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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:31 am
All eyes are on Hero as he walks through the village. Smiling as if he has nothing to fear, he ignored every gaze upon him and only accept easy thing that have something to do with the board on his back. It's not because of his weird sense of clothing (men's skirt, really?) but because of the board on his back. Only a fool like him would do that and only a fool would fall for it. On the board, it says "strongest ninja to ever live. Don't like it? Spar me!". Some would consider him a fool for doing such thing, some with big egoist fools would get ticked by it but he knows deep down that the smart ones, the ones he's looking for will approach it calmly. Most likely, that one would just utter a short laugh. Those of guys get under his skin but also give him adrenaline rush. That's the type of person he's looking for. Lately, Hero ran out of motivation to train himself. You can call it laziness or procrastination but the boredom really killed his motivation. He thought that if he can find someone as good as him to spar it'd really benefit him. If he lost then he can find the motivation work even harder. If he win then ah well, good practice still. Considering that he has no friend, the best way is issue a challenge and what better way to do it than this. As he held his head up high, he skims through the area looking for a ninja headband. A fool, he is.

A hand stopped him from walking, a rather large hand on his right shoulder. He glances back and saw a huge men with a frustrated expression. Hero didn't even bother to listen to what the man said, he believed he heard something along the line of "you kid...cocky...I'm gonna" that's all he could catch because he lost interest after not seeing a headband on the man's head. "Just a fool," he thought to himself before sighing in disappointment. Hero started walking again which pissed the large man off.

The man swung his kick onto Hero's right waist which send him flying to his left, almost hitting the wall. The latter lie down on the ground clutching his waist. The large man almost walked away but after seeing Hero's smile, he started stomping at the latter. After he did so, he walked away. It caused quite a commotion but the other simply mumble about him being all words but no talk.

Hero raises his body up, learning against the wall. He wipes the blood off his mouth then smile. "I knew he was a fool but because of that I attracted quite a bit of attention. Now that people watched me getting beaten up, no other fool would come. This should do it, the next person to approach me will be my sparring partner, I'm sure he won't be a fool," said Hero, still smiling.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:49 pm
Kemuri would simply be perched upon the roof of one of the taller buildings, the wind flowing gently by him, making him a bit uneasy before he noticed the rather flamboyant man from the training grounds walking around the village with a board on his back which essentially was asking people to beat him to a pulp. -what a moron- He would think to himself, watching as a rather burly man did exactly what Kemuri expected him to do. Watching Hero get beaten, he would begin to make his way closer along the rooftops, moving at a somewhat slow pace and stopping at the building that's wall he was almost kicked into. He simply stood atop the building, watching what Hero did afterward, somewhat surprised by his standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey." He would say in his somewhat deeper voice. "Why are you trying to get people to attack you?". His voice travelling from above. While their last encounter may not have been entirely friendly (assuming since last topic isn't over), it still made them acquaintances by now which was enough to justify speaking to him.
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:48 am
He grins to himself as he heard someone calling out to him. Finally, he found a sparring partner. As he looked up, his smile disappears almost instantly. He likes the fact that a person with a headband approached him but this guy really? Their last encounter ended up terribly, they're not people who can work together even worse be friends. And he's not afraid to say just that.

"Damn it, why is it you?" said Hero, disappointedly. "I planned all night - well, an hour to be exact - to get this plan. A plan to search for a sparring partner. First, I piss people off by claiming something like being the strongest. Second, someone would beat me up out of frustration. That would cause a commotion and a ninja would approach me and he would be my sparring partner. He would go all like "Hey, you need a hand?" and I'd try to be a victim getting emotional all like "Yes..please. My parents died and I'm homeless, I just want attention. I want to get stronger to protect myself and my loved ones, " and I start crying then bam that ninja would spar with me. See that? Awesome plan, right! But I can tell that you're not the type of person who would sympathize anyone so damn," said Hero taking a shot at Kemuri. "And as for why I was smiling, how can I not smile when my perfect plan is working so beautifully? I'm really proud of my brain ya know, I'm pretty sure I'm a genius," boasted Hero now looking smugly. "Anyways, you must spar with me otherwise my perfect plan wouldn't be so perfect and I don't like the idea of that. You must accept this otherwise," said Hero now pausing to think. "I'd draw your face on every building's wall here in Konoha with the word "dumb coward" on top of it and your whole life would be ruined. How's that now? Moahahahaha" said Hero before laughing evily staring at Kemuri who's much taller than he is.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:03 pm
Kemuri stood upon the rooftop, a look of boredom on his face as Hero made his speech. Once he were to finish talking, Kemuri would look up and off into the distance to be more dramatic as he spoke, looking over the rooftops and into the forest. "You're right, I do show no sympathy. I would say to act your age, but it seems you're doing that all too well at the moment. Regardless," He would say, looking back down unto the street at Hero "I accept your challenge.". Jumping down from the building, he landed near Hero and proceeded to face him. "Where to?" He said, waiting for Hero to lead the way. -This is my first spar in quite some time. I can only imagine I'm going to be a bit rusty-
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:57 am
"Sweet, that's all I want to hear. Nothing else, just that," said Hero quickly almost interrupting Kemuri when he accepted Hero's offer to spar. He looks around him for a second then turn to Kemuri before saying "follow me," then walk to the direction to his left which is the wast. They would walk for about 2 minutes and right in front of them would be a plain round training ground.

