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Eye for an eye

Kazuo Kemuri
Echo Uchiha
Haru Hyuuga
Shojiro Shinkou
Koharu Yuki
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Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye Empty Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:02 pm
It had taken some effort to convince the locals to guide him towards the chambers of the leader. Mostly because he had not realised they spoke the same language so he went around and asked like a typical tourist, by yelling very loudly until they learned to understand him. Suffice to say this had worked marvellously, and so he was now entering the room that the leader should be in. Of course Xyxer was not around, neither was the guy that he fought him briefly a couple of minutes ago. As per usual Takeo was the one left in charge while Xyxer went gallivanting around doing random shit. Or that would have been the case, if not for the fact that Takeo was having second thoughts about whether he should trust Xyxer or not. For reasons explained previously there was evidence that Xyxer had betrayed and screwed him over in the past. He even tried to kill him at some points, so it wasn't exactly a great friendship that the two shared. At some point he had also lost sight of that Hysterio kid, likely orders from Xyxer to ditch him at the nearest opportunity.

So here he was, writing a small not for when Xyxer finally arrived. With said note written he used his ever useful Byakugan to scout out the vault, a swift karate chop with One Way Road to open it and he was now a few thousand richer. Takeo also took the effort of taking a few of the documents in the office. By a few I mean every single one apart from the small note. Loot in hand, he made out like a bandit. Or rather strolled out like a boss because no one could actually stop him from doing any of this anyway.

The office emptied out, a note remained on the desk:

To Xyxer,

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,

You screwed me once, have fun with what's left in this office kid.

Sincerely, Star Lord.


If I added up correctly,

+101350 ryo
+All documents that were in the office during this time.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:31 am
[Unless you're satisfied with <20k you'll have to wait because the thread in which I leave the ryo is not yet concluded]
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:09 pm
[Continuing on from this topic:]

Through his eyes he saw everything with perfect clarity. It was enlightening in a way, as it allowed him to spot blatant bullshit fairly simply. The arrival of Xyxer was noted by Takeo long before the boy had even entered what could be considered the territory of Shimagakure. While the boy was sprinting, momentum was not on his side. The speed of which he travelled across the various topics was slow, not even close to the speeds that either of them could likely achieve at maximum. Thus Takeo had finished all that needed to be done before the boy had even reached the village gates. Of course Takeo kept his Byakugan's gaze on the boy, one could never quite tell exactly what he was going to do. Now, at this point in time it would be incredibly easy for Takeo to have just left the building and go on his merry way. After all Xyxer was not exactly in a position to stop him, considering he had still yet to step foot on the first of the islands. Still, he did feel like at least making some attempt of getting back at the boy for the past. Taking some ryo wasn't exactly enough, considering that the boy seemed to have no care for it. After all, what kind of normal person would buy a fish tank desk? In an instant his hands had moved together, a mirror image of himself appearing alongside him. This would be Ash, because otherwise Xyxer's post would be completely null and void, because there isn't exactly a pokemon trainer around in the room at the time now is there?

With a hop, Takeo had exited the office via the window. It was a one story drop, not exactly the most strenuous of landings. He landed without incident, removing himself from the crouch position and walking off while humming quietly to himself. This being what could be said as the 'last' of the islands of Shimagakure, at least in perspective to where the gates were located, it made logical sense for Takeo to leave in the opposite direction in which Xyxer was arriving, which is exactly what he did. Of course the islands themselves were surprisingly large, considering what they appeared to be on the map. One or two of them, in Takeo's opinion, could likely rival that of a minor village in their sizes alone. Suffice to say, Xyxer at this point was a lot more than one hundred meters away from him. And as he had stated in his post, he was using chakra sensory in order to try and track down Takeo. With a rather short, in consideration to the gap difference, range Xyxer would be none the wiser to Takeo's early departure, leaving the being known as Ash in his place. Takeo took one last look at the slowly approaching boy through his Byakugan, taking note of how the boy was currently not wearing that armour which he seemed to be so fond of. Also, judging from the lack of concentrated chakra around the boy's eyes, it seemed his Sharingan was also not active at this point in time. That was something that intrigued Takeo. Takeo wondered if perhaps Xyxer was not aware of his presence as of yet, though that soon changed when he noticed Xyxer stopping at the gates of the village in order to converse with one of the guards. At this point Takeo had already crossed the remainder of the island he was on, the sudden terrain change of sand to water had nearly caught him off guard. A quick save and he was the second coming of Jesus, a nice easy pilfering of some ryo. If it was always that easy, then perhaps he should take it up as a hobby of sorts. There was always the off chance of being sensed by a passerby, which is why he had suppressed his chakra to what could best be described as 'non-existent'. Enough for him to walk on the water, but not enough to be sensed by those that were in range to. The suppression had happened immediately after the creation of Ash, not even a quarter of a second given for the two similar chakras to have been sensed by anyone before it disappeared. So fast that it could only be considered as a mistake made by someone due to sleep deprivation.

