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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:21 pm
Den was used to Naoki's jutsu that teleported people within a certain radius, so when he used on the 3 of them Den remained relaxed. He didn't know how Maku would react, but hopefully he wouldn't freak out or anything. They'd be teleported to some bar on the beach, except it was empty. Den would have preferred talking about this subject in Sanctuary, but he wasn't so paranoid as to think someone could be watching via some weird dimension television. So this would probably be fine.

Naoki began making himself a drink, but Den figured he'd be fine. He only had one beer, and it was actually still in his hand. He took a large swig of it before he began talking about Min, it wouldn't be enough to intoxicate him and make him more sociable, but it was something to do while he mustered himself to tell the tale.

"Alright. Me and my predecessor came across the old friend of mine, who was a jinchuuriki of Tengakure. She was badly wounded, and despite my medical experience I was unable to save her from the poison in her body. Before she died, she informed me that the men who had attacked her had something to do with Kumogakure and Funkagakure, and that they were trying to take her bijuu, so those are my only leads as to where the men are." Den wondered how the wo men would respond, and indeed would make note of the first question that they'd utter. After speaking Den would finish his beer, though afterwards he regretted it as it turned out drinking was great for stalling conversation.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:30 pm
Soooo Maku had imagined, they would walk to some place out of the way.  Because that was a totally normal thing to do, however......he was wrong.  Watching Naoki pay, he stood and placed his back to the man, stretching and feeling just a slight tingle that meant the alcohol was doing what it was supposed to do.  As he stretched his back he glanced back around to see Naoki performing half a hand seal.  Instantly, well pretty damn fast anyway, Maku's eyes swirled crimson.  It was pretty much pure instinct aided by a slight buzz, but turning to see the hand seal formation had caused him to activate his sharingan.  Not just the 3 tomoe mind you, but the full form.  The black patter would be spiraled obscuring a large portion of the red iris.  

The world moved in slow motion it seemed, and a bubble appeared around them.  As it did, a bright golden light covered Maku from head to toe.  He was not so paranoid that he had summoned the weapons as well, but this very unexpected situation had caused him to pull out his ultimate shield.  As it completely manifested over his body, the pull of the void took him and they appeared somewhere else, which happened to be a beach.  The moment, and with these pretty red eyes it was a pretty quick moment, that they appeared Maku blinked 5 meters away from them into the ocean.  He would be standing on the water seemingly riding the waves before quickly spinning on his heal a slight spray of water would come up around him as his foot dragged across the water.  

His hands were up in a moment, chest height to perform any hand seal or blocking action they needed.  However just as quickly as he had entered into this combat stance he realized that the two men were incredibly relaxed.  Though, they were probably looking at him like he was crazy.  Well.,.....this was embarrassing, it appears he had not kept his head.  In his defense, that was like totally unexpected and scary.  Walking on the water, he would approach the two other ninja.  After two steps the golden light that had flooded around his body forming the armor with lion like features, would fade as if the wind had blown it from his skin.  Though he was sure the two men had seen his eyes, after another two steps they to would fade back to the bright blue they had once been.

Now They would probably want to know what that was all about, so Maku spoke as his foot hit the sand "How the hell you do that man!?!?!?!?  That was cool, I mean I can do a little something something by teleporting, but nothing like that...." Maku would clear his throat.  "I mean, that seemed impressive.  And sorry about that, spooked me is all, not used to someone being able to teleport me, usually I'm the one doing such things."  Maku would make kind of a silly face, obviously embarrassed by what had just happened.  Letting out a deep sigh, he would go and stand at the bar, and ask for whatever Naoki was having in response to if he wanted a drink.  If that still happened of course.  It should be noted, while Maku was indeed embarrassed, he was not so dumb as to now lower his guard.  He had made a mistake and Youka would probably be angry.  He had revealed a power of his, even if by accident.  People had died for him to gain this power, and he would not die so others could have it.  

Maku would then listen to Den's talk mentioning Kumo and Funka.  He had of course heard of Kumo, but Funka was more of an anomaly for him.  he knew it existed sure, but very little else.  It was named for volcanoes or something was about it really.  The point that really caught Maku's attention was the announcement of the bijuu.  He had just had a conversation with Youka about such creatures, and he had been rather blunt in his desire to find one and harness its power.  So, to say he listened with rapt attention would be an understatement.

