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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
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Hail to the chief Empty Hail to the chief

Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:58 pm
Maku had handed a letter to a messenger once he had arrived at a port outside Shimagakure.  He waited in a tavern for a reply, if it was good news he intended to catch the next boat into town.  Here are the contents of that letter

Dear Kaede Uzumaki, leader of Shimagakure and most manly of men

This is Maku Jemuzu, leader of Yukigakure, writing to you.  As I hope you will remember me from our meeting in Yukigakure, I have decided to come for a visit and some salt air.  Hopefully this letter finds you in good health, and you will be obliging to meet with me.  If so I would also like to talk about perhaps an alliance, or at least an association for now, so that both of our villages may prosper.

If so I would appreciate passage into the village, I await your words on tenterhooks.  This messenger should be able to find me as I remain across the pond until I have been given your word.

Trusting al is well,
Maku Jemuzu, leader of Yukigakure, manliest of the northern men

The letter was addressed to Kaede, as Maku had no knowledge of a change in leadership.
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Hail to the chief Empty Re: Hail to the chief

Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:23 pm
Kaede had been where he had always been for the past month or so, the bar. He had found the place back when the delegates from Takigakure had come to talk about an alliance. To Kaede it felt like it had been many years ago, but in actuality it had only been several months. With the change in leadership Shimagakure had not crumbled, something Kaede was glad about. His days were spent relaxing on the beach, his nights spent partying with the locals. Kaede found it had been quite easy to get free drinks from people, considering how he lead Shimagakure to what it was today.

Right now, the man was entertaining a party of friends with his tales of the Northern countries. He was just about to get to the part where he formed a friendship with the leader of Yukigakure through manliness when he was interrupted by a messenger. The messenger handed him a letter adressed to Kaede, explaining that the receptionist had informed him he would be here. God did Kaede love that women, always making his life easier. Still it was surprising that a messenger would go to the leaders office with a letter addressed to Kaede. The entirety of the village knew of his retirement, meaning that it must be a message from the outside. He excused himself for a moment, promising to continue the tale exactly where he had left off when he returned. Moving himself into a standing position he wobbled slightly before making his way outside of the bar and onto the beach, wanting to read in privacy.

Even in his extremely slightly intoxicated state he read the letter with general ease. It was quite a pleasant surprise. Another village leader paying a visit to the village and of all of them it was Maku, the man he shared a bond forged through manliness with. He borrowed a pen from the messenger and wrote his reply, making sure that it was duplicated so he could send it to Naoki for him to be aware of what was happening.

"Dear Meku Makuu (it was at this moment the messenger took over the writing) Maku,

I Kaede Uzumaki am no longer the active leader of the Shimagakure village. However my rank remains high enough to grant you access to the village.

You are welcome to enter the village of Shimagakure. You will likely be greeted by either myself or the present leader of Shimagakure, Naoki Uchiha, upon arrival.

And then we can all go out and get hammered.

See ya,


The messenger was then promptly told to go send a copy of both letters to Naoki before sending the reply back to Maku. Kaede entered back into the bar, announcing his grand tale would continue to a resounding cheer.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Hail to the chief Empty Re: Hail to the chief

Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:56 pm
For some strange reason Naoki was in his office when he got the copy of Maku's and Kaede's letters. He would stop the messenger so the Uchiha could read it before the reply was sent. It was a poor taste to reply with mistakes in the letter, so Naoki made a few fixes. By that I mean he rewrote the letter without the errors, keeping pretty much everything except his last name which he would change into Gekou. Him being of Uchiha descent was not a common knowledge in the village nor anywhere outside. Actually apart from Naoki himself Kaede and Shinto were probably the only ones with this knowledge, which he wanted to protect.

At the end of the letter, after Kaede's signature he would add a bit from himself, expressing eagerness to meet a fellow village leader and including instructions of where and how to appear before he can be led inside the village. After adding his own signature at the bottom, he would see the message sent himself. After that he would have to speak with Kaede. Finding him at the bar the new leader would most likely mention that his predecessor should not give away Naoki's last name. But this he was not entirely certain about because they were both pretty damn smashed at that point.

[I think this over now?]
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Hail to the chief Empty Re: Hail to the chief

Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:37 am
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