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Eye for an eye

Kazuo Kemuri
Echo Uchiha
Haru Hyuuga
Shojiro Shinkou
Koharu Yuki
10 posters
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Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye - Page 6 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:54 am
[Well, since Shinji never bothered to respond to a PM sent about 12 days ago, this shall have to continue on.

Now then, your description of the impaling is quite strange. Knees, forearms and upper arms when Takeo would have landed on his feet. Itd be knees first then.]

Wood scrapped against his skin as he descended, his shins being grazed before the wood went to pierce his kneecaps. Pain, something Takeo had experience with. Something he had developed counter measures too long ago. Instinct kicked in, his chakra thrashing out wildly to form the protective bubble he was fond of. The wood that had dug into his knees was destroyed in an instant, leaving small holes that if one looked towards with a careful gaze would show the bone that was the kneecap. Still, a minor wound overall. One Way Road continued its destruction, loud splintering and cracking noises heard as the chakra forced the wood to bend away due its superior power. His foot touched one of the spikes surfaces for a brief moment, OWR launching Takeo forwards at a decent enough speed, the wood that the chakra touched breaking under the force. Out from the spikes he went, landing on the ocean with his bloody knees. The game would end however, as Takeo didn't feel like running with such an irritating wound. "Interesting tricks, I don't recall you being a Senju." He would call from the otherwise of the wall. Fishing his hands in his pockets he flung a small bag across the bed of spikes and over the wall. "Documents and ryo, report to Xyxer that you passed the test." Hands in his pockets he wandered off, now twenty thousand ryo richer due to the predetermined deal with Xyxer.

[Casual exit.]

+20k ryo
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 0

Eye for an eye - Page 6 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:05 pm
Haru saw his spikes reach Takeo's kneecaps, a sense of satisfaction filling him as he felt the kill being secured. Still, Haru's chakra vision showed him that something strange was happening. Takeo was being engulfed by chakra, like some sort of protective barrier, keeping the spikes from sinking in further. The wall of spikes intended to be a trap would be blown away suddenly by this barrier, repulsing away from Takeo as he fell to the ocean. Still, with such an injury to his knees, one that caused bone to show, Haru was sure he couldn't keep running. The loss of muscle tissue around the area alone would cause his legs to be significantly weakened, to the point where not even Redan could make him run at full speed. 

Then, to Haru's surprise, he complimented him. Sort of. Takeo had never encountered Haru's Mokuton, and at first, be believed it to be simple battlefield banter, until Takeo tossed the bag of ryo and documents at him. Haru caught them deftly, securing them in his inner pocket quickly.
"Test? What are you talking about?" He asked. Was it a trick of some sort? Takeo began wandering back to the village, bloody knees and all, and that sealed the deal for Haru. 

To be honest, it explained a lot. His Tenkage's, or, Mizukage's, now, reluctance to interact with him was likely due to mistrust or perhaps plain lack of respect. He needed to earn it, just as he had to earn the rank in the first place. 

With this in mind, he headed back to the Kage offices, Tori's letter on his mind, depositing the ryo and documents back in the safe.

(Exit with documents and ryo, returned to rightful places, -20k ryo of course.

TWC: 2400

2400/4500 Senju Healing Power

+12 Stats= 1200 Ryo)
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye - Page 6 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:09 am
[Total Wordcount: 4212

Going towards The Fear

I don't recall if I get AP any more so.

+2106 ryo.]
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Eye for an eye - Page 6 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:27 am
Approved of Exits
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