"I am sorry about your friend, and I hope I do not sound insensitive, however since I told you I would help, I have a couple of questions."  Maku was attempting to be tactful, because no doubt Den had some emotions about the death of a close personal friend.  However the facts where facts, he offered to help, and well he needed all the information.  "You say she had a bijuu, what happened to it?  I assume her attackers were no where nearby when this happened or else your story would be completely different.  Also, she was poisoned you say?  An interesting way to try and kill someone in this day and age.  Implying a place that would specialize in such a thing would host the killers.."  

Maku was displaying probably his oddest character attribute.  It was almost a selective bi-polar disorder.  At times he was sporadic and crazy, and in the very next breathe analytical.  His own journal had often had passages on missions where people had been obliterated by Youka, only to be interrupted by a tangent on why banana bread was better than zucchini bread.  While he had been attempting to maintain a control on himself while meeting new people, well it just seemed to slip sometimes.  After all, he had mostly been hanging out in a cave for a long time, literally, so these social skills needed to be built back up.

"There wasn't any other details?  That really isn't a lot to go on I am afraid.  I have a friend, someone I have worked for in the past who seems to have vast connections across the villages, I can try and see if he would know any villages that might specialize in such a tactic.  Minorin was her name?"  He would ask in conformation.  perhaps he could contact Echo and get some info.  Just because they had there own plans to move against him, well it didn't mean he couldn't still use the relationship for everything it was worth.  Especially should they be successful the empire that Echo was building would need to go to someone, and more allies into it only made it that much more formidable.  Maku hopefully getting that drink would sip on it, and wait to see if any other information was going to be divulged.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:49 am
As was expected Den would not flinch as Naoki activated the technique, Maku on the other hand... With the corner of his eye Naoki would see the man becoming covered in golden chakra. It seemed he was preparing to defend himself, which was not too surprising, after all the hand seal Naoki made could very well be for an offensive jutsu. What did interest the Uchiha immensely were the boy's eyes. It was clearly a sharingan, but not anything what Naoki had. It was in Mangekyou state, something achieved only be a few. Yet the man's name was not Uchiha, so either he was hiding his origins like Naoki himself, or those eyes were no originally his. Being of Uchiha descent Naoki was unsure how he felt about it and there was no enough time to analyze his own feelings at that moment. Hoping the man would not take preemptive offense, the leader figured it would be the best not to do anything and show that there was no threat to his guest after they moved. However just in case he was prepared to confine the boy with a seal as soon as any sign of danger was shown.

But when they moved, the boy would disappear, blinking out of existence. Sensing his chakra some distance from them, Naoki's eyes would dart at that spot. It seemed the boy move to gain some distance, which was fine, but the interesting thing was that there was no motion, it seemingly happened in an instant. He appeared to have done that defensively, along with his Mangekyou Sharingn activation and the golden chakra armor, that Naoki guessed was one of the legendary Mangekyou techniques, Susanoo. Hoping he was not making a mistake, Naoki would lower his hand and carry on with the action he intended, which was finding the drinks. Assuming nothing else happened to catch his attention, that Maku would realize there being no intent to harm him and come over, deactivating both abilities and exclaiming his surprise and everything, Naoki would respond "Sorry about it, Den was familiar with it, but I should have warned you, my bad. As for the technique itself, I could teach it to you if you teach me that instant movement you did back there, it seemed like some sort of spacetime warping to me." From there hopefully the conversation would continue normally, with Den explaining about his lost friend, a female jinchuuriki, about the clues he had as to who were responsible for her death. As he was telling the story, Naoki was busy making the drinks. Not to interrupt the speaker, he would wordlessly show the fruits he was using to answer Maku's inquiry and prompt if the boy wanted any alcohol in his, then slide him the finished drink with the composition he requested. When Den was finished with the story to which Naoki closely paid attention while working, the Uchiha would gesture at a third drink he mixed, since the former Tenkage's bottle was clearly emptied. If accepted, the drink to slide to him as well. During all this time, Naoki was silent and he remained so as Maku began speaking. He would wait to hear Den's replies.
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:15 pm
Maku seemed to have a number of interesting abilities, displaying a few of them as he was startled by Naoki's teleportation. Den didn't notice the man's eyes, but did note the golden armor as they teleported, and Maku seeming to disappear and re-appear somewhere else. Den hoped Maku wouldn't become hostile, and luckily after a moment he realized they had just been teleported to a more private area and calmed down.

