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Eye for an eye

Kazuo Kemuri
Echo Uchiha
Haru Hyuuga
Shojiro Shinkou
Koharu Yuki
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:00 am
Xyxer was growing somewhat impatient, but he knew what was to be happening, or at least, he hoped he did. With his booster active and eternal sharingan activated, he hoped he could trust perhaps the only person he considered a friend in this world and body flickered from his current position across most, if not the entirety of the village, moving at an incredulous 215 speed unless something was to stop him. Now, of course, if Takeo had been successful in his escape it'd look like he was simply chasing after him, if not, it'd appear he had better errands to attend to and trusted in his ANBU's services.

Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:58 am
His eye saw everything, and for that he was ever grateful. His movement out to sea was set to be hindered by many different factors. Some of which presented a problem, others didn't. How much had changed in his original plan, it was turning into quite a pain. Originally it would have been a short walk, which turned into a busting out of the wall for a short run.

A drop and he was running the short distance across the land before reaching the ocean

Instead it had turned into a long Body Flicker, straight out into the ocean itself.

Takeo would continue in his sprint, dashing across the ocean in order to escape from the islands that were made of Shimagakure. At this point Haru would have been turning the corner

It would have been simple for it to end their, alas the boy didn't seem to want to give up. His presence was sensed behind him, his Byakugan's gaze changing in order to watch his entire surroundings. The passive uses of his One Way Road had been used, now it would require to go all out if he needed to use it to protect himself. That would present a problem, it was quite draining.

Roots would erupt from the ground, attempting to tug at Takeo’s feet and stop him

It was through his Byakugan he saw this, from the wet sand underneath the water they erupted forth, a result of Haru no doubt. The seals he created before hand cemented this fact in Takeo's mind, he really wasn't going to give up was he? The roots were slow however, unable to get close to his feet as he dashed over the water at twice their speed. That was not all however, as trees began to sprout in the distance, thirty-five meters away from Takeo to be exact. They grew from under the water, a depth of twenty meters at this distance out into the water. They two moved at half of Takeo's speed give or take.

The walls of spikes themselves would be 10 meters high

Thirty meters to grow in the time it took Takeo to run thirty-five at double the speed. An unlikely feet. However there was another player in this game. A stranger, one that Takeo hadn't recalled seeing before. His arrival was easily noticed, the speed at which he himself Body Flickered was not close to that of Takeo's or Haru's. A weaker individual it seemed, it made Takeo wonder why the person was even out there. Perhaps they wanted to try and slow him down? A nice sentiment true enough, it seemed Xyxer was already molding the next generation into being meat shields for the stronger people. Takeo still didn't plan on sticking around to see how things progressed, but it seemed Kirigakure had a promising future ahead of them.

Upon arriving, Hysterio would turn to fully face where Takeo had left the building though running in the same direction to maintain momentum.

The one ahead of them made some strange movement, he tried to run straight ahead but also turned at the same time to try and face Takeo. The only result could be the poor boy fumbling and crashing straight through into the water itself. Nerves must have got to him. At least that's what it would have looked like to a passerby just tuning in now. No it was time to go deeper into the rabbit hole that was this entire event.

Takeo must have arrived first ladies and gentlemen, the time in which it took him to break the wall and perform a seal being far less than the time it took for the boy to break cover. Thus his movement's were already happening.

If Takeo did not change his actions, as Hysterio would have been rather difficult to sense being outside of Takeo’s Chakra Sensory range, he would body flicker out to sea as far as he could

Nothing changed, the boy Body Flickered after Takeo was already far over half way to his destination. Speed as always came into play, Takeo's far faster Body Flicker arriving seconds before the unknown new player. Takeo even had time to admire the flock of birds that flew overhead, his hands shifting together as he watched them soar through the sky. White feathers fell in their awake, a majestic site for all those who laid eyes on them, that being everyone in the vicinity at the time. Takeo's hands shifted once more, awaiting the arrival of the slowest of the group.

