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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:28 pm
(Approved Den)

After Den's departure Maku turned to Naoki.  "Sure I don't mind trading techniques, after all that is what alliances do right."  He said smiling and turning his head to the side.  "Well basically, the technique is based on an incredibly simple idea.  Simply putting oneself from one space into another, which in all honesty is very similar to what you apparently already know with your own teleportation technique.  So I don't think this will take much for you to learn in all honesty."

Standing Maku moved onto the beach and waited for Naoki to watch.  Maku also at this point allowed his eyes to slide into their EMS state.  Not so much for the technique he was going to perform, but to watch his new friend perform the technique he would learn.  Maku wasn't really all that cautious so he kinda just did it on habit more than anything, damn the consequences.

"So basically, it only requires 3 hand seals."  Maku performed the handseals slowly before continuing to speak.  "After that, it is a matter of channeling S/T chakra, and in my opinion a force of will.  I want to be there, and I want to be there now.  The process transposes your existance into another space.  Unlike your technique, it is instant.  However, the technique known as Blink, my technique, is not capable of the distance that you could perform.  Generally eye contact with were your going is necessary.  However, it is probably one of my best techniques for quickly dodging a technique, and gaining a better position.  Well here we go."

Although Maku had no need to perform the hand seal, he did so for Naoki to see.  Making the hand seals, Maku appeared 20 meters away.  Walking back he had a smile on his face.  "20 meters seems to be about the limit, but that is generally enough to set ones self up.  It also is useful if you find yourself trapped air born.  Well why don't you give it a try and then you can show me that bubble tech of yours."  Maku had smiled the entire time.  He really didn't get many opportunities to teach people, and the last time he had that student had died due to their own arrogance.  Naoki however was far from that first pupil, and Maku had little doubt that this man would make this technique just as dangerous a weapon as Maku had.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:03 am
Naoki would not at Den's expression of gratitude. "If you have not made your mind yet, there is a very nice place not too far from the bar we met in. It's just around the corner, you will see a sign saying Djinn's Glory. I know the Chef, his grilled shrimp is the best. Might head there shortly after myself." He would give a tip about the good place to the former Tenkage before the man leaving. Then turn to Maku, who agreed to trade the techniques.

The Uchiha would listen to Maku's short explanation of the ability, his gaze following the man onto the beach. Naoki would notice the younger leader's eyes spinning into the Mangekyou state once again. He did not much like the idea that somebody not even from the Uchiha clan had the ultimate version of Sharingan, but he probably disliked the Uchiha abusing their prized doujutsu to obtain the power their currently help even more. In the end, there was nothing much to be done. What did bother him though was that in order to learn this technique quickly he will have to reveal his own Sharingan. A quick idea formed in his head how in the future he could conceal his doujutsu, but for now there was no better way, but to reveal his secret.

Moving his arms aside, to gesture he was no threat, Naoki would alert Maku to his change. After all, he did not want the man to freak out like he last did. "Do not be alarmed." With that his own Sharingan would appear in three tomoe state. Already knowing Maku having an active MS, Naoki averted his look and focused on the hand seals being done, because he knew of Sharingan's genjutsu powers and that they were even more deadly with MS. With his doujutsu remembering every detail of Maku doing the technique, Naoki could perform the three hand seals himself: horse, dog, tiger, all while listening to the boy's continued explanation. Then the younger leader would disappear, his chakra signature moving some distance away. The boy walked back, smiling and finishing the explanation. So this move appeared to have a rather limited range, unlike Naoki's teleportation and was more of an ability meant for maneuvering in combat.

Performing the hand seals once more, Naoki would duplicate the spacetime chakra he observed from Maku and focused his gaze on some sand about ten meters in front of him. I want to be there, now! His surroundings would momentarily blur, as he lost the sense of direction, in a second realizing he was on the spot he desired. Looking back, with his sharingan now deactivated, he would see the bar with the drinks still on it nearly ten meters away. "Well, what do you know, it worked." He would whisper to himself, while smiling back at Maku. "Guess it's time to show you my trick now."

