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Party Time!!!!

Chrollo Senju
Naoki Gekou
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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Party Time!!!! Empty Party Time!!!!

Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:19 pm
Jumping out the window, Naoki would land just outside the central hub of Shimagakure, where they just held the meeting and agreed upon a treaty between his and Takigakure villages. So, as the others were still finding their way out of the building, the Uchiha would already be thinking of where they could go to have their fun. The blood-red sun was touching the sea at the horizon, which indicated several options for the man. A club was one of them, but he's been there the other night. Also putting four people of their calibers underground was probably not the best idea. So, a beach party then! Remembering Kaede's words and attitude as he left the office, Naoki would decide that his leader currently had something on his mind and that he would take the lead of the moment. When the others appeared at the entrance, he would wave at them and shout loud enough for them no hear. "Hey! Come here, I know the way to a nice party around these parts!" Surely, they would not mind if a few nice gentlemen such as themselves were to join. Unless something else happened, the Uchiha would then start leading them towards the spot he had in mind.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:37 pm
Kaede followed left the building that held his office to a rather weird sight. That sight of course was Naoki, did that idiot jump out of the window or something? The man waved the group over and said something about knowing a nice place to party. This was a good thing, as Kaede wasn't in the mood to go around and search for a place to hold it. He had some things he needed to think about, thus he was rather distracted at the moment. A nod was given to Naoki, an indication for him to go and lead the way to wherever. Kaede didn't bother to check if the other two men followed as he assumed they would.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:01 pm
Saiga follows Kaede through the island. Awaiting to find their new destination. His mind calm, as he wonders on what their alliance party will be like. He looks behind him, where he assumes Shingetsu is at the moment, and gifts a slight smirk to the man in thanks for accompanying him to the village. Quickly looking back ahead, he would continue to follow Kaede, and Naoki.
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:22 am
Shingetsu trailed a few meters behind the rest, his feet glumly kicking at the sand and gravel that rest beneath his feet. He stole a glance at the others for a few seconds before something else caught his eye; a dog was lazing about not too far away. Diverting  fro the path he made his way to the dog, acting as if it was unintentional and he was just going off the path, before brutally kicking it's head in a splatter of blood; the sound of the skull caving in would have been rather audible and the blood covering one pants leg, it would be fairly certain that the dog would now be able to eat chocolate in heaven.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:21 am
Mostly ignoring the weird sound behind him, Naoki would continue leading the group through the village as the dark was slowly settling around them. The sun would blast the men red for the last time before taking a dive into the horizon, leaving a fading, bloody mark on the sky. To light their way, the Uchiha would summon three sunflies, allowing one to dance in his palm in front of him and the others to float a couple meters away at his both his sides. As the group were approaching their destination, a distant music could be heard, along with voices and lights, the opposite of what was happening in the other parts of the village that were going to sleep. The glowing orbs would return to spiral in Naoki's palm before completely vanishing into his hand as the four entered the party.

As should have been expected it was located on the beach, but a small distance from the water, once could easily hear the waves crashing in detail. The area was lit with torches stuck into the sand and a few blazing braziers here and there, although those were not necessary as it was warm enough outside, even at night. Only times one might call the weather cold in the Islands was during the periods of storms, that were not due for at least a couple months. Otherwise, one could go to such a night party in light beach clothes without a worry. The place from which the music originated was a small platform with a group of performers, next to it, a wooden dance floor, raised slightly above the sand. On it a number of people showing off their moves with the flow of the melody and rhythm. Not far from the scene, the bar, probably the most important part of the party. At least so Naoki would think. The whole area while not crowded, had enough people of both genders and even some the man did not know what, in case there were some into those. Otherwise, here and there, a number of smaller tables and seats were placed, for people to settle down if they did not feel like dancing or singing or standing around.

Lowering the hand which just absorbed his three little lights, the Uchiha would lead the three towards the center of the thing, the bar. On his way picking up two more chairs and placing them at the nearest table, then turning at his fellows. Trying to be loud enough to be heard. "Well, here we are! Anybody want anything? A drink?" He did not mind buying the first round. Hearing their requests, if any and assuming they were reasonable, the man would then head towards the bar to order the stuff, while leaving the others to seat themselves or find something they would have liked to do.
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:19 am
Kaede's pace was slow. Slow enough that a minute or two into the walk he had dropped back to being the second slowest. The slowest of course was that ever quiet companion of Saiga's. Kaede did not recall if the man had ever said his name, something that he found to be quite rude. So wanting to be friendly, he would have turned around to talk to them man. The sight that would greet him would be rather unpleasant. Time seemed to slow down for Kaede, as he watched the man brutally kick the poor dog in the head. Anger rushed through Kaede, how dare someone attack animals within his village. Poor Lassie, Kaede took a moment of silence for the loss of the dog before leaping into action.

