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Eye for an eye

Kazuo Kemuri
Echo Uchiha
Haru Hyuuga
Shojiro Shinkou
Koharu Yuki
10 posters
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:06 am
edited a little, taks turn now ^^
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 4000

Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:31 pm
Edited, the games begin.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:10 am
“Without them, Takeo was no longer a simple white boy that couldn't jump. “
Just wanted to give you props for making me laugh. XD
As Haru formed the wall, his byakugan would be activated in such a way that would allow him to see through the wall of mokuton, in case Takeo should jump over it, but also so that he could see his own path of movement around the wall.
Thanks to his heightened senses, Haru could tell by the posture that Takeo was running with that he was preparing to jump over the wall. Haru was surprised, perhaps he had underestimated Takeo’s abilities.
As Haru saw this change in posture, which, at the speed he was moving, would have had to be very close to the time he began making hand seals. He would adjust his path accordingly, turning to his right slightly to avoid crashing into the wall, still moving essentially in a straight line, only with a slight curve to go around the wall. He would not slow down, since Takeo hadn’t been stopped.
As Takeo began his ascent, Haru’s instincts kicked in for him, and the trajectory of his jump was plotted out in his mind almost instantly. His hands still holding the seal for Nativity, Haru would form more spikes from the sea, which was still relatively shallow (Only about 5 meters deep, as there was a very long sandbar before it finally dropped off.) These spikes would form roughly where Takeo was to land, and the fact that his momentum was not simply forward, but upward, combined with the loss of speed as he jumped, and the overwhelming height of his jump, which was overkilling it by quite a but (Assuming 31 meters, since not stated) meant he had plenty of time for his trap to form. The spikes would form in a sort of “Bed,” which was flat, angled at 45 degrees relative to the sea, and would continue to grow until Takeo either was struck by the trap or managed to escape (At the time of Takeo’s landing, the bed of spikes would likely be 10-15 meters wide in any direction. The spikes would continuously grow towards Takeo, using his momentum against him, once again, ensuring that one way road could not stop them.
If the Takeo landed on the spikes, he would be impaled, the result would be crippling, but not lethal (Haru made sure to avoid vital organs), and Takeo’s limbs would for sure be out of commission, preventing him from making seals or running.

Due to Haru’s focus on the task at hand, and his byakugan switching to its linear field of vision to see through the wood, Haru would not notice the feathers that would have trapped him in a genjutsu. Thankfully, the birds were located overhead relative to Takeo, and thus would be located in a way that Haru wouldn’t see their feathers fall, since his focus was set on forming his trap, avoiding his wall, and calculating Takeo’s trajectory, all of which would pry his gaze away from the feathers, which would be behind Takeo by the time they reached where his gaze would have been.
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:23 pm
(I will post shortly but first I need to check with a mod on something )

update: got all the info i need, will try to post tomorrow when i have more time

edit 2: tomorrow = wednesday because apparently a bunch of people decided to dump stuff on me today. sorry ;_;

edit 3: typing my post now
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:46 pm
(I got confirmation that Takeo’s movement is continuous)

Hysterio had miscalculated, he had been barely able to see Takeo in the distance, not having the Byakugan like the other combatants did apparently, and had reacted too slowly.

Takeo must have arrived first ladies and gentlemen, the time in which it took him to break the wall and perform a seal being far less than the time it took for the boy to break cover. Thus his movement's were already happening.

Nothing changed, the boy Body Flickered after Takeo was already far over half way to his destination. Speed as always came into play, Takeo's far faster Body Flicker arriving seconds before the unknown new player. Takeo even had time to admire the flock of birds that flew overhead

As it took mere seconds for Takeo to cover hundreds of meters before Hysterio himself began his own body flicker, and Hysterio was slower by a fair margin, his distance not helping him significantly in getting up to speed, he came out of his own body flicker, turning to where Takeo had been when he had last seen him, while literally tripping over his own feet as he realized that Takeo was not there, without having specifically done any motions that would allow him to do the intended motion. Takeo was not anywhere else in that direction either. Where could he have gone? As Hysterio tripped and fell, he tumbled over into the water. As his body rotated in the water, facing the other way he saw a figure rapidly receding into the distance. He gritted his teeth, in annoyance at his failure, Takeo was quite far away by now, he could not catch him at this point.

Hysterio began heading back out to the shore, this would not be a happy memory for him.