Remaining where he appeared, Naoki would begin the explanation. "My technique is called Transfer through the World of Emptiness and is essentially what it sounds like. I assume a shinobi of your caliber knows the summoning technique. It is closely related to it." Naoki would make the seal of confrontation and continue. "It requires this single half seal to perform. You first expel some spacetime chakra in form of a bubble around you and whoever, or whatever you wish to teleport with you. Then you essentially summon the contents of the bubble to a desired location. Just like the summoning, this pulls you through the spacetime, but since it is the opposite, you must know the location you are teleporting to. Or you may use a simple mark seal as a beacon for you to teleport to." Naoki would demonstrate it, creating the bubble only big enough to envelop himself. Then it would collapse to a single point, bringing him with. In a moment, the bubble would expand some fifty meters away, with Naoki inside it, then it would disappear.

After walking back to the bar, Naoki would wait to see if Maku would succeed in performing the transfer, or if he maybe needed to learn the summoning first. Then, assuming the boy did not teleport somewhere away, Naoki would note a few moments worth mentioning. "As you have already observed, the moment where the bubble is pulled through spacetime is not instant. It could be targeted and you should be careful about using it in combat. Also, if you focus more, you may choose which objects or people inside the field are transported with you, so you are not forced to use it in a clear area or bring everything with you. You can also control the size of the bubble with the amount of chakra you expel, but it has a limit of roughly 5 meter radius. And lastly, it seems this move cannot be used often because of the way it warps the spacetime. It's something to be kept in mind, if you use this to appear in a dangerous area, you might not be able to use it to escape it quick enough."

While explaining the Uchiha would tidy the bar, putting everything back where he found it and leaving some money for everything he used to make the drinks, the dude that run this bar was cool, so Naoki would feel back if he just used this stuff. If their training session was finished with this, Naoki would thank the other leader for trading the technique with him and provided the guy agreed to it, he would show the way to the Djinn's Glory. On they way there, Naoki would experiment with his idea to conceal his active sharingan. At first, he would try a very basic genjutsu, but soon give up on it. Visual genjutsu were hardly effective against other users of sharingan, so he needed something more solid. The passive experimentation would continue even as he was munching on a very crunchy shrimp. Eventually he managed to change his eye color to green. He would test to by talking to the Djinn's chef and activating his sharingan. The guy would not notice or say anything and a quick glance at a mirror confirmed the jutsu worked.

3235 w.
+1,600 ryo
1,000 w. copied and was taught Blink
500 w. learned Deceiving Eyes
513 w. finished learning Inner Seals
1222 w. towards learning Sharingan Fuuinjutsu]
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:04 pm
(Approved Naoki)

Watching and taking in all the warnings that Naoki offered him, Maku attempted the jutsu himself.  Seeing the man appear some distance away, he would try to hit the same spot.  His crimson eyes watched the half seal, and therefore clearly knew what he must do.  Forming it, he did as instructed and created the bubble.  Enveloping him he felt himself pulled as he had earlier and appeared at his destination.  Well slightly to the left, but close enough.  Blinking half way back, and then walking the rest of the way he would thank Naoki.  "I appreciate this, it can be most usefull, and I am grateful that we have been able to help one another."

Maku had picked up the jutsu relatively quickly, though that could be said since he already understood how space time worked, knew the summoning tech, was adept at summoning his contract race, and used the blink jutsu for some time.  As Naoki left, Maku made his way back to the lodgings that were being provided for him.  Well, time to rest, find a karaoke bar and blow the roof off.  Hopefully Youka was having the same success.  He was going to have to ontact him soon if things didn't change.  He had last known he was in Konoha, but knowing Youka he would have moved on since then.  He was a traveller after all.  Maku could only hope whatever labor he took upon himself he would see it to completion.

(TWC=5408 1k towards transfer through world of emptiness to learn it, 4k to positional transference to learn it, and 27ap from being a leader)
Stat Page : The Plague
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Ryo : 134237

Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:10 pm
Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 4 218
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