Now let us go back to the one that Xyxer would find in the room, the one known as Ash. Alas poor Ash, his time would be so short in this world. A simple replica, no true emotions or thoughts of its own. Memories of times that were not his own, and to top it all off he shared the appearance of the one that had it all. If this were any other time, this would likely be a tragic tale. Unfortunately there was truly no time for such things. Ash, being an exact replica, had privilege to the vision of the Byakugan, a privilege that he took full advantage off. It seemed at this stage Xyxer had finished conversing with the guards and had once more started on his slow sprint across the islands. From the way in which he was trying to keep as straight as possible and not diverting it was safe to say that he was finally heading here. Due to the islands size Ash wagered he had around five minutes or so before the boy arrived, plenty of time for things to get set up for a grand exit as it were.

It took Ash around two seconds to figure out a course of action. The first thing was rather simple. The office door was open, as it had been when Takeo had arrived. The wires of a personal favorite of his, Bararaq Sei. He had grown fond of this weapon during the brief time he had had it. It reminded him of the good times, before his lightning blades that were superior to all others suddenly grew weaker. Now that was a dark time for Takeo, it was as if his very being had been weakened. As if the almighty god that ruled over the world had cast his gaze down upon Takeo and cast a might spell that nerfed everything he had ever created. He dug the blade into one side of the doorway, pulling the wire taut across the doorway before securing it with the other blade. He glanced at his handy work, the thin wire was quite sharp actually, it was only due to the gauntlets Takeo constantly wore that he hadn't cut his own forearms to bits a long time ago. Another thing Ash noticed, was the entire lack of presence of it. Located around shin height of the average human, the wire itself was almost completely invisible. He wagered it would likely take someone actively searching for it to find the wire, something that he doubted would ever happen. But with Xyxer, the metagaming god, you could never be quite so sure.

A quick check with his Byakugan, Xyxer was only around a quarter of the way there. That gave him time for one last grand welcoming gesture.

At first glance the office was strangely designed. The old leader must have had strange taste, or a weird sense of humour. The room was wallpapered quite interestingly. The design was seemingly done to represent that of exploding tags. Ash had to admire it for a good twenty seconds, while strange it was quite marvellous to behold. Ash wondered why Xyxer had not changed it, it didn't really seem like his type of thing. The possibility of Xyxer not having been here before was unlikely, after all he seemed to know exactly where to go without having to stop and ask for directions or anything. As Ash admired the wallpaper he pulled from his pocket the exact item that the wallpaper replicated, the similarity was startling accurate. Amazing. Five hand seals, activation of One Way Road. One thousand exploding tags were spread out around the room, sticking across the walls and plastering over the wallpaper rather well. A quick clean up was required of course, a few had stuck onto the windows and such. After making sure all of the tags had been properly placed, which only took a minute surprisingly, now all that was required was for the long, boring wait.

At last Xyxer would arrive as detailed in his post. The vault was located at the other side of the room, so while Ash was in the process of 'looting' it, ten meters would be the middle of the room. Xyxer seemed to be relying quite a bit on the chakra sensory, so much so that he would run blindly into a room as stated in his own post. Of course there was no actual reason for him not to do so. As said, the wire that would more than likely cut through his shins leaving him without feet unless he somehow dodged them, were not visible at all unless you were pretty much directly staring at it. And considering the situation, it would be awfully strange for Xyxer to be looking down at the floor wouldn't one think. So considering that, should Xyxer in fact have his feet detached from his body it would continue to travel forward, momentum was really not a fan of Xyxer today, sailing forward into the room. At which point Ash would form a seal, the entire room exploding in a great fireball a one thousand tags would set off all at once. That would be the end of the tale of Ash unfortunately, short lived but thrilling wouldn't you say? It would also likely be the end of Xyxer's current life, considering there would be little chance to dodge it. Perhaps he could be able to tank it out if he activated his armour before the explosion happened. But then again he had no reason to, after all there was no visible thing to indicate that there was any threat at all. Nothing was different from what he described in his entrance post, so surely it would warrant him not being capable of responding.