The training ground is filled with sand as footing, apparently they specially prepared this place by cutting down the grass and adding sand onto it. The sand was to minimize the pain when falling down and help improve a ninja's explosive leg strength if one chose to train barefoot. The training ground's radius is about 60 feet and outside of this plain sand circle is short grass. Further off to the east side, about 20 feet from the grass is a forest. Hero looks around the area then smile, as the who arrived here first, he has the advantage. How so? Wait and see.

"You can take this side, I'll take the other one," said Hero as he pointed toward the east side. There are three reasons why he chose that side and it's a pretty damn good advantages when sparring with an opponent as strong as you are. First, he'll have to walk there and with his back turned toward Kemuri, the latter man wouldn't notice or suspect anything Hero do while walking so he can prepare some traps along the way. Second, the grass is behind him; Hero is an insect user and you bet an insect as small as the kikaichu can hide itself behind the grass without being spot, then he can turn toward Kemuri letting the bug hop onto the grass behind him without getting seen. Third, the sun is in favor for now. It's almost in the middle of the sky but as of now, it's shining from the east so if Hero can play his card right he can literally blind Kemuri for a second.

As Hero walks, he told his bugs (telepathically) to go through his pants, hop onto his foot then into the sand digging itself just enough to conceal within the sand which should be an easy task considering it's small size. One at a time, Hero ordered ten bugs to do this because it will leave more room for failure if he had more bugs to do this. All ten bugs are ordered to jump onto Kemuri's feet at once if the latter run pass their area. Hero walked to the very end of the training ground so he can be very close to the grass making it extremely easy for the bug to hop into the grass. Five bugs are used on this trap. All together, fifteen bugs are hidden throughout the area, ten in a straight line toward Hero and five in the grass behind him.

"So you're ready, I assume?" asked Hero. "I'll let you have the first move," said Hero smiling.

Total Bugs: 150
Bugs left: 135
Amounts of bug that can be controlled per post: 50
Amounts of bug that can be controlled per post (right now): 35 (because 15 are hidden)

Kikaichu's stats: (via the Aburame clan topic)
Health: 10
Chakra: 1
Stamina: 10
Speed: 20
Strength: 5
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:07 am
-Why am I doing this?- He thought, following Hero to the sandy training field. "I'll take my position where I please." He said before turning around and walking to the center of the field, taking half the time it would to reach where Hero desired him to go (if I'm reading your post correctly). As he walked, he would pull an explosive tag from his pouch as stealthily as he could and would slide it under his shirt and onto his stomach. -This is going to be annoying fight.- He thought as he did so, having assumed by now that Hero was an Aburame. He wasn't entirely sure though, as he had only seen him controlling a few bugs back at the training grounds. He turned to face Hero after reaching the center, looking him dead in the eye as he gave him the first move.

"Good." He said, clapping his hands together and placing them onto the ground. The ground under Hero in a five meter by five meter area would then begin to somewhat quickly sink into the ground to a depth of 15 meters, leaving him where he were before except 15 meters below the surface if he did not escape through some means. Kemuri then began to run towards the newly made hole in the ground, jumping inside of it were he to have actually been "hit", so to speak, with the technique. Otherwise, he would simply begin running towards Hero, pulling a kunai from his weapon pouch and lunging towards him with said kunai in an attempt to cut his arm lightly, as this was in fact a friendly (for the most part) spar.
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:33 pm
Hero notices Kemuri clapped his hands then touched the ground. All of a sudden, the ground beneath his feet started to sink and Hero panicked. After reaching 15m deep in the ground, he noticed Kemuri jumping toward him. "Woah I didn't know there was such jutsu..." said Hero while Kemuri is in mid-air. Right before Kemuri was about land, Hero claps his hand then touch the ground, the exact same thing Kemuri did. He chuckled. The ground below Hero in a four meters and four meters would rise back up all the way to the surface. But while the ground is rising back about 10  meter before  it reaches the surface, Hero raises his arm letting out twenty five bugs.  "Just kidding," Hero said with a smile. After reaching the surface, he releases another 10 bugs to cover the exit just in case Kemuri broke out of the twenty five bugs inside. Those ten bugs are located about one meter before the exit. "I hate to reveal my ability too early in a battle but ah well enjoy!" said Hero.

