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Unloading and new path

Koharu Yuki
Mitako Raicho
Shojiro Shinkou
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:54 pm
(chronologically this topic takes place before I try to stop Takeo so even if I die there I will still try to roleplay this out out to the fullest)

oh, my

Hysterio was surprised at the propensity at which weapons appeared in this girl’s hands, he could not afford to underestimate her at all, since they could come out of nowhere. He briefly contemplated snatching up a second rock to start making a second stick with but figured it would be better practice to fight with only one stick, he should not let the weapons become crutches upon which to rest his ability. Youta began running towards Hysterio, who by this time had gained full momentum. He continued running towards Youta, running off to his left and her right slightly, so that her body and kunai hand were between him and her ninjato arm, so that if she tried to throw that kunai he would definitely see, and her movements with her ninjato would be hampered slightly, she would have to turn first to make sure she could reach.

He began running in to her right, if her back was still fairly open still he would swing his stick at her back, holding it in his right hand, in a back-hand motion, if the opportunity disappeared he would shift the stick to a more defensive posture, watching for motions of her kunai arm.
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:08 pm
A flying enemy was a new experience, for Mitako at least. Unsure of how to handle this, he decided it better to go on the defensive for the moment. As the chunk of sand was moving through the air, he noticed that once it went a certain distance, the shape itself broke down, the momentum just carrying regular sand through the air. The dragon still avoided it however, and he only barely noticed as the tail was headed his way. In attempt to avoid, he would stumble backwards and fall. Once his back hit the ground, he hold his hand up, forcing the sand in front of him to raise 6 meters in the air, cutting of his view of the dragon, and cutting the dragon's view of him, if momentarily. He would then perform the clone technique, spawning two mirror images to the left and right of him to conjure into existence. If all had gone as planned so far, he would stand to his feet just as the sand was starting to fall, ready to move should he need too.

[Well I hope you don't die.]
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Ryo : 2000

Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:16 pm
Youta's eyes would follow the Genin as he changed his course and ran at her right. She wondered what kind of move this was, because he did not seem to aim at her during the passing. If that's so, then his only other chance would be right after they passed each other, before she got out of range. Of course, because he came so close to her, she could just use it and slash his leg with the kunai that he put so conveniently close to himself. But that wouldn't be as interesting, the girl wanted to see what he planned. Because of that, even after he got behind her, her eyes would continue to track him, as her head would be turned to the right to keep the boy within her vision. She would not turn around right away on purpose, knowing to expect an attack. When she saw it starting, when his right hand holding the earthen staff began to move for her back, aimed at her shoulder blades, to be more precise, Youta would stop, putting practically all of her weight and all of her speed on her left leg. It was a daring move, with that leg holding everything, as it had to bend on top of it. Thankfully it was out of range of any quick attacks he might be able to try to take away her balance. With her left leg bending Youta's right leg would slide back, her stance widening and her frame getting significantly lower. That was the purpose of course, as those with vivid imagination would most likely be able to tell, this would result in the staff missing its mark. Just in case Youta needed to help this happening she would keep her right elbow bent and the kunai close to her shoulder - if the staff came too close, she would block it. Otherwise, as the staff passed overhead Youta would shift her weight to her right leg at which point two things would happen. With the attack already behind her, the kunai that was on defense would now spring to action and go for Hysterio's right leg, while the ninjato in her left hand would go for his chest. Although realizing that this would be lethal, should it hit, the girl would tilt the blade and impact with her fist instead. She was betting on inertia that the guy will be unable to mount a quick enough defense with the arm that swung the staff.

On the other front things were much more simple. As his tail impacted the ground Cael would momentarily lose sight of Mitako, who seemed to have raise a small wall of sand for defense. As the wall fell apart, he would spot three identical looking boys. He knew that ninja were able to use techniques that created projections of themselves, he wasn't exactly sure if the projections were tangible or not, but only that one of the three was the real one and the other were fakes. For now he would hover and wait for them to give themselves away in some way. Visually they were all identical, but there might be other clues.
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:46 pm
(sorry for the wait guys, ten million things came out of nowhere in a time-suckingnojutsu, I hope to not die too :P)

Hysterio cursed under his breath, he really should have paid attention to what distance he had changed direction at, as suddenly he was far closer to the other than he had expected. Good thing she was not out to kill him, he was relatively strong in terms of raw power and speed and chakra now, but that did not mean he could ignore a rather stark lack of battle experience, something the other seemed to notice. It appeared she wanted to make things more interesting for herself, instead of taking the easy win Hysterio had unwittingly presented her with, she let him suddenly change directions in front of her, arousing his suspicions when she did not take the opportunity presented, he sure would have. Wondering what she was up to, he turned his body as he ran, so that he could watch her actions more closely.