Now of course, there was always the chance Xyxer would bound over the wire like some sort of mad mutt in heat. After all, you could never tell exactly what Xyxer could do given the fact that his writer metagames out of his ass. As said before many times, the room would be no different visibly. So given that, Xyxer as stated in his post would run up to within ten meters of Ash. A smart enough move, considering he doesn't know about the choker's powers. As the boy would run into range he would be met with a screech, his body dropping to the floor unless his health is someone higher than sixty. And then, everything would play out exactly the same. The room would explode, both beings would be erased, blown to pieces within an instant by the raw power that was one thousand exploding tags. Of course, should he not be dropped by the screech he would instead be slowed. The same would happen, though given the speed of things Xyxer would likely be unable to escape the room in time. Then again he would probably have a reason to activate his armour this time, so perhaps that might save him. Who knows?

If all of that failed, and Xyxer attacked Ash to try and kill him or something like that. Well then the clone would explode into lightning, which should it hit Xyxer would stun him if his health is lower than sixty-six. In which case he'd just fall to the floor making an ass of himself. If he tried to talk, then Ash would simply blow up the room anyway. If for some reason he tries to change his own actions he described in his post, then it is very likely to be metagaming. Considering this is Xyxer we're talking about, that is the most likely scenario.

AP: 668

[Exit, again]

+101350 ryo
+All documents that were in the office during this time.

Total Wordcount: 2365

+11 AP

2365 going towards The Fear.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 0

Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:48 pm
(Exit stopped)
From the sandy streets of his new home, Haru patrolled, his mask, which was one of a bear, and full armor donned, trying to get a lay of the land. With him was all of his equipment, as he was currently on duty. Naturally, as an ANBU, Haru paid particularly special attention to the Leader Chambers, as it was sort of an important place within the village, considering all that went on there. With that much cash in the vicinity, as well as a leader present (most of the time, anyways), it was hard not to take a look once in awhile.
Haru observed everything that came to pass from his current position, which was just over 100 meters away from Takeo, his chakra suppressed for obvious reasons the moment he saw Takeo acting suspiciously. He saw Takeo force his way through the vault with some jutsu he had not seen the white haired one use before. This was new. The boy then proceeded to take the ryo and documents located in the vault, all the while keeping an eye on Xyxer, who was approaching the office. Something was definitely up.
”Lord Tenkage, Takeo is currently emptying the vault of its contents, very aggressively, I might add... Prepare yourself, he knows you’re coming.” He warned, speaking into his ANBU tattoo. At this point, he was already mobilizing himself, making his way to Takeo’s position. He would continue to observe, unseen, as Takeo continued. Thankfully, the boy was so damn focused on watching Xyxer that there was no way he could spot Haru, especially with his chakra suppressed.
Haru prepared himself for a fight with Takeo. He knew that the boy was capable of stunning him with those damned blades of his, and his body still might not be able to handle it. With that in mind, he focused on his Shikotsumyaku, instead of his byakugan, as he usually did, preparing himself for a dirty fight. His muscles were stronger now, and he felt that after his training, he could fight back against his stun, should he be struck.
Haru would begin making hand seals as he moved, his chakra suppressed until the very moment he was in his desired range, which was 70 meters from Takeo. Next to him appeared Maya, glancing over at Haru, who was still moving. Haru pointed at Takeo, not looking back, and the Siren nodded, beginning to sing. All of this would occur in about a quarter of a second, as long ago, before his second chuunin exams, Haru had made it clear to Maya that if she was summoned for battle, she had to be ready to sing immediately.
The song would reach both Takeo and Ash now, neither of whom had yet to turn around from facing Xyxer to look towards the window he planned to escape from. Now, of course, Haru’s chakra was no longer suppressed, but that mattered little. His trap was sprung, and there was little they could do to avoid her song. If the song met their ears, both Takeo and Ash would begin slowly moving towards Maya, entranced by her.
Haru himself would prepare a chakra blade, the passive extension and sharpening of the blade taking effect, just in case he needed to fight. Currently, Haru himself was standing in the street, facing the window, 30 meters from Takeo. There were no obstructions in the street, and the path branched off to his left and right, 30 meters wide between houses.
AP: 726
-100 for Summoning Maya
626 (Ohana means family)/726
Bloodline boost is going into Shiko instead of Byakugan, in case that wasn’t clear.
Maya’s AP: 400
-80 Siren Song

Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:09 pm
Next to him appeared Maya, glancing over at Haru, who was still moving. Haru pointed at Takeo, not looking back, and the Siren nodded, beginning to sing. All of this would occur in about a quarter of a second

Damn son, you fast. Pointing at me in less than a second.