The twenty five bugs would fly toward Kemuri at a high speed, scattering and leaving no room for Kemuri to break out considering that Kemuri is in a one square meter hole. In those twenty five bugs, ten of them would target Kemuri's neck, five toward his body and ten toward his legs. Three of the ten bugs flying toward Kemuri's leg is a female one. 

"You've dug your own grave buddy!" shouted Hero, "Damn, that's a really good pun," he added.

AP: 153-10= 143
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:18 am
At the sight of Hero performing the jutsu he had just done Kemuri smirked a bit underneath his mask. "It seems like everyone has an earth chakra nature these days." He said, looking up to see the kikaichu flying towards him. He simply stood where he was, waiting for the kikaichu to get closer to him whilst he watched them closely, flowing chakra into the explosive tag on his chest. Once they were approximately one meter above him he would jump up at the swarm of insects, turning himself into smoke which allowed the tag to move up closer to the swarm, himself moving rather quickly up the hole he was in. The tag would detonate, presumably killing the twenty five insects and leaving him unharmed as he flew up towards the exit still in smoke form. Once he made his way to the top of the hole he would go straight through the kikaichu that stood guard there, moving slowly so as to appear to be smoke from the explosion rising from the hole. It may, however, seem to be a bit odd that that smoke just happened to be floating in Hero's direction, and picking up speed as it did so. Assuming Hero didn't move from his position, Kemuri would float his way over to Hero until the cloud of smoke was directly in front of him. Suddenly a hand would shoot out from the smoke to grab his throat, if successful, saying "I hate to reveal my ability too early in a battle, but enjoy.".

AP: 90-10 = 80
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:09 am
"Eh?" muttered Hero as he saw the sudden explosion inside the hole annihilating his twenty five bugs. His bugs were blocking the view and he couldn't see what Kemuri was doing. Although he can communicate telepathically with his bugs, his range is only limited to one meter and the twenty five bugs are much deeper in the hole. This is the type of moment he wished he had learned chakra sensory technique. However, this is no time for regretting and he gotta act quickly.

Hero hastily communicate telepathically with the ten bugs he left to guard the exit and asked them whether there's anything heading his way. Although his bugs can't possibly know that Kemuri is the smoke heading their way, they can sense chakra and tell Hero just that. By the time Hero received that information, Kemuri is already close to the exit. He wanted to jump to the left in order to dodge whatever is heading his way but even with his superior speed, Kemuri caught him.

After hearing what Kemuri said, he smirked in excitement. He loves a good fight. "I want to say that you're a 'solid' ninja but I guess that's impossible," said Hero. Hero tries to release himself from Kemuri's grip but it appears that the latter man is much stronger than him. Guess he gotta do it the hard way.

Bugs started coming out of Hero's shirt collar, a total of twenty five of them. They would all try to get onto Kemuri's hand and begin sucking chakra out of him. This can be an easy task if Kemuri doesn't let go of Hero. The ten bugs from earlier also started to fly toward Kemuri and look to suck chakra from Kemuri's hand as well. It all come down to the battle endurance, whether Kemuri can put Hero out cold first or get his chakra sucked out.

If all thirty five bugs succeed in getting on Kemuri's hand, thirty five chakra points are sucked per post (1 bug = 1 chakra point).

Total bugs left: 125
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar] Empty Re: Why Be A Fool? [NK, P, Spar]

Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:06 pm
Kemuri's first reaction, of course, was to sigh at Hero's play on words -The man won't even shut up when he's in a choke hold- he thought, noticing the bugs beginning to come from Hero's collar and being forced to release his hold upon him, transforming his hand back into smoke, floating back a good 10 meters in the opposite direction of the hole in the ground so there weren't also kikaichu coming at him from behind. "It seems I'll have to take you out quickly if I'm to win this." He said, reforming and reaching his hand into a weapon pouch on his thigh before pulling out a kunai. He stood at that point, watching Hero and the surrounding area, trying to think a plan through.

-My limited range of jutsu doesn't allow for much diversity in my tactics. This is going to be a difficult one.- he thought whilst standing there, kunai in his right hand. -Perhaps if I could lead him into a trap of some sort I could force him into submission.- A sudden look of determination would overcome his eyes, him looking more closely at the kikaichu, having learned a small amount about the Aburame while he lived in his clan's compound. The only chance he stood of winning this battle was if he could get into and maintain melee range, which due to the kikaichu was going to be incredibly difficult to do without nearly completely wearing him out. He shift his position to one of a more offensive nature, his limbs closer to his body essentially, before he began another charge toward Hero.

AP: 80-10 = 70
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