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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:35 am
Monarch nods "I don't know man" Monarch said with a chuckle and snicker "Well you see that's the problem, I have no idea where i could find Tatsuo" Monarch says with a smile acting as if nothing was wrong knowing completely that Tatsuo however so resourceful was actually pretty hard to find.Monarch wasn't sure where he would have to go to meet Tatsuo again, nor did he enjoy thinking about said problematic instances."Those who wait, shall get what they need" Monarch said with a smile.

Monarch pondered a little while thinking of reasons or ways he could see Tatsuo.Monarch sighed again and again "Well I don't have much time to talk, we should spar and test out both of our fighting abilities" Monarch said suddenly with a smile needing to understand his new ally and what potential he was in for knowing full well that if he was good he may be able to fight Tatsuo soon enough.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:08 am
Having just indulged in a good meal and some much needed thinking time, Tatsuo now found himself wandering the village yet again. It was becoming quite a hobby to Tatsuo recently. His new home was very peaceful, especially during the later hours when most have retreated to their homes for the night. During the night, when the sun sleeps is when Tatsuo regularly finds himself awake and focused. It was almost like, he is drawn to the moon and the shadows it creates. However, it was a mysterious thing that would remain so. After a long walk he found himself near a wooded area of the training grounds. He often enjoyed walks such scenery, reminded him of inner peace itself

Soon he spotted Monarch in the woods as well seemingly talking to another person, long time no see would have been the correct words. Although their last wasn't too long ago the boy had been absent since. He looked anxious like he was impatiently waiting for something or someone or perhaps was annoyed at the second person standing with him. He walked over to the boy and as he approached he waved slowly. "I figured that was you Monarch. You always look so anxious and impatient, it's hard to miss honestly. So what brings you out here?" He said the words not in a mocking manner but in a serious one. He wasn't attempting to offend Monarch just simply stating an opinion. Though he awaited the boys answer he only recently began to think maybe the boy was looking for him on the off chance.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:17 am
Lazarus listened to the ninja whilst returning his gaze to the squirrel in the distance. It had, recently, been joined by another, somewhat larger, squirrel. The way that they could just prance around and play so carelessly while there were certainly predators lurking about, amazed him. Once he was finished speaking, Lazarus replied with a slight smirk.

"I'm willing to wait, if you think we need him." He stated before returning his gaze back to that of Monarch. Lazarus let loose a short chuckle before speaking again

"I will still need to meet him, however, before I can accept him as an ally. I'm sure you understand, and if you don't." Lazarus' face returned to a blank stare as he glared at Monarch. "Well, I suppose we better just get to testing each other, as you previously mentioned."

Lazarus slowly stepped backwards and prepared himself for the imminent attack.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:45 am
Monarch smiled as both Tatsuo and Lazarus came together, although wasn't as super ecstatic to notice that neither of the ninja wanted even a sentence to do with each other, Monarch sighed looking at both of the ninja, Tatsuo was his first ever sparing partner and he figured that since Tatsuo was quiet easy with him that maybe Monarch, Tatsuo, and Lazarus could train together Monarch smiled thinking to himself before biting his lip and beginning to speak "Okay, I have a question to you both..." Monarch said with a happy tone.

Monarch let the moment sit letting the two ninja take in that he left them on a cliff hanger as he bit his lip again and began to speak "Okay i need your specialties with jutsu" Monarch said in a semi happy tone knowing he hadn't learned a specialty yet but knew what he had plans to get and had thought his specialty out one hundred percent his discussion was final because he figured nobody would pick it so long as he was the person to get it first.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:07 am
Not really paying to much attention to the other lad he was puzzled when Monarch said he had a question. His specialties were what he wanted to know. Was he perhaps forming a team? Not a bad idea honestly, it would be beneficial to say the least. He had to think about it shortly before answering. He was focusing on kenjutsu lately but his jutsu were heavily focused on fire, his chakra nature as of late. He figured both were important, as well as his recent interest in summoning as well.