He didn't literally leap of course, only an idiot would leap into battle. Instead he wanted to end this as quickly as possible. Of course he did think quickly of what would happen because of what he was about to do, but that did not stop him from doing that. It seemed that this deal was now off, all because of this fool kicking a dog in the head. From his chest a chain burst forth. Travelling at an immense speed, faster than Kaede could actually track with his eyes, it shot forth towards the man's still extended leg. The spike on the end of the chain would be set to pierce through the side of the lower leg. Kaede believed in the term 'an eye for an eye', or whatever it is. He did not believe this punishment would be sufficient enough.

Should the leg be pierced, it would arc. Turning direction while retaining it's speed and curving in towards the other leg. From how the man was standing it would not hit the side this time, instead setting itself to pierce straight through the man's kneecap. While that happened a chain burst forth from the original, shooting out from where the chain would have pierced the leg he had kicked with. Said chain would move directly upwards, changing direction if needed so that it would drive itself through the right upper arm. The chain that would have pierced the kneecap would do something similar, snaking it's way up and around to stab through the opposite upper arm.

If all went according to plan the man would have several pierced limbs. The strength of the chains would obviously surpass his own, rendering him unable to move against the chains. It was than that the punishment would begin. From where the chains had pierced the body, more chains would be created. Totalling four more chains, each would snake there way through the arms and legs of the man, burrowing up through his body towards the internal organs. Now Kaede wasn't a medical man, so it was really blind guessing at this point. After burrowing their way through and into the man's torso, they would lash around wildly to try and tear up any organs.

While extremely crude it would be quite effective, if all had gone according to plan then the man's organs would have been cut up and punctured several times. What would follow would be a slow agonising death for the Takigakure jounin. Kaede felt no sorrow in what he had done. Though he did wonder if perhaps he had been too hasty in handing out such a painful death to the man. After all, it was not like he had brutally tortured the dog before death. Oh well, what was done was done. Unfortunately he did not doubt that Saiga would simply ignore what would have happened; so he had to deal with that as well.

From his back, ten chains would be created. This would have happened around the time that the man's kicking leg would have been pierced. Kaede did feel a tinge of regret, having to put down Saiga like this. He did think that the two villages would have had a decent relationship. It was a shame then, that the fool had gone and slain an animal in front of him. Unlike when he had attacked the jounin, these chains would be aimed for specific places. Instead it was just random shooting really, though most of them were centred around the upper body/head area. So if they did hit then it would most likely turn the man into swiss cheese or something along those lines.

Now all of this would have happened in mere seconds, faster than any of the four could realistically track. So if it had actually happened then it would most likely spell death for the two foreign shinobi. It was perhaps quite lucky then, that Kaede had been distracted by a bird before he had turned to talk to the jounin. What was even luckier, was that Kaede was so distracted by said bird that he failed to even register the sound of the animal being slain. So he continued on his merry way, walking after Naoki who lead them all the way to a party or something.

Naoki had led them to a beach bar of some sort from the looks of things. Kaede had only been here a couple of times, mostly back when he was trying to gain the favour of the populace. Regardless, it seemed most of the people knew it was him as they threw a few waves and smiles before going back to whatever they were doing. Kaede being the kind soul he was of course returned the gestures of greeting. Sitting himself onto one of the chairs that Naoki had pulled up he heard the man question if anyone wanted to drink. "Surprise me." He said in response, he did not really care for any particular drink that Shimagakure's bars had. He liked them all equally.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:53 pm
Saiga had turned his head around in hopes of thanking Shingetsu for accompanying him to the village, but what he sees instead is unexpected. Apparently the man had strayed off path, and is now standing before a stray dog. Curious as to what is about to happen he continues looking, and is shocked at the man's random act of violence, mostly because he did not expect for the normally calm man to do such a thing, perhaps it was informing him of his clan that triggered this sudden change. After seeing this, Saiga turns his head forward, a smile spread out across his lips, and continues forward, since apparently no one else was alert to the man's actions.

Finally arriving at their destination, Saiga is taken in at the elegance displayed before him. He has seldom seen such a sight worthy of his approval. The beach being perfectly illuminated by the night stars, as-well as the torches, life brought to it by the islands inhabitants. Walking towards the bar, Saiga hears Naoki's offer of getting a drink he prefers to have,

"A cranberry cocktail if you will, thanks." he says smiling towards Naoki.

