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Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:23 pm
"WOMAN, GO MAKE ME A SAMICH!" The voice of a drunken man.

"Father, we're out of bread..." Now, the soft voice of a young girl.

"BRAT. Tell me if this color is pretty!" The snobby voice of an older woman.

"Mother, I don't know..." It was the child again.

Then the sound of a table flipping and glass breaking was heard. A few moments of silence passed, and suddenly the front door burst open, a small, young 11 year old girl storming clumsily out of the house. And then... SMACK. She ran into a tree... again... The girl got up, dusted herself off, and shook back her short, brown hair out of her face a bit. Even if she couldn't see, hair in one's eyes was still annoying. She blinked promptly, dull emerald green eyes opening and closing swiftly, and began walking in the direction she hoped was the park. Akemi and Daiki never really follower her, so she figured she was safe for now.

Now, Hanako was completely blind, and had only been that way for about a month. So, needless to say, she kept tripping and bumping into things in her haste, searching arms spread out as she tried to gain her footing. "This would be sooo much simpler if I could see..." she muttered darkly, eyes glaring hard at nothing.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:26 am
Sora yawned as he walked through the village, staying as quiet as he possibly could. The boy had seen some fangirls while he was taking a stroll and it scared him to say the least. He was still wearing a white unzipped jacket, under that a blue T-shirt, with his black jeans and shinobi sandals. Remember that friend Sora always mentions? Well she turned into a genin as well and still thinks his shoes don't go with his outfit. However, the Yuki didn't listen nor did he bother to care. The passed the by the entrance of the park, but stopped too take some steps back and actually stand at the entrance. His hands were shoved deeply into his jacket pockets as he looked around the place.

Sora managed to see a girl around his age near by that was... tripping and bumping into everything. It was things like these that made the Yuki always question this village. None the less, he walked over to the girl and simply tapped her shoulder left with his left hand. He still had his right in his jacket pocket. "You okay?" he questioned with a confused look.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:06 pm
At the touch of her shoulder, Hanako whirled around unsteadily, body slightly forming a defensive stance. Her father must have followed her out again. However, when he heard the sound of an unfamiliar voice, she let herself begrudgingly relax. "Y-yeah, I'm good... Just blind, as of two months ago, that's all. You know, no big deal," she said mostly seriously, almost as if she was brushing it off. However, her voice held a rare twinge of sarcasm to it. She let her previously wide eyes droop a bit and attempted to lean back on a poll that she was fairly certain was there. However, it seemed she miscalculated as her fingers slightly brushed a poll behind her and she fell onto her back. Hanako quickly scrambled up and brushed her shoulders off yet again, attempting to focus in on the boy's eyes but finding his forehjead instead. "....I'm still getting used to this whole 'blind' thing......" she said quietly.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:41 pm
Another day had passed that he had sat in the new Kage office of Kumo doing some of the paperwork in Misaki's absence, although where she had been was no mystery to him, he had kept quiet for the most part however he had kept quiet and did the work. Wearing his new attire of a long red and black sleeveless jacket whose collar covered his mouth and nose only showing his yellow eyes, black pants and black bandages over his feet. After finishing the latter of the work, the wolf of Kumo would stand up and push the red hair out of his eyes he would stand up and grab his head band, walking to a nearby window and jumped out of it running towards the village to actually have some fun.

It would not take him long to get to the village that he lived him, although as he landed he would crash into a tree near two individuals and sadly for that poor tree it would be no more as it cleaved it in half passively by his soul take blades. Standing up he would chuckle and look at the two," Oh...i remember you, Sora isn't it? How are you liking being a genin eh, hope it is fulfilling your dreams," he would look over to the girl and tilt his head for a moment, her scent was weird and even more so he would stare into her eyes which appeared dull. Shrugging he would look at her and kneel close," So girl what is your name?," simple and to the point he would wait for her to speak and then move away once he had gotten his answer.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:26 am
Sora rose an eyebrow at the girl and shoved his left hand back into his pocket. "Well, lots of sensory ninja are blind. I'm sure there will be one to help you cope." He responded, "But I don't know what's it like to be bl-" His sentence was cut short once a tree near them split in two, the piece being cut off falling onto the ground. Sora had moved back a bit once the large object hit the floor and covered his eyes from the small cloud of dust it created. The boy turned to see who could have done such a random action. He rose an eyebrow once he saw that it was the jounin who had proctored his genin exam. The Yuki lightly smiled and simply gave a nod at his superior.