"Well, if I had to say, my specialty is kenjutsu or techniques involving a sword." As he spoke, he revealed the katana strapped to his waist. "Fire style jutsu are another specialty of mine. Also, I find it fair to mention I'm working on learning the summoning jutsu to summon giant wolves currently as well." It was true, all that he said. He wondered what the new lads specialties would be, maybe something completely different. However, maybe if this was a team forming, some variety should be a good thing.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:23 am
Lazarus sighed and stood back in his normal posture, and tucked his thumbs in his pockets. He was rather upset that, assuming this individual who has walked onto the scene was this Tatsuo character, he didn't feel anything when in his presence. When around Monarch, he feels the lack of a need to seek seclusion. He feels no different than normal when in the company of the newcomer, so much so that Lazarus almost wants to just walk away in silence.

"Wolves, huh?" Lazarus murmured, chuckling slightly.

Lazarus completely ignored Monarchs new question, waiting for someone to introduce the nameless one. Whilst waiting, he began watching the squirrels in the distance again.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:00 am
Monarch sighed as both of the men seemingly ignored each other Monarch felt this a weird defiance thing coming from the two men as he began to think of ways to get the two too talk before getting a grin on his face and looking towards both of them he smile " Well since you two obviously aren't gonna introduce yourself let me introduce you too each other, Monarch said with a grin walking to Tatsuo "Lazarus meet Tatsuo, Tatsuo meet Lazarus Monarch said with a grin and a moment of silence to let the men interject what they had to say in this bazaar meeting.

Monarch let the two men speak if they were and after the men got done Monarch would interject his own words into the mix with a smile saying " I'm obviously Monarch, I'm a academy student as of now and my main specially can and will be...Puppetry, my element will be wind and now that that's out of the way, I might need you guy's help with my cloning jutsu, and my substitution jutsu, as is required of all Academy student to pass that stupid exam" Monarch said basically rasping for air from his long winded speak and looked at Lazarus with a grin "Specialties, Element.Now please" Monarch said with a surprisingly calm tone for the rage he was feeling inside over the two not talking, he devised a back up plan just in case but he simply waited for the men to talk before going to his drastic measures.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:21 am
Lazarus had listened to what Monarch was saying, although he stopped paying attention after his suspicions had been confirmed that this other ninja was, indeed, Tatsuo.

"Nice to meet you, Tatsuo." Lazarus said, no excitement or enthusiasm in his voice, and extended his arm, open handed to shake the ninja's hand, his gaze never differing from the roughhousing squirrels. They had run up a tree and on a branch when a third tackled them both to the ground, latching onto and biting it on the neck.

This entire situation, Monarch demanding info on both ninja, Tatsuo existing, and the third squirrel being a bully to the first two. Everything coinciding made Lazarus want to just turn a full 180 and walk away in silence.
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:24 am
[Okay so i guess the rotation is getting messed up so it'll go Me>Lazarus>Tatsuo>Me and then we all can be o big happy rp party XD]
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Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja - Page 2 Empty Re: Surprisingly Dimwitted Ninja

Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:13 pm
He and the newcomer had been introduced to each other by Monarch eventually. Lazarus, an unusual name and one Tatsuo had not yet heard. The boy introduced himself a second time, this time with an outstretched hand. Tatsuo shook his hand firmly and,politely before introducing himself. "Tatsuo, Tatsuo Kyuuketsuki, at your service." He face was emotionless as he spoke, however, this was often the case when he interacted with people so nothing was out of the ordinary. . Turning his attention back to Monarch, he patted the boy on the shoulder as he spoke to him.

"So what have you told him about me eh Monarch? I hope you left the scary part out, don't want everyone knowing about that if you catch my drift." He was surely talking about his demon form. Monarch had seen Tatsuo's other side during their last sparring match. His transformation and abilities were something he hoped to keep, mostly secret. It worked best as a surprise tactic as most people would never expect such a thing.

(Sounds good, so next is monarch then Lazarus)
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