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Kizashi Domeki
Kizashi Domeki
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D-Rank: Mission: Capture The Prankster Empty D-Rank: Mission: Capture The Prankster

Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:41 am
Mission Details:

Mission Name:Capture the Prankster
Rank: D
Type: Retrieval
Character Requirements: Genin or higher
Mission Location: Village
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 Ryo

Task: A boy has been putting graffiti on the wall of buildings. He has thus far managed to escape custody, and posses skills equal to that of an Academy ninja, able to move around on rooftops to escape capture. Now it is your turn to try and capture him, good luck!

*A loud scream can be heard along the gate of the Hidden Cloud. As it occurs it reaches the homestead of the young Kizashi. As he awakens from his dreams he rubs his eyes. As he stands up he tiltis his head and with arms crossed along the base of his spine. Once another scream is heard father off he goes over to his closet grabbing his clothing as he begins to dress he looks into the mirror. He seems himself a young boy having short black hair with three small bangs coming down his forehead. His eyes half open with small gray iris and smaller black pupils. His face long and narrow as his nose is rather longer and sharp. His clothing is a black gi open to expose his mesh armor like clothing. His pants of the day are white having his new white shin guards matching with his white forearm guards. His blue sandals seemed a bit out of place to him. At any moment he would grab his white headband with the protector engraved with his villages symbol. Once he ties it on he appears to be an out of place Genin. Though he steps out grabbing his yumi bow from the celler, as well as three arrows. Before setting off outside. Once outside he walks around before stopping at a rather tall building. He places his bow on the back of his cylinder holster for his arrows. Having a small attachment for it. As he does so he places his hands together into the ram seal. After a moment of concentrating his chakra to the soles of his feet he lifts the left leg up and plants in onto the building. He follows with the right and begins to walk up the side of the building.

Once reaching the top of the building he sees a young boy running across the rooftops with a bucket of paint. Kizashi would look rather unamused of the boys antics as he to ebgins to sprint across the roof tops onto out moving the boy with a drifting skid to the rooftop before the boy. Once there he forms the seals "Ram → Snake → Tiger" thus having two mirrored bodies stand before the opposing boy. The three move their right arms back lifting up the yumi bow. As they do so the bow is held out arms length as the left arm lifts up bending back and grasping the butt of an arrow. It reels it back in and begins to strum the bow. Rather tightly the string is set. Though the prankster seems to be dumbfounded but quickly realized the move and begins to run back throwing some paint in the way. The rather moist paint forms a large mess blocking the viwq. This did not stop Kizashi though. He released the arrow as it shoots through the paint not hindering the speed and finally strikes the boys Splenius captis muscle. Having it the tip exiting out through the front of the neck.

From the immense pain the boy would fall over bleeding greatly. At this time several Jonin of the Hidden Cloud would have arrived. Staring down at the childs body as it begins to shake and cough up more blood. The eyes begins to widen with the iris slowly starting to darken. The eyes watering as tears flow down this childs face. The Jonin stare at Kizashi would seems to not have even cared. The taller one asks him what just happened, and all Kizashi would even say was "He was happy.." Before departing. He learns that a shinobi placed a mission up for this prankster. After several leads he goes to the Jonin who offered a reward of four hundred fifty ryo. He stands in the door way as he says the mission is complete.*
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

D-Rank: Mission: Capture The Prankster Empty Re: D-Rank: Mission: Capture The Prankster

Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:44 am
Approved for +3 JP and 450 Ryo
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