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Aiko Akiyama
Aiko Akiyama
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Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin) Empty Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin)

Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:27 am

So after she had blasted both Kyojin and herself off a waterfall, she had taken it upon herself to do some a different way. One that didn't mean that she would be smacked by her own jutsu, which was pretty embarrassing to be honest. Anyway, wherever Kyojin was (she would read aloud so whatever) she would state the mission details.

"Alright Kyojin, listen up. Right now you and I are brining in a thief, one who specializes in stealing prized pieces of art...although why he doesn't just take money confuses me. Anyway he supposedly has been haunting this area, and it is our job to hunt him down, you understand?"

As she said this she would have spread her senses out, her nose picking out the regular sweat and such of villagers, but close by....looking upwards and pretending to be looking at the mountains for no apparent reason...yup, a man was EVER so slowly climbing up a rope ladder on a 50m building. And lo and behold, he had a suspiciously large bag on his back as well, not to mention the smell of oil and canvas came off of him in waves. Either he was the strangest artist ever, or they had hit the jackpot. about she turned this into a sort of training?

"Alright Kyojin....around here I have spotted the thief. Now let's treat this as a sort of eye spy. I want you to observe ever so carefully the area around you until you find him, ok? Tell me when you do so we can continue."

She would wait until he finally located the man before she did anything else. Hey wait a minute, why was Pudding so quiet?

"Yeesh! I'm tired today!"

Well, that explained it.

(298 total, Kyojin must complete 250 words to complete the mission)
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin) Empty Re: Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin)

Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:53 am
Kyojin was really bored and started looking for Aiko. Kyojin needed to apologies because part of the fall was his faulht and he felt devestated about it. Then he saw her Kyojin didn't knoe if she knew he was there but she said "Alright Kyojin, listen up. Right now you and I are brining in a thief, one who specializes in stealing prized pieces of art...although why he doesn't just take money confuses me. Anyway he supposedly has been haunting this area, and it is our job to hunt him down, you understand?" Not wanting to interupt the mission Kyojin didnt tell herban apology he had just nodded his head to what she said. Kyojin followed behind Aiko seeing her smell and look at stuff hard. "Alright Kyojin....around here I have spotted the thief. Now let's treat this as a sort of eye spy. I want you to observe ever so carefully the area around you until you find him, ok? Tell me when you do so we can continue." Kyojin nodded his head while smiling. This was going to be easy Kyojin thought. While they were walking he followed Aiko's everymove. Kyojin knew to look up to the mountains and he saw a man with a duffle bag climbing a ladder.

" He is right there climbing the ladder by the mountain " Kyojin said while pointing. Kyojin thrn thought this would be a good time to apologies to Aiko." Aiko I know half of it was my fault when wr fell in to the trench and I was wondering if you would for give me for acting so stupid " Kyojin said while rubbing his left hand threw his hair.
Aiko Akiyama
Aiko Akiyama
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Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin) Empty Re: Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:23 am
Great! Kyojin was smart enough to follow her eyes! Well, that training failed horribly. Time to get things done shortly and quickly.

"Good job Kyojin, you've done well in following my movements. That may very well be a skill that you can move to your advantage in the future. And don't worry about that, I should have seen that the river was shorter, I'm a Jounin after all." Ok she was laying it on thick but apparently she needed to with this kid. "Now watch how Aiko-Sensei does it."

So she made the seals for body derangement and a few moments later slammed her hand at max speed and strength into the mans stomach, knocking him to the ground with a crunch . Well shit, she'd need to heal him later. Casually walking up to the man who was still spasming in pain through his unconsciousness, she picked him up and walked away, nonchalantly looking over her shoulder.

"Mission Complete, meet me at the dango stand on this street in about an hour while I go turn this little shit in."


Claiming 500 ryo from this topic and 478 words towards creation rebirth (478/5k)

Last edited by Aiko Akiyama on Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin) Empty Re: Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:32 am
Kyojin waited for Aiko to reply to his answer. She said " Good job Kyojin, you've done well in following my movements. That may very well be a skill that you can move to your advantage in the future. And don't worry about that, I should have seen that the river was shorter, I'm a Jounin after all "." Ok thanks for the training and mission ". "Now watch how Aiko-Sensei does it." I watched her as she did hand selas and slammed her hand into the mans stpmach making him spasm and go oncuncios. "Mission Complete, meet me at the dango stand on this street in about an hour while I go turn this little shit in." Kyojin told her ok as he left to go dp something else to make time go by.


WC: 413

413 words to Execution By Kiss

500 Ryo
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin) Empty Re: Brutally Mauling Bad Men (Kyojin)

Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:38 pm
Approved, and don't forget you +3 AP too <3

Aiko, I'm granting the WC but your CR stuff is still on hold, I believe.
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