends had been the reason his old village had been destroyed.. Looking towards Kozata, the decision flushed in his mind to simply part his throat from his body, in case his observation was false and he had in fact been followed by a scouting party. That'/d be detrimental to the village's health.. but in doing so, Xyxer would fully welcome the mantle of a tyrant. He'd be the new Suzaku Shina.. Shivering a little at the mere prospect of it, he forced the thought from his head and nodded again, merely splitseconds having passed during the thought process. "You went directly to Konohagakure, then to Old Kirigakure, then here? Is that what you're telling me? No other mediums?" His eyes that gleamed malevolantly with the light from the windows trained themselves on the boy's face, scanning his expressions to decipher the emotions behind them.. perhaps fear. He nodded at the information of Iwagakure, news had travelled of that not too long ago, from his friends in the Akatsuki if he recalled correctly. "Where is the boy's headband? Did you find out his name?"

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Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK) Empty Re: Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK)

Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:44 pm
Nodding his head some more, he'd take hold of the headband and place it inside of a drawer in his desk, which he'd move respectively after the topic. He looked down at the body intent, his eyes scanning the body and noting the thin, clean intrusion of the neck with the cut. It was efficient. Efficiency was something that the shinobi of Kirigakure needed. He was planning to hold a small Chuunin games soon, one that would feature the boy Hysterio that had tried to get into the sight of Xyxer.. Well, he had achieved that goal, he was now going to be tested. "Bury the body of the boy, Kozata." Xyxer did not know whether there was any special traits to the boy, and he felt inappropriate to just molest the body like others would. "The fallen need to be respected, unless they were cowards of course, but he was but a child so if he was we'll allow it to slide. I assume you've retrieved from him what you need. I want you to find a boy that'll be near the Mizukage monument soon, I'll be waiting for him there myself, and I want you to rush and attack him. Unawares. If you can incapacitate him, you'll become Chuunin." With that, Xyxer would smile, allowing for the boy to ask any questions if needed, and if not, the topic'd close.

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Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK) Empty Re: Loser Acquiesces (IO, NK)

Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:17 pm
And so it was that Xyxer regret the action he had previously undertook. Kozata was instead a curious fellow, pondering on the fate of Old Kirigakure. Those words irked Xyxer, it made him feel as if this village he had forged was merely a copy, a replica of the once great nation. Of course, this was pretty true, but men do not like to be reminded of their faults and shortcomings. Keeping his face neutral, Xyxer understood that his subjects were not supposed to see his true emotions, they could show a more human side.. Fear was how he ruled, he understood that. Monsters rule with fear better than humans could. "Kirigakure No Sato was attacked in it's weakest hour by a gang of.. mixed shinobi. Rumours claimed some from Kumogakure.. others said they were from Funkagakure. Both have merit." Xyxer shrugged his shoulders lightly, feigning disinterest, "There were also rumours of a Demon falling from the skies onto the very village itself, which sunk it and destroyed the foundations. A likely event given the way this world is." He smiled at the end of the sentence, looking back to Kozata. "Is that all?"
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