And that nod also, be careful she might hurt her neck nodding that fast yo.

Also wow, I'm amazed at how fast she can understand that this is a battle situation from you just pointing one story up at something through a window.


I'm kidding. I knew you were bad Haru, but for real at least try to be plausible when you're writing your shit.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:29 pm
Takeo, point your hand at something in front of you right now. How long did that take? If it took you anywhere near a full second, you weren't taking me seriously. Pointing your finger does not take anywhere near a second, unless you're waaay overdue for a trip to the gym.

Now nod your head once. Did that take you a second? No. Maybe half a second, at most. 

Especially when you're on NRPG levels for speed. Maya has 70 speed. Haru has 100+. It's not too outrageous to think that they're capable of nodding their head and pointing their finger faster then you can in real life.

But if you want to stick to your story and continue with that logic, I feel like the thought process and mental exertion required to suppress one's chakra directly after making a clone would take a bit longer then a quarter of a second. If you want to argue over stupid little things, we can go down this road, but if you would rather be mature and try to actually fight me instead of getting people voided over your own inability to nod your head and point your finger in less then a second, be my guest.

As for understanding it's a battle situation, again, with a reaction time of 100+, it's not too crazy to think she could keep up and understand that me sprinting at you while pointing in your direction usually means "Attack that guy."

If you really want to start a void war this soon, be my guest, otherwise, let's continue.
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:37 pm
Momentum rules yo.

60 speed and 35 speed respectively.

Pointing at something while attempting to sprint? Seems like a difficult task, if you manage to point at something from 70 meters away exactly while sprinting then you truly are a wonderful person.

Please edit in something believable and we shall continue from there.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:42 pm
Momentum rules only apply to running. You can do other things like make hand seals and punch at your full speed. 

And either way, 60 and 35 are far above average human speed.

And I'm not attempting to sprint. I'm running at half my full speed currently, as per the rules, and if you're going to argue that it's not possible to point while sprinting, you're really getting desperate.
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:14 pm
'And I'm not attempting to sprint'

'that me sprinting at you'

Wow can you please not contradict yourself while trying to make a failed argument.

Let me paint the scene for you, since you obviously can't seem to comprehend what you are trying to do.

You're trying to sprint towards the window. You're obviously exerting yourself to try and sprint at full speed, but you can't quite make it. You're focused, you do some summoning shit with hand seals.

Maya pops suddenly into existence, she's like 'oh wow master has summoned me, I wonder what's going on'. She sees you struggling to try and sprint your way to get towards some sort of window. You point directly upwards towards a window with pinpoint accuracy at a person in the room.

She then of course must automatically register what is going on, must then nod her head in understanding. Then she must open her mouth and sing. All in a quarter of a second.

All in a days work for Haru 'Can do multiple actions and have my summon be able to understand it in the same amount of time that it takes for someone to simply suppress their own chakra' Hyuuga it seems.

On a somewhat related note, speed of which the sound travels please?
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Eye for an eye Empty Re: Eye for an eye

Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:51 pm
Show me where in my actual post I wrote the word "Sprint"

Why would I be exerting myself and trying to run at max speed if I stop anyways before my post even ends? 

If you can make hand seals while running both at max speed and "Attempting max speed," as almost everybody on the entire site has done at one point or another, then I fail to see why it's impossible to point at you. 

But you know what, fuck it, because I'm sick of arguing with you. And would you drop the hostility? I didn't say or do anything to you, and already you're making an ass of yourself.

The sound doesn't have a speed, because that wouldn't make sense. If you had to make a speed for sound, then you'd have to make a speed at which words you speak reach somebody else, because then you'd have to calculate the speed of sound in NRPG terms, and factor in for temperature, moisture and the objects it travels through, which seems a little ridiculous to me. As is saying that a sound jutsu needs a speed stat, because then you can say "My sound is faster then yours," which makes no sense at all, because sound has it's own definite speed. If you want the speed of sound, it's 343.59 meters per second, or 1,236 kilometers per hour. (In dry air, at about 20 degrees C.)
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