After Den explained his story in short detail, Maku was the one who asked questions. In fact Naki asked no questions about Den's story, perhaps Maku's questions covered anything he wanted to know.

"The bijuu.... I made sure it was placed in a secure location so that whoever was after it couldn't acquire it for whatever plans they had." Den wasn't entirely lying, he liked to think within his body was a somewhat secure place. but he didn't want to tell them he was the Gobi Jin, not until he believed they were trustworthy enough to not kill him for the beast.

Maku then asked about the jins name, and about the poison, himself thinking the village who had used it must have specialized in using such things, "I'm not sure how potent the poison was that was in Minorin's blood, I was just not in a position to treat it, and I'm not a specialist in making or curing poisons either. It could have just been a simple poison, not something special that would require a whole village to specialize in its creation."

Den understood that Maku didn't think the name of two villages was much to go on, but unfortunately it was all he had. Tomoya was in Kumo, searching there, but so far he had found nothing.

"If you could introduce me to your friend, and see if he has any information, I'd really appreciate it."

(Shitty post but bleh Dx)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:25 pm
To answer Naoki Maku spoke quickly.  "Yes, it is Space time actually.  A trick I developed, basically it is an instantaneous transposition.  Involving moving oneself through space to another space.  Due to the intertwined nature of space and time, it happens instantaneously. If I am being honest, I am not really one who likes to fight all that close, so it is a useful escape or get out of jail free card if you find yourself at a disadvantage."  Maku said with a smile.  Honesty was the best policy after all.  He was here to make friends keeping secrets, well minor ones, just wouldn't do.

Listening Maku heard Den speak of the bijuu.  He had offered to simply have the fruit from Naoki and was sipping on the drink.  Indeed, he was now willing to keep his head clear and to purpose.  Shame about the bijuu really, he would like nothing more than to gain access to the beast, however has it was the point would not be pressed.  He had a greater desire for an alliance than a monster at the moment.  Besides there were 8 others hiding in this world, he would find himself one in time.  

"Yes, that is true about the poison I suppose.  Still a lead is a lead, and we grasp at short straws we take what our hands can keep a hold of."  Maku said his eyes unfocused taking another drink.  To bad, he was hoping this poison had been notable, it would be more of a clue.  If it was indeed a simple thing, then there was no real purpose at all.  "You gave mention of the two villages, have you begun any investigations into them?"  He would wait for an answer into that, and to hear any more relevant information.  He knew he was pressuring his new friend with questions, however it really was the only way.

Den asked to meet his friend, well that could be arranged however at first it would be better to get a bit of a head start on the interaction.  "It can probably be arranged.  Though to be honest he plays things pretty close to the chest.  Let me contact him directly after our meeting and I will see what I can set up.".  Maku had a name, a motive, and the execution now.  It would be time to give Echo a ring as soon as this meeting concluded.  Thinking on it, he was surprised no one asked him about his eyes.  He would have, but o well.  

If the situation with Den stalled as they met a wall until Maku could speak with Echo, then he would turn to Naoki and breech the conversation of the Shima alliance for the first time.  This would only happen after Naoki asked any questions of Den, and after Den answered.  "So Naoki, about that alliance.  You should know at present count Yukigakure, Iwagakure, and Takigakure all stand in the alliance.  Each willing to assist when needed.  In all honesty, I work more as a"  Maku paused for a moment and thought.  What was he to Echo?  Youka was the muscle, and Echo the leader, was Maku a diplomat perhaps.  Probably more than anything else.  Restarting his sentence he continued.  "I work more as a diplomat, than an actual village leader.  Often my business takes me around instead of staying in one place.  I have someone I trust who runs the day to day affairs for me while I am away, though my title remains as the leader.  She is a naturalized Yuki citizen and therefore, I often believe she is more adept than myself."  He would say with a smile.  

