- Xuro KinzokuteiCitizen
- Ryo : 22900
Re: Hallo [P.NK]
Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:18 pm
Xuro was wondering out the streets of Kumogakure in search of any ninja he knew. He was indeed of some ryo and would wish to borrow from then since he needed to buy some few things. While walking he had seen the ninja named Tee who he had met the other day. He ran up to him and asked, "Hey Tee, its me Xuro. I know its a bit abrupt of something but I'm in need of some Ryo. So can I please borrow 2000 Ryo urgently??" He asked politely with a smile on his face...
- Xuro KinzokuteiCitizen
- Ryo : 22900
Re: Hallo [P.NK]
Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:36 pm
"Thanks a lot man!" Xuro smiled and said as he took the ryo, "well cya around!" He then took off heading to the store which was selling whatever he wanted...
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