When the last did finally arrive he would be greeted, an unintelligible screech reaching his years. It reminded Takeo of his younger sister's singing, it was very painful on the ears to all those who heard it. That would be how it happened folks, the boy falling with the grace of a elephant that was blind in one eye wearing rollerskates into the ocean. Of course as the boy would fall he would be able to catch a climpse of the wonders that were the birds, the white feathers that seemed to gleam in the sun light not escaping his gaze before he fell into the depths. Of course this was all based on him hearing the noise, so it was subject to change in some way...probably.

Now there was one more thing to deal with for now at least.

These walls would form at Haru’s maximum range at the time of creation, allowing them enough time to grow at least partially before Takeo reached them, high enough to stop him from simply jumping over them.

Ten meter tall branches, quite a challenge to jump over honestly. Takeo might have had trouble if he were without his ever trusty hat and black dot on his cheek. Without them, Takeo was no longer a simple white boy that couldn't jump.


With his mad hops Takeo would jump, clearing over the ten meter obstacle with a hefty gap in between, leaping at a speed of one hundred and twenty seven, he would be back on solid..ocean and past the trees long before they could reach out and grab him from mid-air. His run continued, off to the island that him and Xyxer had decided to meet at after this. Let's hope he could remember which one it was.


Last edited by Takeo on Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:15 am
(Pretty sure I get an edit, since my post was largely dependant on the fact that you have to slow down to turn, much like how Hysterio can't just change direction on a dime. If I can't edit, I guess I don't care at this point anyways.)
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:04 am
[There's no reason for you to edit your post, you included what would happen if your stun failed. I see no need for an edit on your part.

Editing would also force everyone else to edit accordingly, due to the timeline that has already been established being changed.

It's quite unfair for the others in this topic to have to keep waiting for you to edit because of the mistakes you are making tbh.

But whatever, I'm against it, a mod can over rule if they wish.]
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:12 am
(If you want to talk about unfair to others in this topic, then I could mention that you're basically god modding Hysterio and ignoring the fact that he still stopped your exit because you had to fight him. You at least have to give me a chance to react to that and work around it, since that's how this forum RP works)
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:20 pm
seriously? half this topic is ooc bitching and whining. oh. my. god. den said he got the edit and you're still complaining about stuff occ.

voiding this topic unless someone higher overules. you can start it again and try to keep a roleplaying topic..... yanno in character because its an ugly mess of wtf is even going on.

i cant believe it went this long without getting shut down.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:58 pm
I am overruling this. I have been keeping up with this topic and waiting for these two to come to a nice conclusion without mod intervention. However, it seems that will not happen. By that same token, we cannot just void topics due to being messy-that is the definition of lazy. It will simply happen all over again. So, I will take responsibility for resolving this topic.
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:44 pm
that is our usual way of handling topics of this nature buuuuuuuutttt sure np =) enjoy shinji XD
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:28 pm
Ok, here is how this is going. Hopefully we can all agree on the following:

-Xyxer is no longer part of this topic.

-Posting order is Takeo, Haru, Hysterio.

-Haru you get your last edit as requested, naturally this grants an edits to both Hysterio and Takeo. I would suggest this, Haru edits, then Hysterio, then Takeo so that we have some continuity and no conflicting events. Please post once your edits have been made. First Haru will edit and post that he has done as such then Hysterio if he wishes then Takeo. Sound good? If an argument arises over these edits, or anything else in this topic, please pm me with your concerns and do not post them here to avoid further clutter.

-I hope this can remain civil from this point on as you guys were using some pointed words in the beginning.

-I will be cleaning this topic up afterwards by deleting frivolous arguments and such.

Have a nice weekend,
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:21 pm
(Sorry for the huge delay, guys. Edited, and hopefully it won't be such a problem anymore. Let's wrap this topic up and try to avoid any more arguments :) )
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