"What I offer is basically a large network of connections, and in time of discord perhaps some friendly hands to assist one to make their way through the trials of life."  He would sell the main alliance first.  Though Maku's true intentions were alliances of personal connections more than the actual advancement of Echo's empire.  This would begin the steps though.  In time he hoped this man would have his back if things every really went down hill.  Things had to start somewhere though.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:59 am
After hearing all the answers Naoki would take a moment to think. Offering his assistance while could yield great results was also risky. These people would hopefully make great allies, but they could also bring him enemies. In the end, the Uchiha would decide it was time for Shimagakure to finally make appearance on the bigger stage. "I will assist you, but keep in mind that my priority remains the security of my people. You and your friends will be welcome here, but I do not intend to leave my village unprotected." Leaving the village to investigate something was not an act of a leader in Naoki's eyes, as at the moment he did not have somebody to trust with the village while he was gone. Considering the current situation he had plans to make the village even more protected and secure, sort of a safe haven that could not be invaded easily. At the moment the village was nowhere near that, the protection of the Storm Barrier was minor at best, even if it made the village feel somewhat safe.

As Maku extended his offer for the alliance, the Uchiha would calmly listen, but the picture was quite different from the one he imagined. An alliance of three minor villages, was different from allying with one. Maku performing a role of a diplomat made the impression that not all villages were equal in this alliance and Naoki would rather remain alone, than join some empire where he and his people were considered second class. So he decided to wait for now. Maybe when he learned more. "Small steps, Maku. This alliance sounds strong, but I cannot make this decision lightly, for now me lending assistance to help Den is as far as I am willing to go. In due time, as I learn more about you, I might join it. Thanks for the offer however, I just hope I have not made myself an enemy by declining."

[My 1,000th post with this acc, yay!]
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:48 pm
"I have an associate in Kumogakure, but his search hasn't been very fruitful as of yet." that was in response to Maku's question about whether Den had done much investigation.

Den was glad that he might be able to meet the man Maku mentioned. Hopefully he would have some information that could help Den figure out who the killers were.

Naoki offered his assistance as well, though he did say he would put his village before him. "I understand, thank you for being willing to assist."

(Idk why, but my muse for this thread isn't really picking up for some reason. Really sorry about the poor post quality, I'll try to do at least a decent post next time)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:40 am
"Very well Den.  I think that is enough to at least go on for now.  Let me contact my friend first and then we can go from there.  While it isn't a lot, it is something and I suppose it could be a lot worse."  Maku had heard Naoki offer assistance, and appreciated his statement that his village would come first.  Clearly this man was more adept at leading a village than Maku had ever been.  Though, that really wasn't all that hard. 

Hearing Naoki speak of the decline of an alliance, Maku never let his face change.  While a little irked he couldn't help, but think how if Echo had come here it would be different.  The option wouldn't have been given, however in the end perhaps this wasn't a bad thing.  If he could show this man that it was in his best interest instead of forcing him, then it would make the alliance all the more powerful in the end.  Sometimes you had to build from the bottom.  "Very well, you have to do what you think is best.  I appreciate that.  In time perhaps your mind will change, but until then I hope we can merely stay friends."  He said reaching out his hand to shake the other leaders.

Maku would drink his drink and wait.  It seemed they had reached a point where there wasn't much to do until he could contact Echo.  Perhaps he should best contact Youka as well to see how he was doing.  Probably playing around as usual.  Looking at their host he would allow Naoki to dictate the conversation from here.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:32 pm
Naoki would return the hand shake. It would seem that all was said and done, the conversation was exhausted and as the host it was Naoki's play to finish it. "Well, then. I think that settles it" he would shortly debate on where to take it from here. Assigning Maku a place to stay was in order, where as Den... actually he did not get the chance to do that with Den as during their previous meeting he teleported out, but the Uchiha assumed the man had found a suitable place to stay in his village. The thought of not knowing where exactly that was brought some discomfort though. "Maku, I will tell them to find a nice place for you. While I'm sure Den already knows his way around." With his tone he would let them know they finished, unless there was something else to say. All in all, both of them will be able to reach him privately if they so chose. Naoki would address the younger leader though. "Maku, before you go. Would you show me that warping move you did, if I offered to teach you the technique I used to transport us?"
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance - Page 3 Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:54 am
"Alright, thank you both for offering to assist me. If you excuse me, I think I'm going to go get something to eat." With that, Den made a half handed seal and body flickered away.

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