She dodged his attack by leaning back, putting the majority of her weight on her left leg, and it looked like her right leg was dodging backwards to make her stance bigger. Considering he was far enough away to be able to swing his stick freely at her, he got a good view of her movements. While she began moving her right leg back, as he was beginning his swing to attempt to hit her in the back, he let his own right leg swing out a little, his leg following the motion of his body. He could not see exactly where her leg was as he was busy watching her arms to see where she was headed, but there were only so many places her left leg could be. In short, while she dodged backwards, leaning to face the sky, his leg swung out, below her line of vision, naturally following his line of vision. His stick would continue on its course, his other arm held in front of his chest to help deflect any retaliatory strikes she might pull off, though if his attack went through she would be knocked off her feet, or rather, her left foot.
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:31 pm
The three clones stood practically motionless, all six eyes trained upon their blue flying foe. Mitako failed to concentrate on the hair of the clones, which most definitely wasn't moving with breeze. They waited for the dragon to strike, ready to dodge and counter almost any attacks. If this short staring contest were to go unchecked, Mitako would think about why he had to fight the pet, instead of the master. He would quickly come to the conclusion that he chose to fight the pet out of his own incompetence, and that Cael even matched him for the most part...

The one tactic that he had to put an edge on Cael, was tapping into the massive chakra that belonged to the Ichibi. Mitako spoke to the beast, an obvious hint of anger in the voice in his head "Lemme bower your power." The Ichibi, enjoying the violence, didn't even say anything as he let his chakra through the seals. A short few seconds later, a red veil of chakra would cloak the young genin, the whites of his eyes would darken and his pupils would turn golden. He would manipulate the chakra cloak as far as it could go in an attempt to hit the dragon, unsure of how far away the dragon was exactly. The boy was unaware however, that he was slightly more out of control than he normally was. 

[300 AP - 50= 250]
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:33 pm
[Me and Hys talked and agreed that his kick wouldn't connect because I stated my left leg is out of reach, proceeding
Also, the dragon is about 10 meters from you, Mitako. That's because you are within reach of his extended tail, which is 15 meters long, but the dragon himself is 10 meters long(including the tail without the extension) so the tail is reaching about 10 meters from him]

Hysterio did not seem to take a proper defensive action to Youta's move, except for weirdly extending his right leg, which did not accomplish anything, other than have her kunai slash miss it. Nonetheless, after his staff swing went overhead her and her left fist connected to his chest she would push him away with it, with the correct angle and his probably uncomfortable stance because of the failed kick, it would not take much to knock him on his butt. Or he could just step back once or twice and find his balance again. After this first exchange Youta's eyes would dart to the other confrontation, where Mitako seemed to have created some sort of chakra cloak around himself. It looked rather impressive and dangerous, she couldn't help but shake a negative sensation about the chakra that surrounded the genin. It looked different, unnatural.

It was a bigger dilemma to the dragon that fought him though. Cael's eyes narrowed at the sight of the cloak. Well at least it gave away the original as the copies were incapable of summoning the same power apparently. After becoming enveloped in the strange chakra the boy would send it forth at the dragon at a speed that was greater than his sand. The beast didn't much like the idea of being touched by that, so he would fling his water encased tail first, cutting through and deflecting the attack. Were this to succeed, he would make another slash, coming vertically at the clone to the boy's left it would dispel it should it hit and raise some dust and sand into the air for a bit. Cael would land, extend his wings and make a loud roar at the boy in front of him.