"I already did my first E-Rank on my own!" He said. He knows they were some of the lowest ranking missions, but he was still happy with himself! The rewards was very nice as well. Sora seemed to have some sort of spark radiating off his body as he continued to be greatly proud of himself. The boy turned to face the girl this time, also curious on what her name was.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:59 am
Hanako had been listening intently tossing around the idea of a teacher when she heard a large commotion behind her. Her eyes widened. Daiki broke things. Then Hana heard a chuckle, and her body visibly stiffened, as if braved for an attack. Daiki chuckled. "...Fath-" she began, but was cut off as he spoke. She let herself relax a little bit, but she was still tense and jittery. This person was still a man, perhaps not totally mature, but a man all the same. Hanako was not comfortable anymore. "...Hello... I'm Hanako. I don't believe I got your names... B-but, if you don't want to say, it's fine..." the Genin said stiffly, fingering the hem of her pink sweater. She lowered her head a bit, the soft brown locks shadowing her eyes. The girl was never comfortable around men anymore, but she had a very good reason to be afraid. She didn't appear afraid, just a bit...submissive (for major lack of a better word). 
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:51 am
Looking at the boy first he would chuckle and ruffle his hair for a bit," Good good, seems like your well on your way to becoming a good shinobi just keep up the good work... wonder who you are going to get for a sensei," seeing one of the newer genin do so well gave him a small sense of satisfaction, but it wasn't like he had cared or anything. As he heard the girl speak he could pick up on the small traces of being scared...or was it something else. Shaking his head he would use his index finger to slowly yet gently raise her head, in which he would smile," My name is Yaju and i am jounin of this village, i take it you cannot see me yes? i have never quite met a blind shinobi before but it seems interesting," sitting down onto the ground he would scratch his head and think of something really fast.

Snapping his fingers he would look in Hanako's direction and nod," Say Hanako what rank are you? A genin if i am not why aren't you on a squad yet, if its personal you don't have to tell me but," and he stopped before sighing," i will put you two on my new squad since my previous one has already began their transition into chuunin," he would wait for each of them to speak before standing up and whistling.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:36 am
A grin formed on Sora's face Yaju had ruffled his dark blue hair. It reminded him of when his dad used to do that all the time. He nodded in agreement with Yaju's comment. "Yea, I wonder who she or he will be too. I hope it'll be someone who can help me gain my Ice element." he replied. Before the Jounin used his finger to lift Hanako's head, Sora already waved his hand only about 2 inches from the girl's eyes. He wanted to check if she was truly blind and couldn't see a thing. It would be true if she didn't react to the action. The Yuki would pull back his hand immediately once he done that. He went over to take seat on the ground as well, being a few a feet away from the older ninja.

His eyes went from looking at Hanako, to looking directly at Yaju after he talked about placing them on his team. That.. would be awesome. "Yea, I don't mind you being my sensei. That would be great actually!" he almost shouted, a smile forming on his face. Sora fell onto his back to lay on the grass and put his hands behind his head. He rubbed his eye with his right hand. The boy silently scolded himself after forgetting she had asked for his name. "By the way, my name is Sora Kayto. Nice to meet you Hanako." He said.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:13 am
Hanako flinched from the movement of the hand in front of her face, but didn't blink to it. It was just a bit close for her liking. And when Yaju lifted her chin, it reminded her so much of Daiki she could scream. However, she just tensed visibly and flinched slightly, eyes wide at the sudden contact. "H-hai..." the Genin uttered shakily, responding to the older ninja's first two questions. She didn't relax as Yaju removed his hand and sat down. "Im still a Genin... There was an odd number of graduates so I'm still waiting for a team," she replied, hopefully a little more calmly. "Oh, alright then, Sensei," Hanako said. She took a deep breath and let it out subtly through her nose. So she had an adult sensei. A man. Lady Luck must really hate her for some reason... She looked over to Sora. "Oh, konichiwa Sora-san, Yaju-sama..." she said quickly, realizing she forgot to reply to them.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:43 pm
well it would seem that Yaju had struck a nerve with Hanako although he did not know what he had done. At any rate he would continue to sit down and listen to her, well rather watch her body movements.. it was something to see someone to be so distraught over being touched. Maybe it was something in her past or maybe something current either way he would look over to Sora and nod," Yea but don't call me sensei it makes me feel older than i already am, i am only seventeen and people see me as an adult...although i can do so many things since i am of high standings in the village and all of that," although he would fall on the ground and chuckle as he heard Hanako call him sama which was newish to him.
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