Meanwhile, when Frank Sinatra had noticed Hysterio using the Body Flicker, he had begun following from his current position, maintaining his height. If there was a fight it was unlikely he would be able to help but you never know. He might be able to throw a leek or something, not that only one would do much. He had started catching up rapidly when Hysterio had suddenly stopped moving on the water, though why was hard to ascertain at this distance.

If Takeo was indeed too far away and Hysterio was slowly heading back, Frank Sinatra would dive down towards his partner, he would let Hysterio grab onto his legs and thus burdened, he would fly back to the land.

(potential exit since I can't catch Takeo)

(Frank Sinatra's flying speed would have been 75 the first post, and 150 now)

(If Takeo can move about a hundred and fifty meters or so before Hysterio breaks cover, and then body flickers far faster, I think it would be reasonable to assume that when Hysterio comes out of his body flicker, Takeo would be well past Hysterio’s originally intended meeting point, likely well over seventy meters, since the time to break cover and the time he spends moving out of his body flicker should be fairly similar, and his flicker speed being about 1.5 times as fast as his speed out of it)
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:04 pm
(48 Houring)
Haru would feel a dim sense of satisfaction as the spikes impaled Takeo, disabling him and pinning him to it, holding him in place and rendering him unable to fight. Spikes would pierce his knees, his forearms, and his upper arms. This would render him unable to make hand signs or run. After getting stuck to the spikes, Haru would cause wood to grow around his limbs, holding him in place like handcuffs of sort. The shock of the impact and sudden pain, coupled with blood loss, would likely render him Haru would cause the wood to form a branch, retrieving the documents and ryo from his person and growing towards Haru, who slowed to a stop about 10 meters from the bed of spikes that was holding Takeo. The limbs would hold out the documents and ryo as if it were a hand holding it out to Haru, and Haru would collect them, pocketing them quickly.
Takeo would not be necessarily bleeding out, because the spikes were holding him together, so to speak, keeping the blood from seeping out, but if he tried to move, he would begin bleeding profusely. He wouldn’t make it far before losing too much blood to stay conscious.
Haru would speak into his ANBU tattoo, calling upon Xyxer.

”Xyxer, Takeo has been apprehended, and the documents have been collected. What do you want me to do with him from here? He’s badly injured, but I can save him if you wish it so.” He said, waiting for a response.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:28 pm
Adding this as an afterthought so that I'm not hand-waved

Da Rules wrote:If you post an away message, you may be exempt from being 48-houred, in your away message you must have a date of return, the 48-hour timer will begin on the date of return at 6am.  If you do not have a date of return, then you may still be skipped.  All staff members will be allowed 72-hours before they can be skipped, due to having to manage the forum while doing their threads.

Takeo did not give an exact date of return, and quite honestly, this topic has dragged on far enough.
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:59 am
And so it was that Xyxer stood alone on the island, no sign of Takeo with a voice echoing to him telepathically. A smirk formed on the face of Xyxer as he tried to imagine the position Takeo would now be in, one that would certainly knock him down a peg or two at least, putting his finger onto his own tattoo he'd talk back to him, "Very good. Leave the documents and ryo in my office and seek medical aid for Takeo, you've proven yourself worthy of being an ANBU."

Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 4000

Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:11 am
[Run it by me quickly how the wood can break through OWR.]
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Eye for an eye - Page 5 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:18 pm
As nobody appeared to stop Hysterio from being hauled all the way back to the island by his duck, flying low over the water to avoid detection, he seemed to make the trip safely, the speed helping to dry off his clothing, the water droplets being carried away in the bracing sea breeze. “Thanks Frank, I owe you one.” The two of them flew around the sky, avoiding the large buildings in most cases, Hysterio getting occasionally bruised upon impacting particularly tall and sturdy buildings, when they did not quite. Eventually Hysterio saw someone similar looking to his boss, and began trying to decide how he would go about this. After Frank dropped him off on a nearby building, he sat in the restroom for a few moments, wringing out his clothing as well as he could and fervently hoping that nobody would walk into the single stall. Putting on his clothing again, he walked off to go find some fresh clothing, his current set was not dripping water everywhere now but it certainly was intolerably binding and wrinkly. Fortunately the clothing shops were not in scarce supply in the village.

(ttl wc: 1474, claiming +700 ryo)
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