Saiga looks out towards the ocean, a smile still planted on his lips, he would walk near a their perspective seats, but instead of sitting down, he remains standing for the time being, taking in the scenery. His eyes glancing form the torches, to the dancers on the elevated platform. This being a party and all, he takes the time to get comfortable, loosening the top 3 buttons of his green shirt. Immediately he feels a sense of calmness overwhelm him, as the oceans breeze caresses the exposed area of his upper chest.

"This beach is truly magnificent, Kaede." He says calmly complimenting the man's village. While staring at the waves that calmly move backwards and forth, near the shore. "Never in my life could I imagine that something as beautiful as this actually exists." Continuing to smile, he waits for the man's response, if any.
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:58 pm
One thing that should have been noted about Shingetsu, was that he did not know his own strength. That was why, with the flurry of blood, brain and bone marrow, his foot continued to travel much to his dismay. It continued to reach for the stars! A slight cry of dismay erupted from the newly corrupted man's mouth, the foot however did not seem to care as it continued on it's merry way to fully complete the punt with the body of the dog still flying with it due to the force of the kick. Jee, that sure was lucky, I mean, if anybody had stopped near him he could have just like, you know, kicked their head off like a daisy! Well, not like a daisy it's not censored it'd be more brutal than that, he'd kick it off like throwing an egg at a wall made of jelly; sticky, and pretty fucking annoying to clean up. Jee, just imagine someone being foolish enough to just stop there for any particular reason, and say, even distract themselves by looking directly at him.. Nah, that's a silly thought, surely no one would be foolish enough to do that!

Slipping on the blood with the dog's carcass flying high into the air, he looked up briefly to see the homing beacon that was the remains of a dog parasailing through the air behind the group, directly into a group of school children that would now have a nasty shock but a neat story to tell their grand kids! Provided the dog did not have aids and provided they did not exchange bodily fluids with it, but hey, kids will be kids these days right!

Standing up and groaning about the blood that now covered his butt, he continued to follow the group, walking simply behind the counter and reaching for a bottle of vodka that he soon pulled to his chest, a single look at the shop keeper made him realise the ferocity in the man's eyes; or perhaps it was the flecks of blood that covered his arse and face. Either way, he did not have to pay for this drink and so he drank to his hearts content, listening to the witty banter of his companions..

for now.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:49 am
First hearing Kaede's request, Naoki would immediately start thinking... and inspecting the leader. He could not help it, but the Uzumaki looked like a rum guy. Saiga requested a cocktail of cranberries, which was not exactly specific, leaving the Uchiha to come up with what he would order himself. Nodding at the two he would turn towards the fourth member of their little group only to find him already at the bar, holding a bottle of what seemed to be vodka. Only now would Naoki notice the blood covering various parts of the man's body. Did he get into a fight over that battle before any of them noticed or something?... He certainly had no recollection of how that blood appeared there. Regardless, it would seem that Naoki would not need to worry about him as the man had already taken care of his drink. Fairly blunt at the same time quite a pure taste, he had to note.

The Uchiha would walk up to the bar, providing the guy with the drinks a chance to move away from Shingetsu. Glancing through the drinks, not yet sure what he wanted for himself, he would begin "Carpe Diem, Poinsettia... and one Old Fashioned." He would say then turn around and lean at the bar, while the guy did his magic, at the same time listening to the two leaders. It was nice to hear Saiga compliment their village. When he was finished, the drinks would be done and Naoki would summon ten glowing orbs that would carry them to the two, while his own Old Fashioned sat in his hand. This would give Kaede a chance for a pause, to think of what to say, before his fiery mix of different rums and juice was delivered to him, or answer immediately and the receive the drink and watch Saiga get his flute of horizon colored fluid. Once their job was completed the orbs would spiral their way back to Naoki, half of them disappearing on his skin while the other half remained floating around him. He would take a sip.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Party Time!!!! Empty Re: Party Time!!!!

Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:50 pm
Kaede took note of the quiet man having blood on the back of his trousers. Not one to question the private activities of others he simply let it be, but made a note never to be alone with this man and to never bend to pick up something. He nodded to the compliment that Saiga paid to Shimagakure and smiled. "The view is quite nice isn't it?" He mused accepting the drink that Naoki had given him. He took a sip of the drink and paused for a moment. Then turning his head to look towards the random citizens of Shimagakure dancing he relaxed. For now he would just sit and drink, because he felt quite lazy right now.
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