By that time Youta decided it was enough time for Hysterio to regain his stance and his pride, it was enough looking around. If he hadn't made an attack by now, she would throw her weapons slightly, catching them with different hand so the kunai was now in the left and the ninjato in the right. Then she would assume her stance, her right foot would go back, putting her body sideways, left hand would be in front of her holding the kunai horizontally while the right hand went up parallel to her right shoulder with the tip of the ninjato pointed at the Genin she was fighting. Her smirk would spell "come".
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:39 pm
Hysterio did not see what happened but his clumsy foot attack missed and suddenly he was pushed by the more experienced fighter, tumbling off about 5 meters and dropping his stick partway. Slowly getting to his feet, he was surprised to see that Mitako had this strange aura. It reminded him of Takeo Tadashi’s aura, but this one felt more menacing, and it altered his physical appearance as well. Weird. It felt quite unnatural, he wondered if this or the other aura had anything to do with the tailed beasts the boss had spoken of before, like the one he had seen in Kumogakure, that thing with nine tails. He wondered if it would be possible for him to go after that beast later. Such a beast might make sense to bring to his leader as a present to make up for his earlier mistakes. It looked like the dragon thingy wanted to keep its distance too, and Hysterio was well able to understand why. He had a bit of research to do it seemed.

First though came this fight. If he could not work effectively against friendly ninjas, then what hope had he of taking down a massive beast? His combat skills seriously needed improvement, he was more than slightly inattentive and frankly, pathetic. His self assessment concluded, he looked up to see that Youta was resuming a combat stance, her weapons changing hands. He ran to pick up his stick, and if allowed, would grab it and assume a defensive posture, the stick held at a 45 degree angle to the ground, guarding the front of his body, his body facing at an similar angle towards his opponent. This time he would try taking things slower and not rushing, and let his opponent come to him.

He could not help but think that some more genjutsu would be helpful in this fight but he had no time to think about it for the moment, he needed to work on that stuff later.
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:09 am
[OOC: I know we're not really counting AP or anything, but I do intend to have Mitako pass out before the topic ends. Pretty much just because.]

The slightly enraged Mitako wacthed the dragon's tail cut through his cloak. He would've taken another try at using the cloak, had the dragon not sent its tail down after him. The genin thought it was over when the tail struck down, but it had seemed the dragon planned a bit differently, taking out the clone to his left. Mitako dispelled the clone to his right, and sprinted forward out of the dust and sand, straight toward the the dragon. 

Due to the dust, he was caught a little off guard as he watched the dragon land. Before he could make his next move, the beast would roar, and Mitako would change direction, now running and circling to the right of the dragon. After a few meters, he would dive in to the sand, using the Hiding Like a Mole technique to move through it with relative ease. While underground, he would move [20 speed] to what he estimated to be under the dragon's chest, and spring up out of the ground. Should he be under the dragon, or close to under it, Mitako would then slam both of his hands into the sand, causing a pillar to rise up out of the ground and slam the dragon in the chest area, should it hit. After that he would retreat using body flicker, placing him in close proximity to both Youta and Hysterio. 

Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:03 pm
Cael's sharp eyes would follow the boy as he emerged from the dust cloud and started to circle him before dropping into the ground once more. As before, to avoid being suddenly attacked from beneath the beast would flap his wings a couple times and rise to hover some 5 meters above the ground. However unlike before, this time Mitako actually aimed to do such an attack, he would emerge below Cael and the dragon's amazing sight would only spot a rising pillar of sand, shortly before his attempt to dodge it partially failed and his left wing got hit. The dragon would spin horizontally once because of the force and when he regained his senses the boy would have already flickered away towards his master. The beast's shortly lost focus would undo the ability that he was using with his tail all this time.

On Youta's front, it seemed that Hysterio preferred to defend this time, as he was not attacking. Well, the girl did not mind initiating... much. After leaning forward a bit, like some predator preparing to pounce on its prey, she would begin to move towards the boy. When there would be only two meters between them, she would suddenly change the blade in her hands again and immediately throw the kunai at Mitako who would be just appearing about five meters to her right. As she would do that in motion, by the time the kunai was sent, her left arm would already be swinging horizontally for Hysterio's right hand holding the rock staff, while her right would go for the second ninjato on the back of her waist. In that heat of the moment the girl's eyes would begin to glow in faint blue.

[I doubt at this rate you'd be able to exhaust yourself to the point of passing out, Mitako. If you want I could try to have you knocked out.]
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Unloading and new path - Page 3 Empty Re: Unloading and new path

Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:33 am
[Hysterio. AHEM]
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